Chapter 27

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Warning: slightly kinky smut

Bartholomé P.O.V

The party is going on full swing with the guests dancing to the music in the middle of the room, while the colourful lights project small circles on the curved walls. The ceiling made of glass let the moonlight shine in to bathe the room in a surreal ambiance and the white columns sure did not help, if only, the weird symbols engraved in it only worked on accentuating the atmosphere.

Luka had some maids bring the guests’ gifts in our royal suit and we had chosen to open them tomorrow, but Max made it clear that we absolutely had to open his gift tonight. It slightly terrifies me, but I know that he means no harm. 

I take a small canape to bring to my mouth, only for a chubby hand to snatch it off my grip and bring it to his owner’s own mouth. Zane munch on the treat with bulging cheeks as I scoff at him, feigning to be offended. The devil only giggles before taking another piece of food off my plate which is easily accessible as I hold Zane with one arm while the other holds my dish. I look pleadingly at a laughing Luka for help, making him laugh even more before he seems to remember who will be sharing his bed tonight and takes Zane away.

I watch as my mate drops off our Micro bean in his caregiver’s arms, Michelle, and then comes back toward me. Michelle will be taking care of Zane while we can’t, which means that tonight we will have all the time we want to make love and tomorrow morning we will be able to just laze around in bed. Finally, some time alone for both of us. We loved Zane, but sometimes I just wanted Luka to choke me against the wall and doing it in Zane’s presence would be pretty bad.

Remembering the last few times we had tried different BDSM things, I can’t help but start to harden and become a little aroused, which is not a good idea in a room full of shifters who can smell arousal. Our couple isn’t really hardcore, I just like a little pain and the feeling of submitting to another person, while Luka like to have control and feel the trust I have in him. We have picked a few light fetishes like choking, spanking, and breeding kink, but I also rely on Luka to pick my clothes and food. I also turn toward him to ask for permission for most of the decisions I have to make. We can’t call ourselves real master and slave or dominant and submissive, we are total noobs in comparison.

Luka and I think it must have been because of our pasts. I didn’t get the chance to have parents who take care of me, so I projected Luka into a sort of protector figure and as for my last mate his abuse could have triggered some instinct in me that made me like pain to please my mate. Some survival instinct if you could call it. Or maybe I was just a freak all along. Anyways, Luka couldn’t control most of his life and was always under his father’s orders, so I offered him the chance to dominate that he needed. We were both made for each other.

Of course, I know that not all BDSM couples or the like are similar to us, but it is our own way to escape from our past’s clutches and find strength. Some might judge us or be disgusted, but we have plenty of supportive friends to destroy those people and we just don’t care what others think of us.

I come back from my thoughts as strong arms wrap around my waist, making my back collide with a broad chest. I feel the life pulsating from his heart vibrate against my skin and I can’t help the smile that stretches my lips into a goofy smile. Turning my head, I look up at my mate whose scent I had identified and peck his lips. He chases after my mouth as I separate our faces from each other and I can’t help but give in to another kiss, longer this time.

"You wanna ditch them and jump to the next step, Little bean?" My husband asks me in his husky voice, hot breath fanning against the lobe of my ear and making me shrink into a ball. I quickly nod, not needing to be asked twice before wrapping my arm around his and tugging him toward the exit. He chuckles at my antics but nonetheless follows me to elope, not before telling one of the guards that we will be in our bedroom and not to let anyone disturb us even if the kingdom is burning. It is my turn to laugh at his choice of wording, making sure to stifle my laughter as much as I can to not alert any guest of our hurried departure.

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