Chapter 25

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Bartholomé P.O.V

Everything is going well. My body is all healed, Luka has taken over the crown and is now the King of our kingdom, Zane is as gluttonous as ever and our wedding is now completely planned. Following all the events that took place in my life and the recent war, I decided that I wanted to be useful. 

With Akim’s help, I started to train my body and learn martial arts. I focus more on using my opponent's force against himself than trying to have the body of an alpha. Of course, as an omega, I will never be able to fully fight along with soldiers in a battle, my body and genes do not allow it, but I could still protect Zane if someone was to attack us someday. It is hard, really hard. I never sweat so much in my life, and I discovered muscles I never knew I had. However, it is with a smile on my lips that I go to sleep into Luka’s arms each night, relieved and proud of myself.

I personally prefer using Brazilian jiu-jitsu, a type of mix between judo and jujitsu. It mainly uses techniques on the ground and force the opponent to submit by choking them or taking one of their limbs into a key lock. For my small size, it is perfect. I can easily sneak around my foe and grip my target if he were to try to punch or kick me, using his own power to bring him down to the ground and then forcing him to submit.

I don’t like violence that much, so just being able to save some time until the rescues come is enough for now. Of course, I am still learning other martial arts to be on the safe side but using my opponent’s strength as their weakness is really gratifying. It is still risky because my small frame can allow them to lift me off the ground and hurt me badly by dropping me back down, which is why my hands and feet need to be precisely at the right places.

I’m beginning to show light muscles on my small frame, much to my mate’s delight. It reassures him that I can defend myself, which is kind of rare among alphas as they usually prefer their mate to be completely relying on them for protection and be on the soft side. I’m glad to have gotten such a husband, the Moon Goddess really paired us well.

I think he is also happy that it means I will be able to last longer in bed, but I will not focus on this part. Those past days, the sexual tension between us has been growing at an alarming rate. At first, Luka joined me in the shower after my sweaty session with Akim, but we were always going further and further into our relationship, and we finally had to stop going together when we went as far as Luka loosening my hole and nearly penetrating me.

We want our first time to be perfect, not rushed. We both did some blowjobs to each other, but we agreed that anal sex was to be done after the wedding only. Only a few days from the night we are both looking for, I have been loosening myself each time I shower to be sure that both his penis would be able to enter easily. I don’t want us to have to stop because I am in too much pain, it could ruin the mood.

Anyways, even though the castle’s staff already approved of me and see me as their other king, I will only be formally one after our official union. Which is why I’m currently in the secret library reading historical books instead of accompanying Luka while he answers questions from the people who requested an audience. Some comes concerning problems with their farms, as the kingdom is self-sufficient and so farms are crucial, others want to know the king’s future projects and some people just want to meet their king to offer gifts or such, be it for our coming wedding or just to express their thankfulness toward Luka for saving them from his father’s evil plan.

As I am not yet a king too, I can’t openly give my opinion, which doesn’t keep Luka from coming to see me from time to time to ask it. Another reason for not having me near him is the sexual tension I was speaking of earlier. We can’t keep our hands to ourselves. Luka even had me give him a blowjob under his desk while he was reviewing some papers a few days ago. I nearly choked on his dick when his butler entered the room to ask a few questions. The pervert still kept my mouth firmly attached to his one of his lengths with his hands behind my head while answering and didn’t let me go until he came, which only happened a few minutes after the old man left.

It was thrilling and kind of exciting, but I still wouldn’t do it again. What would the staff think of me if they knew? A horny dog who disturbs their king’s duties, certainly.

Therefore, I now avoided Luka like the plague as long as we were outside our room, making him give me puppy eyes when we finally reunited, but I won’t give in. Never. It is a matter of dignity as a future king; I can’t start my reign viewed as a sex doll, even if I miss running my hands on his well-defined abs or on his broad chest or licking his mouth-watering big fat dicks or feeling his strong hands choking me or-

Shit, now I’m hard.

That’s exactly what I meant; we are like young werewolf teenagers with hormonal problems that go off in the woods to rut against tall trees at night to keep their lust at bay. Not like I ever did it or seen anyone do it. Not at all. Never.

Taking in deep breaths while thinking of the wrinkly face of Luka’s father, I finally succeed in my boner transforming into a placid dick, never to rise again until the horrid mental image is out of my mind. Talking of the old king, he and his cellmates all died not long ago, their magic having been drained by our floating island to protect itself. Taking into account the fact that the hunter died too, and that Luka sent people to bring Gloria and executed her, her magic not strong enough to be drained and be of some use to our island, we can say that all people allied against us has been taken care of.

Luka also gave some of his newly recovered magic to our kingdom to make it stronger, the outer edge of the structure is now harder than ever and unless you have a special pass you can’t come into the pellucid globe covering the whole island, nor can any attack penetrate it. As for the pass, it is only given to messengers whose identities and situations are verified weekly to make sure that nothing can make them betray us.
Such extreme measures were, of course, voted before being applied, but the vast majority were happy to know that they are safer and agreed with those solutions. They don’t want to risk another war or putting their loved ones into danger. The minority who didn’t agree were mainly old and rich people previously happy with the old king’s means that held no regard toward the populace and the lower classes. In case of a crisis, they can easily defend themselves and have enough food to last for months, which is not the case for everyone. As such, Luka banned them to lower kingdoms to avoid any rebellions and possibly risk our safety, which made everyone happy, apart from the concerned people.

We are finally going on the right path.

Hey dear readers, a small chapter to present the progress of the situation! 

Also shout out to the people who wanted Bart to be able to fight, I hope you are satisfied~

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See ya next update~

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