Chapter 18

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Bartholomé P.O.V

I wake up in Luka’s arms, our Zane put in his little bed beside us to avoid accidentally pulling on the wires connected to his chubby body while sleeping. I softly nuzzle my mate’s broad chest with my nose, taking in his addictive scent, making him tighten the hand resting on my shoulder and the one around my waist. He grunts a good morning before rolling on top of me, his hazy but piercing gaze settling on my smaller frame, making me unconsciously shrank my neck, my submissive side showing.

Luka gently smiles, placing a quick peck on my lips before I pull away from him when he tries to make it deeper. He frowns worriedly at me, not liking my rejection but mostly concerned about it.

"I don’t do morning breath, big guy," I say with a chuckle before attempting to get up. My efforts are rewarded with nothing but pain as I accidentally tug too much on my injuries. I keep myself from groaning at the feeling as to not alert Luka and his overprotective habits, which I had discovered since I woke up one week ago. Since then, he wouldn’t let me get out of bed alone, insisting on princess carrying me each time I wanted to go to the bathroom, holding me up while I did my business, which was luckily only number one as I was still fed via intravenous feeding, and going inside the bath with me and washing me. He always handled me as if I was some frail glass that could break with a little too much pressure.

Honestly, I love it.

I never had anyone to take care of me like that, the feelings it procured are nothing but warm. Of course, I know I will get annoyed if he continues to do so even when I am completely healed but having someone take care of me for now is enjoyable. 

At least, now he lets me get up alone, it is our little deal. I told him at the beginning that I would let him take care of me like his dominant side urges him to do, knowing that it is a natural instinct to want to provide me with everything he could, but that the further I heal, the less he would be allowed to act like that. I can’t become dependent on someone else; it can end badly.

That’s why we are going slowly. Step by step.

Luka gets off of me, allowing me to fully sit up, while watching me with worried eyes and hands ready to catch me if I were to fall or express any discomfort. I can see them clenching and unclenching, tight with tension as he keeps himself from touching me. When I’m comfortably seated, I motion for him to get closer with my finger, a small smile gracing my full lips.

"I can still allow some exceptions," I whisper as our noses touch before gently putting my lips on his, moving sensually against them as he does the same. Our mouths meet and separate, slowly discovering the other. The feeling of kissing foreign after so many weeks of not doing so, but still enjoyable, even more so with the renewed sparks spreading across our bodies at the much-needed contact.

When we finally drift apart, it is not without sadness. However, I really need to brush my teeth, I was already compromising with the last kiss. I can't wait any longer. My werewolf’s nose makes it so that I am hypersensitive to smell and let’s say that morning breath amplified by one hundred isn’t something pleasant. Of course, I am not to my full capacity in human form, but it is still superior to normal humans.

Knowing what I need, like always, Luka brings the little table holding my toothbrush, my toothpaste and a small cup to spit in before me after wetting my toothbrush. I mutter a shy thank you before quickly brushing my teeth while he does the same in the bathroom. Getting served is enjoyable, but I still feel a little embarrassed. Being so reliant on someone feels strange.

When we finally both smell like fresh mint, Luka nearly jumps on me to French kiss me, his tongue keeping mine captive and his hands roaming inside my hospital gown. I willingly opened my legs for him to settle there, his knees keeping mine open and one of his hands resting on my inner thigh. That is another side effect of nearly losing me. 

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