Chapter 13

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Bartholomé P.O.V

Everything was going well. Well, if my mental health didn’t count. We had spotted the spies and thus planned coincidental meetings with the staff who could be influenced when those who could not were missing. Such encounters were usually just me going around and giving cookies or other things to the staff, complimenting them or just patting their back as a thank you for their hard work. Therefore, the butler, cooks and maids soon saw me in a new light, giving me snacks or ruffling my hairs, cheering me up while my husband was gone, they were basically eating in my hand. 

It was easy to make them fall under my reign, their own king, an old irritable piece of shit who whips and insults them, never giving them gifts nor letting them rest. Comparing my soft approach with his harsh treatment, I can see why they side with me so quickly and I don’t hold it against them. With Misha’s help, my own network was slowly but steadily expanding. I was now aware of nearly everything happening between the castle’s walls, the Queen and King’s wing still not compiled in my winning chart, but it wouldn’t take too long until it is.

My plans were slowly becoming more and more real, each gear falling right where it should be and my spider’s web weaving itself all around the place. I now have more control over this place than the king himself. That’s what happens when you are a bitch to everyone and that your people hate you.

However, even with all that happy news, my chest still felt empty, heart hollow after half of it flew away, leaving me chilled and more robots than man. I was working on autopilot, my mind too focused on not drowning and unable to completely enjoy the little things that normally cheer me up. Snacks becoming tasteless, books making it so that a headache takes a comfortable seat in my mind each time I attempt to read one and my belly pulsing with life, a constant reminder that my mate wasn’t here and maybe wouldn’t be when I would give birth to our first child.

The knight didn’t mention how much time Luka would have to stay there and it has now been one entire month since he left. What was taking him so long? Did he encounter some danger while out there? If he did, is he alright? If he died, I would have felt it, our connected souls ripping away from each other. Even if we still have yet to mate, our close proximity made us bond enough to feel the other’s emotion when close and death even while far away. The mark will finally make us merge completely together and make us able to use a mate’s link. Different from a pack’s link, it can be used to communicate even while going out of the pack’s border, which would be useful in this case.

Suddenly, I get a weird feeling, like a pain in my chest, but it fades away before I can catch its tail and shake some sense out of it. I frown, not liking the situation, but my eyebrow soon reaches my hairline as my feet start to head toward the main hall. It wasn’t that I was controlled, more like my body was telling me to go there and that I wouldn’t regret it. Thinking back about it, maybe I shouldn’t have trusted it.

I continue on my way, letting my body guide me, however, it liked, and the more I went deeper, the more knights there seems to be in my path, greeting me as they walk along. However, it isn’t like before, where they would stop to talk to me, or even fake bow while laughing to make me smile. No, it is with an awkward step that they pass by my side, not even looking at me, turning their head away as if they were ashamed to face me.

Doubt starts to reach its wines in my torso, wrapping it around my heart and gradually squeezing it, making a strangled sound escape my mouth, but the following one I let out make it seem like a slight gasp as my eyes take in the scene before me as I finally reach the hall. My Luka, my husband, my mate, my hope and happiness, is currently kissing a beautiful woman with an hourglass figure. Well, now looking carefully at it, it looks more like he is letting her tongue fuck him, but it doesn’t change the fact that he is cheating on me right in my fucking face.

The King and who I assume is the Queen by the tiara she is wearing are standing by their sides, their thin lips stretched into a pinched smile that makes their wrinkled cheeks look horrifying. The foreign princess, judging by her sparkling dress and equally blinding diadem, finally let go of Luka’s mouth, turning to look at me with a smirk.

"Oh, look who we have here, my dear Luka. If it isn’t your little play toy. Shouldn’t you introduce us?" The plastic bag says with a sickening sweet voice, making my hair stand on end and shivers rack my uncomfortable body. I turn to look at the dragon, my lack of understanding painting my face before it morphs into one of pain at his betrayal at his next words.

"Useless disgusting little wolf, meet my queen and fiancé, Selena. I had fun playing with you, but now I don’t want to see you in my sight ever again." Luka says in an almost robotic voice, lacking any emotion, his eyes empty sockets that looked at me as if I wasn’t there. Only, it wasn’t only me. Luka seemed to have no soul left in his eyes, his entire body rigid and walking like a C-3PO. If it wasn’t for his scent, then I would have thought that it really wasn’t my Luka. Sadly, it is.

Which means that my mate, whom I thought I could trust, turned his back on me, leaving me with nothing but sorrow as he walked away with his future wife glued to his side, her hand to his biceps like it couldn’t separate from there.
I turn around and walk fast to my room, not wanting to see any longer Luka’s parents’ smug face as they laugh at my misfortune, my protuberant belly keeping me from breaking into a full run. I don’t understand, why would Luka choose her over me, his mate? And even then, why didn’t he reject me? To break the bond mates have with each other, you need to directly say that you reject the other, not just say that they didn’t want to see the other. It didn’t make any sense.

Also, there was the fact that he was definitely acting weird, his fish eyes and mechanical antics telling me that something wasn’t right. The mate bond was also acting strangely, I couldn’t feel the connection we had anymore, not like it was cut off from being separated for too long, but more like something was keeping it from reaching me.

Coming to a stop in front of my room, I see Misha standing against my door, popping her pink bubble gum out of her mouth before tucking it back in, repeating the same circle again and again, while texting who knows who on her cellphone. Someone dear to her, if my eyes aren’t playing tricks on me, with the way she smiles softly with a fond look in her blue orbs.

As if hearing me think about her, Misha raises her head and looks straight at me, eyes racking my body up and down, lingering on my face as if looking for some unknown clues for whatever she is looking for.

"Are you alright, pup? My Intel told me about what happened not too long ago. I can't believe Luka would do that. It really isn’t like him…" The gorgeous woman says, her long-boned fingers putting her phone into her top. I froze at the comment, memories coming back to life, but before I can dwell too much on it, my mind catches her last sentence. A bubble suddenly lights up in my mind, my brain working way too much for a single second as numerous possibilities flash into my mind.

"I know well enough that look on your face to know that you may already have a reason right here" Misha perks up, her attention never leaving my being while I had reviewed all the knowledge I had on sorcery and finally being rewarded when my eyes widen and my mouth gap open.

"Well, I think I know why Luka acted like he did, but we may need some help before deciding on any course of action," I replied to her implied question. I may have the answer to all of this; however, I needed an expert to be sure of my theory. And I think Misha knows the perfect person for this job, my assumption making itself true as Misha’s grin widens into a full-blown goofy smile, eyes sparkling at the idea of making me meet her most precious person.

Wait for me Luka, I will make the truth come to light soon.

Hey dear readers, what do you think happened to Luka?

Smart Cookie into action!

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(1 552 words)

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