Chapter 24

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Bartholomé P.O.V

After finally calming down from the high we had reached after our mutual confession, Luka helped me walk back to our chamber so I could rest after crying my heart out, while Liam and Akim went to join the other knights to search the neighbouring king's castle and the surroundings for the hunter. My body is still a little weak from the incident with Selena, after all, and Luka preferred to spend some time with Zane and I after such a bloody fight. He was calling it a purifying time. Which is why I am now cuddling with him in his bed with our backs to the wall, with the pillows raised to avoid back pain, while Zane peacefully sleeps curled on our glued body.

Luka gently stroked my waist with his arms behind my back and his hand on my hips. His other hand is busy monitoring his staff on his tablet, making sure that everyone has something to do and that his human resources are used wisely. I, on the other hand, am resting with my palms on his broad chest, comfortably curled into his side, while eyeing his orders, sometimes giving him tips. What warms my heart is that I can actually help him in his job with all the tactics I read in past books and that he takes my suggestions into account while giving out the jobs.

I'm more than happy to be able to stand by his side. I think I still lack some knowledge about the dragons' history to be able to fully help him as a king, but after this is all over I already obtained Luka's approval to go read the books in the secret library to broaden my knowledge. I want us to be a powerful couple.

As Luka finishes giving out his last orders, he closes the page with the messages and reveals under a site about wedding preparation and honeymoon. I feel his body stiffen under mine and looking at his white face, I can guess that I wasn't supposed to see it. Joy immediately fills my body and I nearly vibrate in excitement as I turn to face him fully, making sure not to wake up our sleeping bun in the process.

"Does it mean what I think it means, Honey?" I ask him before biting my lower lips, anxious to have my doubts confirmed or denied if it is only my wishful thinking. Maybe he was just checking it for later and didn't plan on holding a wedding anytime soon. We did agree to marry after I got better, but he could have changed his mind or needed more time to consider it with everything happening.

"Of course Sweetheart. I wanted to propose to you right after you got healthy again, the sooner the better. This attack only confirmed that I wanted you to be mine as soon as possible. However, I still wanted it to be a surprise, but I guess it was ruined. I had prepared an orchestra with flowers and ribbons, but I guess I will need to do it the old way. So, Bartholomé Rikki, will you marry me, Luka Grensly?" My mate says after letting go of me and getting on his knees beside the bed. My eyes water as I hurriedly scream yes before setting a squirming Zane off of me and on the bed and jumping in Luka's outstretched arms.

My husband takes me to fly around the room, his arms around my torso as he turns around in circles, which made me slightly dizzy, but also really cheerful. Making sure that my flying legs never collided against anything, Luka once again shows me how much he loves me and cares for me. We both laugh like crazy, still not fully assimilating the new and in a euphoric state like we had just consumed drugs.

Instead of setting me back down on my feet, Luka takes hold of my full butt cheeks and brings my slender legs around his waist, making me wrap my arms around his necks and bring our faces only inches apart. Our rushed breaths create puffs of hot air hitting the other's face, our smiling lips brushing against each other while our loving eyes sparkling with joys reflect our equally happy face.

Luka gently walks to the nearest wall, setting my back against it before one of his hands leaves my behind to rest on my waist, long fingers brushing past the border of my sweater and going under it, caressing my naked skin all the way up to my chest. He fiddles with my slightly puffy nipples, milk not coming out as Zane had drunk all of it in the hidden room, which then makes Luka frown and tsk under his breath, quite sad about not having any left for himself.

I laugh at his defeated face, making him spank my ass with a smirk to 'punish' me, even though we both know I would never truly laugh at him if he was really sad. I jump a little at the sting, but soon become more aroused at the light pain, rubbing my growing erection against his.

My husband switches his hand on my front to rubbing my back up and down, fingers lingering on my spine which could be felt against my skin. No matter how much effort my mate puts into fattening me up, he can never make me gain a few pounds to hide my bones. Even though he doesn't mind my skinny frame, I can see that he feels distressed, feeling like he can't take good care of me.

I take his face in my hand to make him raise his eyes which were on my chest to mine, the sad glint in his gorgeous orbs fading away as I bring him into a slow kiss. Our tongues sensually caress each other, rubbing together in and out of our mouths, making our surroundings fill with wet sounds and low moans.

Soon the room heats up to a point where we both begin to tear our clothes, annoyed at the tissue keeping us from joining our body in a blissful union. The sparks fly between us and the need to be marked makes my mind hazy with lust. It is only when a ringing sound comes from Luka's tablet and that Zane starts to whine that we come back to our senses and quickly separate with one last parting kiss.

I fumble with my clothes, trying to make me look more proper and not like I was just going to have sex with my mate in the same room as our son. Luka, on the other hand, does not seem to mind as he walks with long strikes to our bed, a cold aura surrounding him as he takes the tablet in a strong grip with a black face, likely refraining from just throwing it against the wall.

The ringing sound, which announces an incoming video call, stops when Luka accepts it. My face burns bright red when I realize that Luka's lips were still red and slightly bruised from our earlier kiss, while his hair was ruffled and the first few buttons of his shirt were open. The people on the other side of the call would most likely notice it and understand what exactly we were doing before being interrupted by them.

So embarrassing.

As much as I don't mind my relationship with Luka and feel no shame in telling others that he is my husband, I still don't want everyone to know what is happening in our bedroom. I'm a little too shy for that, unlike Max who doesn't hesitate to brag about his bedroom activities.

When I come back to my senses after remembering all the things Maxime told me about, Luka just ended the call and is turning toward me, looking at me with happy eyes. I gulp, feeling slightly nervous about what he just learnt, but Luka's lips soon stretch into a big goofy smile, before he runs toward me and takes me in his arms, laughing like a mad man.

"You were right, Little bean! My man found a dried corpse in the other king's castle and after analysis, it was found that the man had used dragon magic since approximately when the hunters appeared to sustain himself and stay alive. He died not long ago, during the war, not having enough ancient magic to continue cheating time. They also found a diary in his things which recorded everything about his plan. However, he sent Liam after you and initiated this last-minute war because his time was running out, it wasn't the King. Still, you were right about everything else! My little genius!" Luka says while kissing me everywhere in the face and neck, making me giggle at the ticklish feeling. I can't believe I was right. All the time I spent reading books in the past finally paid off.

I was wrong about one thing, but it doesn't minimize all the things I was right about. I'm so happy I didn't bring any shame to Luka. If the knights hadn't found what he told them to look for it would have dealt a heavy blow to his reputation. Now, the main culprit died, while his pawns were all arrested and led to the dungeon, from what Luka told me after he took me out of the hidden room. They will be detained there until all their magic is stripped off them, which will then lead to their death because they need it to live. They tried to strip all the kingdoms' magic for themselves, it is only right that they receive the same treatment.

Now, I can focus on my recovery and then our wedding!

Hey dear readers, excited for the wedding? I think you guys look more forward to the wedding night, am I wrong? *smirks*

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