Chapter 23

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Bartholomé P.O.V

The war lasted four more hours, during which Liam woke up without the spell working on him and after verifying he is now completely free from it, much to Akim’s relief. The shorter man was quick to untie his mentally exhausted mate and help him sit on the couch before sitting at his feet on his knees, back straight but head placed on Liam’s thigh while the latter softly runs his fingers in the former’s hair. Of course, Akim looked at me before to make sure that I wasn’t uncomfortable with their oblivious display of affection that was much needed after such an event. I had no objection, but such closeness made a pang of jealousy squeezes my heart, my mate still far away.

Luckily, no other intrusion was made during this time, and it was with relief that I saw Luka appear in the camera before the door, his finger ringing the bell. Now a few seconds from reuniting, I can’t help feeling slightly excited and nervous, not quite sure if my mate will believe my theory. I know it is pretty far stretched and relies on external factors that we don’t even know the existence of, but I’m pretty sure of myself, which is kind of a miracle in itself with how little self-esteem and self-confidence I have. I do not think I underestimate anyone, but I will talk to Luka about it, he knows his people better than I do. Maybe his insight will bring more clues.

When the door opens, I nearly fling myself to my dragon, Zane letting out a surprised squeak and holding my shirt in his fists while his tail curls securely around my torso. My husband opens his arms eagerly, meeting me in the middle and warmly embracing me. He lifts me off the ground in his enthusiast and spins me around, my feet flying behind me while I hold Zane tighter with one arm while the other goes around Luka’s neck. Zane and I laugh as we make one final turn before Luka sets me down on my wobbly feet, one of his arms still holding me by my slim waist while his free hand gently caresses my cheek, his thumb drawing circles on my cheekbone.

"I’m so happy you are alright," Luka whispers, his green eyes locked into mine with an intense gaze. I softly say ‘me too’ and go on my toes, bringing my face closer to his as he does the same by curving his back. As our lips are about to meet in a soft greeting, a chubby little hand smacks Luka’s mouth, making both our heads jerk back. We look down at a fuming Zane who looked quite pissed for some reason, staring at Luka as if he is his greatest foe.

Our cuddly baby then goes off on a ramble, various sounds escaping his mouth along with bubbles as he speaks to Luka, looking like he is giving him a speech with a serious look on his face, debating a matter of national security. With our worm’s hand still on his heavenly shaped lips, my mate decides to go with the flow and nods repeatedly, seemingly agreeing with whatever Zane says. His face morphed into one of a grave king, eyes looking straight at Zane as this one continued his incomprehensible speech.

Looking at both father and son who were having a conversation without me and at the strange atmosphere surrounding them, I can’t help but be engulfed by a laughing wave. My shoulders shake as I try to minimize my laughs, to no avail.

Soon, Zane takes note of my futile attempt not to laugh and immediately glare at me before pouting and turning his head away from me. Luka’s face softens and he gently takes off our baby’s hand from his mouth before pecking it, playing with the chubby sausages with his well-defined fingers before giving back the hand to its owner.

Zane seems to forgive me with this little bit of coaxing, going back to looking at me with bright eyes and a thumb in his mouth, interest shining in his green orbs. I kiss his little nose before turning back to Luka and quickly kissing him too but on the lips before Zane realizes what we are doing and separates us again. I think the little one will act as a cock blocker from now on. He must not want his father to steal his dad and milk feeder. The thought makes me remember the time Luka drank too much milk from me and there wasn’t any left for Zane after, making the gluttonous spirit cry for half an hour before he accepted the milk powder his father made for him as an excuse.

I chuckle in the kiss at the memory, making Luka raise an eyebrow at me when we separate. I gently shake my head to tell him not to pursue the matter before turning back to look at Liam and Akim, whom I had completely forgotten, when I see Luka throwing a quick glance their way. Both master and slave were now a good five feet apart from each other, looking just like a subordinate and his superior.

"We had a little problem while you were away, nothing serious, though. Liam was controlled by someone, like you before, to attack us, but was able to somehow take over the spell just in time for Akim to neutralize him. He is now free. Also, I think I may have an idea of who is targeting us, but I would like your opinion." I tell my mate, making sure to point out who is who while speaking and then proceed to tell him my theory. I’m quite nervous about his reaction, not too sure if I will get laughed at by my husband or if he will be disappointed with me. Maybe I am really wrong, and I just read too much drama. If it’s the case, I will turn toward more historic books than fictional ones.

It will also teach me to overstep my boundaries. I was too confident in myself. I’m just a lowly omega, I can’t be that smart. Even if Luka wants me to be King alongside with him, it is only because he fancies me. I am of no help to him.

As I slowly spiral down the self-conscious path, I’m taken out of my drowning by Luka who forcefully takes my jaw in his hand and brings my mouth to his in a furious kiss. Our teeth knock against each other while saliva drips down my chin and our breaths fuse together. It is only when I’m near fainting that my mate lets me go, looking at me dead in the eyes.

"I can see where your thoughts are going little mate and I do not appreciate it. You're absolutely perfect for me, you are everything I want and so much more. Don’t doubt yourself, you deserve every good thing that comes your way, be it me, to be King or Zane. You are much stronger than you think. The theory you just came up with is absolutely brilliant. I am more than certain that you are right. I love you Sweetheart," Luka says to me in a grave tone, his eyes never leaving mine even as they are filled with tears, and everything becomes blurred before me at his words. My lower lips wobble as I take in his last words, not quite sure if it is only my wishful imagination. It is only when he pecks my mouth and says it again before repeating the process a few times that I finally realize that he really said he loved me.

"I-I love y-you too!" I say as I throw myself in his arms once again, my small frame shaking violently as I sob against him while Zane squeaks in protest at being squeezed between us. That is what I always wanted, someone to love me. To feel like I belonged somewhere. Of course, I always knew he kind of loved me with how he stared at me and acted around me, but it always felt a little unreal. Now that he said it out loud, I can finally believe it. My parents never gave me their love, only attracted to fame, while my first mate was a douchebag that hated omegas and love between friends can’t be the same as between two lovers. I just wanted that, a small hopeful wish from a child to find a real family, to feel safe and cared for. Now, I had a husband who loved me and a child of my own that I would love like my parents never did with me.

I won’t make the same mistakes as them, nor as my first mate, I will take care of those around me and fully appreciate all the love they have toward me. I need to remember, as Luka said, that I’m worthy of it.

 I don’t want to lose them, ever.

Hey dear readers, they finally said it!

I’m now debating whether to add some slice of life content of their family or to end the story early. I don’t want to bore you all and make you unhappy with my story :(

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