Chapter 11

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Bartholomé P.O.V

“What do you mean I will not be teaching him good manners and everything he will need to know as our nation's future queen!?”  The old woman, who I assume is Gloria, screeches at Luka, having been told by the latter just seconds ago that she would be dismissed of her functions concerning me when she came into the dining room where we were having lunch and asked when we would start lessons. I must say she didn’t look quite happy with the decision.

“I mean that my mate can learn well enough alone and does not need an old rag screaming at him day and night. It is unfortunate, Gloria, but you should take a vacation or something to pass time. Maybe bring your adorable daughter with you, she deserves it more than you. Now, get out of my sight.”  Luka says in a loud voice, making the furious lady flinch before storming away while stomping her black high heels in anger, the snapping sound still echoing in the dining hall following her hurried and chaotic departure. Well, she has quite the temper. She seems used to being treated with respect and a high one at that.

Luka let out a sigh before clutching his long strand of dark green hair in his hands, making it a mess. I quietly got up from the plushy seat where I was resting while waiting for our food, which is located just crosswise from him with the long ass table between us. Said table is seemingly made of solid wood fused with a sort of green glass, making it look like a river in the arid plains. I’m in no way an expert but it looks expensive. I approach Luka and get behind him, my small hands coming to untangle his from his lustrous hair before getting them all out of his low bun. I then proceed to soothingly comb his mane with my fingers while sometimes scratching his scalp, making him emit a slow rumble of satisfaction after a few seconds only. Just like a big cat.

“I’m sorry. I’m always showing you my bad sides...” my boyfriend says after a few peaceful minutes. I frown, not liking him thinking like that. He does not need to worry about such things, we are mates. Him showing his weak side only makes me feel honoured that he trusts me so much.

“So, you don’t like it when I depend on you? When I tell you my problems and my weaknesses?”  I say in a neutral voice. I only want to tease him a little, make him realize that he has all the rights to act like that. It’s not because he is the dominant in the relationship that he needs to be perfect and always strong.

“No! That’s not what I mean Little Bean! You can always tell me what bothers you, I do not mind! It’s just...” Luka begins to say hurriedly, looking worried of having offended me, but as he goes to continue his speech, he twists around to look at me and sees the smile on my lips and the twinkle of amusement in my eyes, realizing that I was only teasing him. He let out a sigh, one of relief this time instead of annoyance, before taking my waist in his hand, bringing me to his side. He hugs me, no chair in the way this time, and our position makes it so that his head falls on my huge belly, his wide hands coming to a stop on my lower back. His hot breath penetrates the fabric of my sweater, making me feel warm. Suddenly, I feel a weird sensation in my stomach, like something moving in it. The strange vibration continues, growing stronger and stronger before finally feeling more like butterflies or busting air bubbles.

“Did the baby just move?!”  Luka says in a surprised voice, making me realize that he is indeed right. Our Micro Bean just moved. I guess it is normal as I am coming toward my fourth month. Only five months to go and I will have a small bundle of life in my arms… Just thinking about it makes me both feel afraid and happy. Am I really ready? Will I be a good father? Will I be a mother or a father? I know most omegas feel like they want to be called mother, wife, and such, but I like father and husband more… Will Luka hate me for that? Will he find it strange?

“What’s wrong Bart? You don’t look well...” my mate says while searching for my eyes, trying to establish eye contact. He is so gentle with me; I don’t want him to change his mind or opinion about me. I really want to lie, to tell him that everything is alright, that it just felt strange or something. Everything but the truth. However, for a relationship to work, communication is needed. It would be easier to lie, yes, but only for a short time. Then guilt and doubts will start to eat away at my mind, the nights will become shorter, my frustration will grow and one fatal day I will explode, and it won’t be pretty. Even if his reaction will kill me, even if I need to go back to Alexander’s pack, it is way better to tell the truth from the start.

“W-well, for one I’m not sure if I will be a good parent. I wasn’t really raised by good ones, so I don’t really have good references. Also, I-I don’t know what you want me to be called. I would prefer father or dad, b-but if you want me to be called mother I can too! I wouldn’t really mind… I mean I would be bothered… but if it makes you happy… I-” I start to ramble on and on, not quite sure what to say and when to stop. I don’t dare look at his face, afraid to see disappointment, anger or any other emotion that would make me feel as if I were crushed under a pile of rock.

“Bart… of course you will make a good parent. Maybe you will need some lessons, you will make mistakes, we all do, and maybe you will even have a breakdown. But you know what? I will be there with you. I will walk all those steps at your side, me too learning about being a good dad because, as you saw, mine sucks. We are together in this, don’t forget that. As for the titles, I think dad would fit you and you shall now be called my husband, and second king of this nation one day, if you would have me, of course.” Luka says with a small smirk and a raised eyebrow, as if knowing I wouldn’t ever say no to being with him. I jump in his arm, burrowing my cold nose against his warm collarbone and repeatedly saying yes at his proposition. Luka will be the father of my child and I will be his dad, we are both husbands, both princes and future kings. I can’t believe he really accepted. I’m so lucky to have him as my second mate.

Three knocks on the door woke us up from our happy moment, my cheeks reddening at such a show of my emotions before I quickly untangle myself from Luka, a sad whine leaving his mouth, but I quickly peck his lips as a compensation, making a goofy smile appear on his face. I sit back on my chair, rearranging my clothes to look more proper before Luka booms for the person to come in. A knight, well I suppose he is one with his heavy-looking armour, enters the dining wall after opening the giant doors and comes to a stop before us, giving a low bow to his sovereign.

“I’m sorry to disturb His Highness along with his mate, but an urgent notice came from the squad we sent to this rebellious neighbour of ours a few days ago. They need the help of His Highness, and of His Highness only. They specifically added that it needed to be Sir.” The nervous looking knight says with a slight tremor to his voice, surely afraid of angering Luka with the cumbersome news he brings.

“Well, let’s get ready,” Luka says to the knight, giving him a hint to disappear, before turning back to me after the poor man hurriedly does so, “Look like our time together has come to an abrupt halt, I’m sorry Little Bean. I promise we will spend more time getting to know each other after I come back, alright?”

I nod before giving him a hot kiss, teeth colliding against each other, hot breaths entwined and noses rubbing together. Our lips finally gave each other a long departing touch before separating. He gets up and waves at me before leaving by the door the knight just comes in and out of. Only a few seconds in our separation and my heart already feels as if it was torn into two halves, one of it leaving along with the soothing scent and warmth of its reptilian owner.

Now, all there is to do is wait.

Hey dear readers, what do you think will happen? Little hint: Luka will not get hurt or die.

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See ya next update~

(1 542 words)

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