Chapter 6

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Bartholomé POV

“Stop following me or I won't eat my dinner!” I say to my puppy mate, quite annoyed by the ways he has been stalking me for the past few days. At first it was cute, he would stay behind me and whisper sweet nothings in my ears from time to time, take my hands while I was walking, or more like waddling, down the stairs and rub the aches away from my legs and back when the night comes. Then I began to feel oppressed by the attention. I mean, with the way I have been living until recently, I’m more used to being a ghost who walks along the walls than some sort of divinity who makes Luka feel the need to worship some sort of cult called the Bart’s Club. I think he even created a website where he does nothing but compliment me all day long. 

I tried threatening him of rejecting his beautiful being if he continued to breath down my back, but we both know it won’t happen. He is the perfect half for me, he makes me feel wanted and loved. My self-esteem is starting to come back little by little, broken pieces being stuck together one by one by a super glue called Luka Grensly, even though I still feel too shy for some public display of affection, or PDA as the experimented ones would call it. I just need some time to adapt to this type of life. It just happened very suddenly. One day I was blaming myself for the current situation, sinking down the dark path of no return, but then a knight in shining armor came to take my hand and drag me toward the light instead. He may be a dragon, such a creature being portrayed as evil in the children’s stories and condemned to be defeated by some prince who decided to fight for his life to save a girl he never met before, but for me he was the hero who saved me. Quite ironic.

Anyways, I found another way to make him crumble. I know he cares a lot about me, so I used that instead. He made it his goal to make me eat at least three meals a day, even if I feel like throwing up, while following the doctor’s advice of course, which is why I just told him that I wouldn’t act according to his wishes if he didn’t respect mine.

“But Honeeyy...” my second mate whines, looking more like a dispirited and unwilling wolf with the way I could basically see his spiritual tail and ears dropping down, then a big scary dragon. I huff at his exaggerated antics and walk away, leaving Luka to mope and pout over his defeat. It physically hurts to move far from him, but not as much as the first time I was rejected, however, I do need some time alone to be able to think clearly, without being influenced by his gorgeous eyes. 

Reaching my room, I pull open the door and enter, closing it quietly behind me and locking it. You never know when a lizard named Luka may barge in asking for cuddles. Better take some precautions. I cautiously open my drawer and take a pen along with some paper. Setting everything down on my table, I begin to make a list of pros and cons about leaving with Luka. He already asked me to become his queen and come back home with him, but I wasn't so sure about leaving everyone behind. Maybe I won't ever see them again. Max helped me in our old pack. I consider him as a really good friend, while Alex saved my life, thus also saving my little bun’s life too. He is our saviour, and I still haven’t found a way to repay him for what he did. Of course, the alpha already told me that I didn’t need to do anything for him, but I still feel indebted. How could I just leave like that…?

In another way, Luka is my mate, the one made for me. He cares about me, and I know he won’t hurt me, I badly need this feeling of safety. He even said he didn't mind our first child being from another man, I know in some way it irks his dragon, but more for the fact that I wasn’t consentient when it happened. It already started to bond with my child, no, our child, and I can tell it already considers the baby as his, not another man’s. My little bean would have a loving father, everything he wanted and a happy family, while I would have a caring mate and a safe environment. How could I ask for more? I think my unborn child deserves it and I may sound a little presumptuous, but I think I also deserve it. I think I can be happy, just a little selfishness from time to time.

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