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Bartholomé P.O.V

I sit on the sofa across from the one where Samuel is with his mate, holding their newborn baby boy. Mikael and Jaydon, their first babies, are now all grown up and sitting beside their mate, Elijah, who was Sam and Alex's adopted child until he gave birth to a little girl and married the twins, officially breaking the parental link they had with him and creating a new one instead. Their little girl, Everly, is tugging on Oreo's fur, their dog, at her parents' feet. Her ginger curls bounce around as she jumps on the Bernese Mountain dog, red eyes sparkling like ruby. I bet the alpha girl will be a lady and man killer in the future, for now she is just really cute.

Like I expected, James and Maxime had a total of eleven kids, all boys who are now playing football with our twenty oldest kids. I had many litters of more than three kids so now Luka and I have a real army of children. My werewolves' genes really helped my body recover after each pregnancy, along with Chloe's magic and Luka's care. Zane was the only one that came up with dragon's features and nowadays he is known as the most powerful dragon, making both Luka and I really proud of him. He spent years and years trying to control his powers and now he succeeded. Of course, for us he will always be the gluttonous spirit that didn't want to share his food with his brothers and sisters, throwing tantrums and swinging his little chubby fists with angry babbling at Luka when the latter didn't respect his engagement not to drink from me anymore, as if he could hurt my mate.

Zane is currently making little water dragons dance around our youngest baby, Viviane, who giggles and claps her chubby hands. She is now five years old and from what we guessed she has more werewolf blood than dragon blood so she will most likely shift into a wolf when she comes of age. We have both dragon and wolf babies in our family, and I have to admit that I tend to like the dragon's ones more while Luka likes the wolf's one better. I guess it's because it reminds us of our other half.
We are all seated on the porch giving views on the training grounds, enjoying the sun's rays, talking about the recent things happening in our family and looking at the family's album. It seems like Kai, Liam and Akim's first son, found his mate before their oldest child, Katarina, which made her cry for half a month. That's why she didn't come today even though her parents wanted her to, so she will be able to change her thoughts.

Liam is on the sofa at my right, while his mate is resting at his feet, kneeling. Kai is busy at his girlfriend's house and their last baby, Paul, is playing at a friend's house, so they can be a little more open about their lifestyle. They are not ashamed per se, but they fear their children's reaction, which is why they have refrained from being too open around them. I hope they will find the strength to talk to them about it soon.

Misha comes out of the castle with drinks, followed by Chloe who is holding snacks. Both women choose not to have children, which I respect. They are more than happy to take care of ours instead and I'm pretty glad about it. Luka stops me when I try to get up to help them and goes instead of me, distributing the food and beverages to our guests. No matter how long we spend time together, we still love each other as if we had only met. The sparks between us never died and we are ready to spend the rest of our lives together. When one of us will die, one day, the other will automatically follow.

Life has no meaning if the other is no longer there.

Max laughs loudly at a joke Sam just told him, taking me out of my thoughts. The sofa dips beside me and I turn to watch my mate who makes himself comfortable, putting his arm around my shoulder and bringing me into his side. I chuckle before nuzzling his neck, scent marking him the way he likes me to do it. I turn back to the pictures in my hands, seeing a five-year-old Zane standing on the porch wearing light brown shorts, a dark blue cardigan with red lines at the chest, white socks coming up to his knees and little black shoes. He had on his back a much too big blue backpack, making him look hilarious. It was his first day at kindergarten and even if I didn't remember him being nervous, which I do, I could immediately tell by the way his chubby tail was wrapped around his legs in a nervous twist, while his pointed ears were dropping downward. I can see that he had tried to hide his smooth horns by covering them with his hair, but it was futile, they still stood out. Even though he was obviously anxious, I can see his little gem-like eyes sparkling from excitement at the camera. He wanted to make friends and he did make them. Some didn't like him at first, but after Luka paid a visit to their parents there were no more clouds in the sky. Now, if someone expressed bad feelings toward him, it is Zane who gives them a little lesson. He has grown so much, as a parent I'm feeling quite proud but also sad to have seen my Micro bean become taller than me.

Everyone has aged, some have wrinkles, others have grey and white hairs, but they still have all the same bubbling energy that they had when we first met. Samuel is no longer haunted by his dad and proudly shows his love to Alex who does not hesitate to reciprocate the attention. Maxime let his guard down before his mate and friends, no longer feeling the need to always be strong because of our ex-pack.

Elijah told us all what happened with his teacher when he was younger, making Alex wish the fucker wasn't already dead by Mikael's hands so he could kill him himself, and he is now a renowned artist and teacher. The alpha's title is now in Jaydon's hands and Alex is enjoying his retirement life with Sam in the Caribbean, which makes Zane visit them often as he remembers the good days we spent there on our honeymoon. He still builds sandcastles, but now he doesn't need Luka's help anymore and it has become a tradition to do a competition between them at least once a year. James also passed down his beta title to his oldest son, but the couple chose to stay in the pack and continue their association for omegas.

The organization is now helping omegas on an international level and laws for their protection have been voted in several countries. Because of them and many employees and rescues, omegas are now treated equally with others and can no longer be treated as sex slaves, breeding tools or garbage. Those who do not comply with the new laws suffer great consequences.

A large number of lives have been saved thanks to Max's initiative and Sam and I also acted as testimonies for the horror omegas have to go through, which helped the governments into taking action against such treatment. Even though Akim and Liam didn't suffer from any of the discrimination, they have offered their help into giving free training lessons to omegas for self-defence. Many men and women are grateful for those two. Alphas can no longer mistreat omegas, or they may receive a beating or two in some cases. More and more omegas are taking their lives into their own hands and denouncing their abusive mate or pack. It is something to be proud of and we make sure to remind them of it every day. We live in a better world now.

I have gotten rid of my past completely now. I am not ashamed of who I was, far from it. It's my experiences that led me where I currently am. I do not let the abuse and neglect I suffered from drag me down, nor do I let the memories of what my first mate did haunt me. I learnt from those events to grow up and enjoy everything I have to its fullest. I do not have any more nightmares or flashbacks and the weight holding me down from smiling carefreely has left my chest long ago. I have a large family, friends, a kingdom and, most importantly, a loving mate to take care of and who also takes care of me.

I'm free now.

The end

Hey dear readers, I'm sad to announce that it was the last chapter of The Dragon's Omega and of His Alpha's series...

I'm really grateful for all of you who stayed with me all the way to the end and I hope you enjoyed the journey! Thank you for all the votes, the comments, the support, and for following me. I never thought I would one day write four books, but here I am.

Even though you will not see those characters anymore, I have a few ideas for more books. I will not start to write them so soon, but I promise to come back one day with another story. It may take one year or two, as I will write all the story before posting it, but I will be back. Don't worry, I will update a chapter here when I am ready to launch it.

I hope to see you all again soon and thank you!

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See ya in the next book~

(1 484 words)

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