Chapter 8

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Bartholomé P.O.V

I feel my dragon relax against my hold, making me sigh in relief before gently nudging him with my nose, rewarding him of his self-control. I think I’m not alone when I say I love a boyfriend who knows which battle to pick and which ones to avoid. I blush a little, just now realizing that I have been using possessive pronouns with Luka in my mind for some time now and that I even called him my boyfriend not long ago. I guess I’m getting more and more used to the idea of being his and him being mine. It couldn’t hurt to put some faith in someone again. What could happen?

The little butterflies that circled in my stomach as Luka took my hand, which was resting on his stomach, and brought it to his mouth to give it a kiss does nothing but convince me that I made the right decision in coming with him here. A warmth settles itself in my navel, making me feel as if I just drank a warm potage and making me wish this peaceful moment would never end. But of course, it was only a wish.

"Don’t you dare tell me that this little bitch is your mate, I would never accept it!" the king says, making me quietly whimper at the thought of Luka and me being separated. If the king of his country and his own dad don’t accept our union, how are we supposed to stay together? I finally grew fond of an alpha, I can’t already lose him, not like that. Just as I’m about to talk and try to convince the old man that I would try to be worthy of his son, a loud growl interrupts the words that were about to come out of my mouth.

" How dare you talk like that about my mate! Just because you killed your own mate because she was a peasant and instead married some rich princess with a high status, it doesn’t mean that I think like you, or need to! Bartholomé will be my wife and my queen, or even king if he wants to and you are in no position to tell me otherwise, Father. You may have been strong in the past, but now you are nothing else than an old rag sitting unfittingly on the throne which should, and will, be mine soon. Your time has come, you hold no more power in this kingdom than a feeble peasant, quite fitting considering your mate, right? I suggest you leave us alone and go back to your gold counting that you love so much. Mind your own business, I will not repeat myself.'' my mate says in one big breath, as if he had been bottling it in for so long that he could not hold it in any longer, the tremendous effort requiring too much out of him and instead making the furry that had been hidden inside him releases like a raging river having been confined, the dam having weakened with time, each revolting situations a blow to it, and finally yielding under the strong emotions he is feeling right now after having his mate insulted in front of him. The sorrow kept coming out of him in angry waves and violently crashing down onto me, making me feel as if I was drowning, but I couldn’t abandon him to escape the feeling, not now, not as he is clenching my hand as tightly as he could without hurting me, as if I was his saving boat, the last box saving him from sinking into the cold sea of madness after his vessel was destroyed by his father’s words. I won’t let him down, I refuse to.

My Luka is strong, there is no doubt about it, but even the strongest sometimes needs a break and after this outburst, it is my duty, and my wish, as his mate, to offer a haven of peace to him. It warms my heart to hear him say such things about me, but it also makes my heart break with the thought of how much he had to deal with, having been raised in the same castle as this awful man. I think just knowing that such a piece of shit is his dad is currently killing him and has been for the longest time. Nobody should have such a man as a father. I can feel my mate needs some rest, but now is not a good time. We are, after all, still in front of a hostile king, looking ready to explode of anger and just smack the hell out of his son. Not that Luka would let him.

" I will never agree to this wedding, and you can be sure that I still have a long time left to govern this nation, I will never pass it on to you willingly. This isn’t the end!" the king says, pointing menacingly at Luka and me, before storming away as fast as he possibly could considering his old age. I gulp silently, not liking the vibes of foreshadowing I was getting from his last sentence, before coming back to reality as I feel Luka relax, or more like slump into my embrace. I slowly slid along his body to come in front of him instead of against his back, making sure to never break our physical connection, before coming to a stop when my eyes are at the same level as his chest. I gently put my forehead between his two pectorals and peck him there to reward him. His strong arms circle my waist to bring me closer to him, before I feel his chin lay on the top of my head. My puppy mate let out a long sigh, before letting more of his weight rest on my body, still making sure that it wasn’t too straining for me.

" There, there, you did an amazing job. Good boy." I gently whisper while comfortingly patting his normally strong back, now curved like a broken petal from a wilted flower, slowly being dragged toward its downfall by gravity. I guess under his arrogant facade my mate is just a lonely child having been raised by an egoistic man angry toward the whole world itself. We are all a little broken inside, we just need to find the magic glue that will put our scattered pieces back together, even if it’s not the same shape as it was before. Even if some are against it, it’s not their life. They have no rights to meddle in it.

As long as we are happy in our own little world, it’s all that matters.

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