Chapter 14

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Bartholomé P.O.V

"So, you think someone cast a spell one him!?" Chloe, Misha’s lovely mate, nearly shouts, her green eyes sparkling with interest while her chubby cheeks flush red, making me shush at her as to not attract unwanted attention. The brown-haired woman seemed as if she quite liked the idea of a new challenger, just like her husband said. Unlike me, who wanted to stay as a husband and father, Misha and Chloe choose to go with the tradition of the dominant one in the relationship being the husband and father while the submissive is the wife and mother, which I respect. Of course, there are always exceptions at the norm, like me or a couple with switches.

Misha had led me to the hidden library in the castle, the normal one being filled with books of no importance, but fancy looking, while the secret one contained all the secrets of magic and the dragon’s history. It has been kept that way to avoid foe stumbling on a book about the sorcery which kept the island floating in the sky. It could lead to blackmailing or worse, a war with us on the losing side.

Chloe’s mother had been the last librarian of this important place full of knowledge and the title has been passed down to her daughter after she died. The chubby young woman is the only person who can help us. From the moment she was born until now, she has read at least three times all the books in this library, which is pretty impressive. If there is some sort of magic that can manipulate someone, she knows it.

"Yeah, it seems so. I couldn’t feel our mate’s bond, like something was blocking it, and his eyes held no emotion. Like, at all. Now that I think about it, there was also that strange smell surrounding him." I turn back to the woman currently munching on pastry and answer her question, her mate affectionately squeezing her cute fleshy belly in warning when Chloe tries to get off her lap before letting her hands rest there when she gives up.

"Well, I wanted to bring you the book about puppet magic, because it seems like it is that, but someone won’t let me go." She says with a glare to her mate, whose reply is only to gently kiss her button nose, making Chloe crinkle it with a pout.

"So, how do we break off this puppet magic?"  I question, a pang of jealousy hurting my heart at their public display of affection. The faster we find the solution, the faster I will have my cuddly mate back. I was already missing his touch before he came back, now that my dragon is in the vicinity I can’t even be in the same room as Luka, let alone hug him. It is slowly draining my energy to keep myself from yanking the bitch off his arm and taking back the place that was rightfully mine. It is killing me.

"It depends on the precise type of spell, but I may have a question for you that will indicate the one we are looking for. Did someone have any kind of physical contact with him? Like, they would never truly separate from Luka." Chloe asks, making my eyes widen. I then proceed to tell her about Selena and her evil claws latching on my Honey’s biceps with gritted teeth and goosebumps racking my body. Her eyes brighten and she excitedly claps her hands, her body jumping up and down before Misha grunts and whispers something in her ears with her hands gripping Chloe’s pronounced hips, the green-eyed woman immediately stopping moving with a heavy blush coating her cheeks. She coughs a little before continuing on a calmer tone.

"What you just described me fits well with the Marionnette d’attachement ‘s spell. The caster needs to be in physical contact with the victim and when it is done, they can control everything they do. The victim’s soul will be sealed away, and a part of the caster’s soul will take its place. That’s why you couldn't feel the mate bond, it wasn’t the right soul in your mate’s body. However, it may seem like you only need to separate the two of them for Luka to regain his control, but a powerful spell keeps them glued together. There are conditions for guaranteed success." The young librarian says in a hushed tone toward the end, looking suspiciously toward the walls as if people were hiding behind it. I nod at her, showing my determination to collect all the necessary factors.

"First, the person to separate them needs to be close to the victim, like on an emotional level. It needs to be you. Second, you will need an enchanted dagger to pierce the caster’s heart. I know someone who has one, but it will take a few weeks for it to get here. Lastly, you will need to recite a spell, I will write it on a paper, and you will have some time to learn it. Be cautious Bart, your life may be in danger and your baby’s too. If you want, we can wait until you give birth to break Luka free." Chloe says in a serious but quiet voice, not wanting to be overheard by some spies who could be lurking around.

I freeze at her last words, realizing that I will, in fact, be risking my little bun’s life if I am not cautious. The gears turn in my head, trying to come up with a less dangerous scenario, but I have to submit to the obvious there is no way in hell that it can be less risky. I need to get at arm’s reach with the evil princess, everything can happen.

"Alright, we will wait until my sweet bun is out of the oven. Chloe, I would appreciate it if you could still get the dagger as soon as possible and write the spell so I can learn it. If we see that it’s too dangerous to continue to wait, then I will have to take action. I hope it doesn’t happen." I say, mustering all the courage I had to say those last words without my voice cracking. We have no idea of Selena’s plan, just that she is obviously working with the king and the queen, and that means no good. Even if it means risking my life, I will need to do it if other people’s lives are at risk. If not, I will blame myself and surely end my life anyways. I can’t bear knowing I could save someone and didn’t.

Let’s just hope that I can safely give birth to our pup.

Hey dear readers, congratulations to those who guessed right! Luka is in fact under a puppet spell called the Marionnette d’attachement! It means attachment’s puppet in French.

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