Chapter 2: For the Worst

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A week had passed since Lyra dropped the news on me, which was supposed to be confidential, so naturally, the whole gang knew about it. I've had visitations from my teammates ever since, each feeling the need to express their opinion about the matter. It was slowly but surely driving me nuts. So much about "choosing my own path." But I had already made up my mind about this particular proposal, and I was ready to share it with the concerned parties.

I announced it to Lyra, who later called Frejus, Mika, and myself into her office. I was surprised to see both of them and timidly asked, "Wait up! Why are Frej and Mika here?"
Lyra answered calmly, "Why, Frej and Mika will be our next licensed members, so they need to be involved in such matters."
"Right... makes sense...." my hands rubbed against each other insecurely.
"So... you've come to a decision, I reckon?" The grey-haired matriarch asked with a grating voice, leaning back in her chair.

I cleared my throat, "I've given the matter much thought throughout the entire week, and while I am thrilled that everyone has deemed it important to share their views with me, there's only one conversation that really got me into considering it...." I glanced at Mika, who grinned lightly.

Lyra's look intensified, and I felt her impatience growing, but she kept listening.

"Ok, here it comes.... I will partake in the entrance exam, but I can't guarantee that I'll pass it...."
The three of them looked at each other silently before bursting out in laughter.

Frejus turned to me and mocked, "Are you for real, Odin? There's a written part, which, thanks to your tutors, should be an easy task for you." 

He came closer, putting his hand on my shoulder.  "As for the practical exam, for all we know, you'll score best out of all applicants, given your quirks...."

Despite their hilarity, I remained stoic, which seemed to disturb them by now. Mika was starting to feel uneasy, "Hold on, you're not kidding? Is that really how you feel about yourself? 'cause sis', lemme tell you, th..."

I cut her off straight, "That's exactly the problem; I very well know what I am capable of and what may come from attending U.A. It's not about your abilities, it's about the choices you make, right? The last thing I want is to go out there and dazzle, or worse, scare everyone with my quirks."
I clenched my fists, trying to keep my composure, "So, if I am to become a hero, let alone a pro hero, I want to do it on my terms, that is, the most decently and discreetly possible. There's no way I am gonna be the class' shining beacon" My lungs felt as if they were filled with water the moment I finally dared to share my thoughts.

An uncomfortable silence filled the room. Frejus's eyes clouded over with irritation upon hearing my statement. He then raised his voice, "Jeez! It keeps getting worse and worse with you! Whatever would give you the idea to do something like this?"

Lyra waved her hand at him, signaling to calm down. "It's fine, Frejus. You heard her. It's her choice, and we have to respect that."

 I somehow felt that she didn't wholly agree with what I asked from them, but I guess she thought it was time for me to take responsibility for my decisions, whichever they were.

Coming clear with them released the lingering tension that had built up in my body these last few days, and I felt definitely lighter by now. At the risk of straining their nerves, I put one more request over the table "I'd like you to grant me one more appeal... that is, to keep all of this hush-hush and not interfere with my way of handling things at U.A, should I be attending it. I don't want anybody to be aware of my scheme, be it here or at school, and that includes that hobo Aizawa."

A puzzled expression crept over Mika's face after hearing my plea, and she couldn't help but ask, " I do get that you want to keep all low-key with the gang, but Aizawa? Isn't he the one who instigated this whole libretto in the first place? Obvi, he's going to notice that you're toning down, given everything he knows about you...?"

I shrugged off her comment, "I couldn't care less what he may think about it. Besides, disclosing whatever he knows about my "abilities" to other people wouldn't play in his favor..." I smirked wryly.

Lyra did not condone my hostility towards him while understanding what was underlying it. She didn't want me to make my decisions around a third party, and sadly that's what I was implying.
"Look, Kiddo, considering your current mindset, I'm not convinced that attending U.A. is a good idea at this point." 

I froze upon hearing her words, a sudden sense of confusion flooding my mind. Wasn't she the one who had wanted me to take the entrance exam? So, where did this change of heart come from?

She remained silent for a moment before elaborating her thought, "However... I'm willing to give you a shot, as long as you work on the required maturity for it, over the eight months before the entrance tests."

She stood up, crossing her arms over her chest while giving me the most rugged look. "I need you to convince us that you are motivated by the right reasons. I have no objection regarding the terms you are setting, which ironically seem very selfless to me. But you need to show us that you are mature and wise enough to stand by your choices. This is my requirement." 

There I was, standing in front of the three, staring at our Leader in awe. She had me all figured out, and I admired her for it. But, come to think of it, I felt terribly self-conscious. My attitude was unworthy of a Lycan. All I could think about was pissing Aizawa off to satisfy my own angst and frustration over his rejection. 

Obviously, I hadn't gotten over the whole thing yet. I dropped my head without a word, my body stiffening from the inside out. All this time, I thought I had moved on, yet here I was, stripped bare by my pent-up emotions.

Lyra broke the awkward silence and affirmed in a milder tone, "I take it from your failure to speak that my assumption is valid. So... What do you say? Do we have an understanding?"

I lifted my gaze, locking onto her piercing lilac eye, and nodded in agreement.

Frejus and Mika sighed in relief, sharing a sympathetic smile, and they were glad to see me becoming an inch more reasonable. Before leaving, I bowed to them, thanking them for their time, and left the room.

Frejus slumped in his seat, spouting, "I swear to God... Teenagers are a whole different species... Were we that bad ourselves back then?"

"That a trick question? Cause you sure as hell weren't, you Boy Scout!" Mika scoffed cheekily.
"I can vouch for you, though, Lassie...." Lyra chuckled nostalgically before shifting her eyes to the spot I had been standing minutes ago. 

She parted her lips and drew in an intense breath. "We have eight months to make sure she's ready and stable enough to spread her own wings... U.A is on a whole different level than what she's been learning up until now." The grey-haired woman lifted her hand to her wrinkled face, slightly rubbing her forehead. 

Mika noticed her concerned state and walked over to her, patting her shoulder. "Granted, but here's the catch; She experienced some ugly hardships firsthand and found a way to overcome all of them, something other kids can only dimly guess about. Isn't that what turned her into such a strong and independent person?" 

Mika had this unmatched ability to tell people exactly what they needed to hear to help them see things from a different angle. Lyra cast her a warm glance, wondering how she ended up surrounded by such amazing people.

Meanwhile, I shuffled back to my room, locked myself inside, and mashed my hands against my cheeks. As Lyra's words befogged my brain, I couldn't help but agree with all that had been said. I realized I was still miles away from the goal I had set myself, and considering the bigger picture was an absolute priority now. I'd have to change my perspective for the better and for the worst.

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