Chapter 18: Something wicked

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The grim spectacle revealed in front of us was seemingly the result of last week's break-in. How else could villains infiltrate such a high-security facility? How did they know? Were we the only ones under attack? The most critical question hanging on every person's lip was: What do they want?

I tensely glanced at Pr. Aizawa. It had been a while since I've witnessed him in such an offensive battle stance. He urged all of us to stay back, but I couldn't just standstill. This outline was all too familiar, and I dared a few steps forward to get a better view of all that was transpiring.

They must have tampered with the security sensors, I pondered as I checked up on some of my classmates who were clearly switching to panic mode. Damn it! This isn't the time to lose our minds. Come on, Teachers, say something to avoid mass hysteria!

Thank heavens, Todoroki seemed to stick to his natural composure and cool-headedly analyzed the situation. "They must have a guy amongst them who can disable the security system. So the remaining question is if the whole school's under attack or if they specifically chose that isolated space," he thoughtfully stroked his chin.

I unconsciously followed his interpretation, "and if that's the case, they must have a carefully mapped scheme as to why they decided to show up right here, right now." Todoroki's eyes narrowed into a side-glimpse as his arms crossed over his torso, "Precisely."

Pr. Aizawa's rough voice snapped me out of my theorizing. "N° Thirteen! Initiate the evacuation procedure and try contacting the school! They must have someone have electromagnetic abilities," he then shouted out to the Electro Rabbit, "Kaminari! Try to fix the sensors and get through to the school too!"

The poor kid appeared entirely overwhelmed but nodded to his teacher's instruction while fiddling with his headphone gear.

Ugh... that's useless... he's starting to get dominated by fear; I gritted my teeth as Midoriya was trying to figure out how Eraserhead would possibly be able to fight off the stampede of villains marching towards us.

I thirsted for joining Aizawa, knowing that my assistance would come in handy when suddenly, I felt my Telepathy activated from an outside request.

Odin Hamahiru!
Pr...Professor? Are you using...
Unlike you, your fellow students haven't yet faced villains! I need you to handle the situation here and help Thirteen to get everyone out and reassure them!
But no! I can help you! Let me come with...
That's an order, Hamahiru! Your classmates need you here!

He then cut off the telepathic connection as quickly as he had initiated it, conscious of the fact that its use was limited, and I'll probably need it sooner or later. For an odd second, I was startled the telepathic link between us hadn't worn off after more than a year. I slightly backed off, and my face twisted in agony after realizing his' order.'

Before I could say anything else, he'd already jumped down the stairs, rushing headfirst into the dangerous crow. Then, in front of his students' terrified stares, he proved his quality as a pro hero, though he was clearly disadvantaged in this kind of fight. His capturing weapon was dancing an infernal waltz with the miscreants, and Aizawa was meticulously using his rarity of a quirk to knock them down, one after another.

Watching his quick yet elegant movements put me in a trance-like state, and a thousand memories were rushing through my mind. Suddenly, Todoroki's hand vigorously shook my arm, waking me out of the reverie. "Again, daydreaming isn't the best option right now," and he started pulling me towards USJ's entrance gate.

As the red-whiteish-haired boy dragged me behind him, easily like a ragdoll, I slapped my cheek with my free hand. Good God, girl, pull yourself together! Got to have your wits about you!

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