Daycare (au)

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Ship: harem

Explaining: Dream is a little kid in day care and every kid love him.
Kids in daycare: sapnap, George, Wilbur, techno and niki.

Parents: Puffy, bad and skeppy, philza, (they are the only parents in this story) I think you guys know who is who's parent.

Puffy POV:
I woke up and started making breakfast for me and my little duckling, I started making pancakes because today was my duckling first day at daycare.

When I was done making pancakes I woke my little duckling up. "Duckling wake up I have made pancakes" I said and gave him a kiss on the forehead.
He sat up slowly and rubbed his eyes "Mom im tired" he said in a quiet voice. "But you need to wake up you are gonna go to daycare for the first time and you are getting pancakes ducklings".
When I said that I saw that he got really happy and he got out of bed and ran to get his clothes I had laid in the bathroom for him.

I went down to the kitchen and laid some pancakes to him. After a while I saw him skipping down the stairs happy, and coming to the kitchen. "Eat up so we can meet your new friends""ok mom" he said then he speed ate his pancakes.

(Time skip to when they are at the daycare)

We walked inside I directly see the [teacher]. I go up to him and says "Hi I'm Puffy and this is mu son dream" "oh hi im bad and im the [teacher]" he bends down to dreams level"hi im bad your [teacher] want to meet the others" "hiii im dream" my little duckling and I said good bye.

Nobody's POV:

Bad leads him to the other kids. "Hi I'm dream". Most of the kids looked at him and blushed, the first kid that said something was a girl" Hi I'm niki I think I you have really pretty eyes " "thank you are also very pretty". The other got jealous. Then bad called to everybody to a circle were they were gonna introduced themselves." Everybody this is skeppy he is also your [teacher], could you all introduce you for him and your friends. Dream you can start say your name and something you think describes you" "Hii I'm dream and I'm very pretty" all of the kids nodded."I wanna go next!! I'm sapnap and I like arson" the kids was giggling and bad and skeppy were worried for their son." I'm next, I'm George and I'm colorblind""I'm next" to said in sync "stop techno I'm Wilbur""and I'm techno" everybody looks at them "they are brothers " ohh most of the kids said.

(Time skip a hour later)

Dream POV:
I was just playing with a car when the kid named techno came to me."Hi could I play with you pls the other kids are ignoring me" "sure I would like to" s
Some minutes later the other kids came." Why are you playing with dream we wanna play with him" " I can play with all of you wanna play tag" everybody smiled and said yes.

Bad's POV:
When I walked into the room the kids were I saw they all were playing tag."it's lunch you need to eat" "ok we're coming " dream said. "Hey we need to go eat" "ok dream"

I saw all of the kids go to me "ok follow me" I walk to the table and gave them places to sit. Techno and Niki were sitting besides dream. All of the kids besides dream Niki and Techno got mad because of were dream were sitting they wanted to sit beside him. "What does techno and Niki get to sit besides dream" "yea it's unfair" "I agree". Skeppy whisper to me and said that we should make dream sit with us, I whisper back "that would be good then they don't have to fight". Then I said "ok kids dream are gonna sit with me and skeppy". Why they asked, "because you are fighting over him"

After lunch

Nobody's POV:
There parents were there to get them. The parents start to talk, then the kids came. The kids all ran to there parents,"Hi little duckling are you ready to go home" " yea just one thing" dream went to techno and Wilbur and gave them hugs, then he went to niki and gave her a hug to.

The kids that had get a hug was blushing, then dream went to sapnap " could I get a kiss on the forehead instead" dream didn't answer but he got on his tiptoes and gave him a kiss on the forehead. Sapnap was blushing in a crimson red, dream went to George and gave him a light hug.
Dream went back to his mom"we can go now mom" the parents were In shook "sure we can go now"


A/N omg thanks I didn't think anybody would se this! But pls give me some requests pls I am really bad with ideas.

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