Karlwastaken (fluff/angst)

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[okay so I'm writing this because I was working on another one but my creativity for that just said no- and I was reading another one shot book and I wanted to write this so yea-]
Top: karl
Bottom: Dream (obviously-)
[Also sorry a little karlnap in the beginning-]
Nobody's POV:
Karl was just streaming with Sapnap and Quackity, they where doing lore and Karl could admit that he hated what he needed to do in it.

Sapnap had just started to rant about how bad Karl where for forgetting about Quackity and telling him that he didn't like him anymore, this was all lore but Karl felt it hit him hard he got sad from it but he knew it was all lore.

The reason he got sad was because they where actually dating and him saying this made him feel like he did wrong in reality.

The stream ended and they all stoped streaming and they stayed in the call chatting.

Karl POV:
I actually felt pretty bad after the stream but I didn't wanna show that either and I hope that Sapnap didn't mean everything he said to me under the stream. I mean I know it's lore but you never know he might hate me...

"karl?" I hear someone say my name and I snap out from my thoughts. "Mhm?" I answered a little confused not remembering the voice right away. "Oh nothing you have just been awfully quiet-" it heard it was Dreams voice, since when where he here. I sit up straight in my chair "Yea sorry for that I was just thinking-!" I answered him trying to sound cheerful.

"You karl..." I heard Sapnap say low like he was scared for something "yea what is it?" I said a little worried, do he hate me what did I do? "I know some people are in here but... I wanna break up!-" when I heard him say that I felt my heart shatter into a million of pieces. "So I thought right..." I said trying to sound okay but in fact I felt so bad, after I said that I left the call and shut of my computer trying not to break down.

Nobody's POV:
Everyone noticed Karl didn't feel well he weren't responding to any messages just a few tweets sometimes to show he was alive but nothing more, all his friends started to grow more worried because weeks passed almost without a sound from him.

For some reason his friend Dream seemed extra worried for him, the truth was that he liked him but he couldn't say that to the shorter one because of Karl being in a relationship before with his best friend. But now nothing where stoping him from actually getting the relationship besides Karl being uncontactable.

Karl POV:
I haven't had counting on how many days I had just laid in my bed only looking at my phone sometimes to text something. I have felt so shitty I have not been able to get out of bed and it weren't only because the "breakup", well I had been getting up maybe once to get water or something I really don't know.

But the latest day I think or two days there where one person calling and texting me a lot, and that was Dream he have been doing it so frequently so I actually thought about answering him.

If I soon didn't he could come to my house because we actually live pretty close, not many people know that.

Dream POV:
I have been trying to contact Karl I wanted to make him feel better and I'm gonna go to his house today and see how he is.

So I get up from my bed and puts on some clothes and then I get my shoes on and then I walk to Karls house, it's about a 20 min walk I think it's not that far.

I get to Karls house and knocks on the door and to my surprise me actually comes and opens, I can see bags under his eyes and his eyes are red and puffy. He has been crying and he don't look like he have been eaten or drinking good. "Hi Karl" I say soft to the shorter man, I can see him deciding wether to slam the door in my face or do something else. "H-hi" Karl said he was speaking low and his voice was pretty damaged "what are you doing here" I see the shorter look up at me.

"Can I come in?" I say without answering his question and I see him nod small and the answer and I go inside. I hear him close the door and I immediately hugs him close, I can see he's shocked but he hugs back slowly.

"Sorry for Just coming here-" I said but he cut me of "i'm happy you came here- it might me weird but can we please cuddle I feel so bad please..." Karl said I was quit surprised when he said that but I nodded "Of course we can" Karl took my hand and dragged me to his bedroom.

Karl POV:
I was pretty surprised when I actually saw Dream here I mean I kinda knew he would come but still so fast.

Well I took Dream to my bedroom and I got onto the bed and cuddled him, despite him being taller then me he was cuddling into my chest and I had my head on his head. And for the first time in days I felt something else then sadness, regret or numbness, I almost felt happy now or happier how was that possible.

"When did you last eat?" I could hear Dream ask mumbling into my chest, I shrugged small "I'm fine tho-!" I'm trying to cover the fact that I don't know how long it was since I ate. "We should get something to eat then" Dream said I heard he was speaking softer to make me more comfortable. "I don't wanna move more" I said sounding like a child, I must be so annoying right now. "We're getting something to eat wether you like it or not-" Dream said he sounded like he wouldn't give up, I saw him get up and go out from my room.

Why does he care about me he shouldn't I don't deserve it, I saw Dream come back into the room and he had water with him and a sandwich. "Here I got a sandwich and water for you" The taller said while walking to my bed and he sat down on the edge of it, he gave me the sandwich as I sat up.

Dream put the water on the floor besides the bed then he laid down in my lap I was a little surprised about it but it was really comforting, I nibbled a little on the sandwich and played with Dreams hair.

He cuddled into my lap more and I saw him slowly fall asleep as I played with his hair. I ate almost half of the sandwich and then I put it away.

I feel myself get more and more tired and then I feel asleep feeling pretty happy.


Words: 1210

okay I have no fucking clue what this is or what I wrote and as normal I didn't prof read it so yea sorry-

Have a good night or day whatever it is! And remember you are loved!

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