Dreambur (fluff)

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Top: Wilbur
Bottom: Dream
Au: royal au ( I was reading and just got interest to write now)

Servant Dream slb royal family


Nobody's POV:

The slb kingdom is a pretty wealthy kingdom they had a lot of resources so they were pretty rich, the king was Philza Minecraft he was a well known king because he was really nice to everyone then there was the oldest of the siblings Technoblade Minecraft he was known for being really violent and the blood god. Then we have the nest oldest siblings witch was Wilbur Minecraft he was just a nice guy and he knew how to play some instruments, and to last but not least Tommy Minecraft he was the problem child he had a best friend his name was Tubbo he is just the bee boy.

Dream is a normal boy he was pretty good at fighting and he was gonna start to work as a personal assistant for Wilbur pretty soon because he was in need of money and he was not against it.

Wilbur POV:

I just woke up and I felt pretty good today so, I put on some clothes and I went out to the garden and just played my guitar for like a hour.

"Hey Wilbur " Tommy shouted across the garden, like the annoying little brother he is then Tommy started to run to Wilbur

" Hi Tommy " I said while ruffling Tommy's hair " we need to get inside we are gonna eat breakfast and meet your personal assistant" Tommy said.

Oh right I was gonna get a personal assistant

We went inside to were we eating, there a boy with a smile mask stood talking with Dadza.

"Hi Will this is your new assistant, his name is Dream" Dadza said I looked at the Dream he's mask was a little creepy.

"Hi I'm dream as you heard and im your new assistant" Dream said he had a really beautiful voice and it sounded kinda cute. What am I thinking that's kinda weird, but it was cute.

"Hello dream" I said trying to hide that I was liking him, I sat down at the table and saw Dream walk back and standing against the wall in the back.

"So Wilbur have you started to write any new songs?" Philza asked while he was taking some bread, "yea I just got an idea before I got in here" I answered exited because I really thought my song idea were good. "Could we maybe hear a part from it" techno asked in his low monotone voice I got really excited when he asked me that because he never really were interested in what we were doing.

"Of course you can" I said really exited "Dream could u pls go get the guitar in the garden? I think I left it there" I said asking Dream, Dream nodded and walked away to the garden I looked after him as he walked I blushed a little.

" ohhh Wilbur has a crush, Wilbur has a crush" Tommy started to say as he saw that i was blushing, "shut up Tommy I do not" I said while bitting together I was really embarrassed that he saw that I blushed.
"Do u like him mate" Philza asked and techno was just in his own world humming to something ha had heard, "n-no I don't like him" damit I stuttered.

"You like him Wilbur" Tommy and Philza said in sync, I just nodded as a response as Dream walked in with the guitar. Dream handed me the guitar I wonder if he heard our conversation.

After Wilbur played the song

"That was really good mate" Philza said to me as the father he was "yea it was ok" techno said I was really happy that techno thought that it was good.

I went to the garden and just walked around and talked with Dream he was really cute but I wondered what he looked like under the mask I decided that I was gonna ask him about it.

" so... um dream why do u were a mask of it's ok to ask" I was really scared that I had made him a angry when I said that. "Oh I were I mask because I really don't like my face because I got bullied for my face in school" his answer was a little sad nobody deserves to get bullied. "Ok I'm so sorry if that made you sad when I asked I just haven't seen anybody were a such looking smiley on there face" "oh my prince you didn't make me sad if my mask is making you uncomfortable i could take it off anything for you prince"
Dream said he was really kind. "No it don't make me uncomfortable, could you please call me Wilbur instead of prince it makes me feel weird" I answered it was probably a weird response and probably didn't make any sense.

[I have so much problem writing this I just want to write u I sets off you]

After that little conversation I just went on with my day as normal until it was night.

Nobody's POV:
We were inside the castle some servants were gonna go home but it started to rain uncontrollable so the ones who lived near came home wich was almost everybody, but Dream had a problem he lived pretty far away and he didn't know any of the servants.

Dream and Wilbur had been separated because Dream had some work in a different part of the castle, but Dream new he needed to stay at the castle for the night so he went and tried to find Philza the king. He knew Philza probably were in his office doing something so he made his way there. [im so sorry I don't know what kings and people like that do so sorry]

He knocked on the door " come in" dream opened the door and walked in "my king I can't go home because of the rain, so I probably will have to stay here for the night" Dream said fast he probably were a little stressed because he asked the king if he could stay here. "Okay so you need to stay here you should probably go to Wilbur he can fix where you can sleep" Philza said like the caring person he was "okey I'm gonna go look for him" Dream said as he walked out of Philzas office, he found Wilbur in his room "so I have to stay here for the night" Dream said to Wilbur "okay you could sleep in here with me if you did like" Wilbur said while smirk bit, Dream got a light blush on his cheek but you couldn't se it because of his mask "if that's what you want prince" Wilbur closed the door behind Dream and then he pushed Dream down on the bed and cuddled him.

[im so sorry if this is bad I don't even have a good excuse for this being bad]

The next day they both woke up by Tommy who was screaming at seeing Dream and Wilbur cuddling.




I'm so sorry again this is so lazy and bad I am really tired and I just wanted to get something out so that the you would like to read this. Not even my notes make sense and I'm gonna do a q/a if I get any questions.

Pls give me requests I'm legit losing myself I have no fantasy left so pls it don't need to be much but just like something simple like a ship.

I don't check read these so.


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