Forbidden love (DNF)

879 21 17

Idea from my brain at 2 am!
Ship: dnf
Type: probably fluff and some angst-

Tw: none
Nobody's POV:
There where a wall between two kingdoms where there didn't happen a lot, it where peace between the kingdoms. They didn't exactly like each other but they weren't enemies either. It where strictly forbidden to engage with the other kingdom if you didn't have permission from the royalties.

But there where two people breaking that. Every night at 2 am when everyone where asleep they meet at the wall. They talked to each other until 4 am, then they went back to their respective homes. They never told anyone about it because of the law. But they both enjoyed their talks and valued them a lot even tho they knew they would never meet.
Their talks often consisted of funny stories and things that had happened. They never told anything to personal because if they did they knew it would get harder not to meet.

Dreams POV:

It where about 1:54 am and I where on my way to the wall, where I meet the mysterious person. Our talks where very nice!

I make my way out of the window and climbs down some vines because I can't go through the door because people would ask me where I where going then. I got down to the ground without getting hurt which was good, I started to walk through the yard. It had probably gone two minutes and I still weren't out of the yard, god damn it why does the royal garden have to be so big?
I walked for about three minutes more and I finally got to the wall, why does it have to be such a long way to the wall from the castle. I started to look for the wooden door that we talked through, well you can't open it but it's easy to hear through luckily.

It's actually kinda funny how we started to talk. How we meet- or not meet but started to talk where, that I where sitting at the door singing and soon I heard someone sing with me. Now singing is a way we signal where there at the door.

I saw the door and I started to hear a voice singing, it where so soothing his voice where so nice to hear. When I got close enough I started to sing with him and soon we both stoped.
"Hi" I heard through the door it was a little unclear but I could still hear it.

"Hello" I said back.

"How are you?" I heard there where some excitement in his voice.

"I'm good! You?" I said also being excited.

"I'm very good! Because I got good news!" He said back excited.

"What is it?" I asked genuinely happy for him.

"I'm going to your kingdom tomorrow!! I probably can't meet you..- but still I get to see it!!" He sounded very excited.

"Well that's amazing!! I'm happy for you!" I said back wishing I could meet him.

We talked for about two more hours about random stuff that happened and things we enjoyed doing, we also guessed each other's names it was quit funny to do. We couldn't figure them out but it still was fun to guess.

When we said bye I got quit sad but I acted like it was nothing and I went back to the castle and carefully climbed up the vines to my room. When I got into my overly cleaned room I immediately got into the bed, the bed felt like a cloud but it was something about it that always made me feel bad. That's probably the reason I didn't get so much sleep, yea im totally ignoring that I'm thinking about that person I talk to.

I weren't able to sleep until one and a half hour later i think. But when I just had fallen asleep I got woken by a servant knocking on the door waking me up.
Isn't it a little early, I thought looking at the time. I where right it where to early, why do did they wake me so early today. I got up from the bed and I changed my clothes and then I went to where we eat breakfast.
As I thought, my family where at the table. My family is my mom, my dad and my annoying little sister.
"Come sit down Dream" My dad said and pointed at a chair. I went and sat down on the chair he pointed at, why is this happening what is even happening.

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