Brother's that look nothing alike (dreamnoblade/p)

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So a request/Idea from Missnote2005!  I personally love this idea and I hope everyone that reads this does to!!

Au: Brother au
Brothers/twins: Techno and Dream

Nobody's POV:
Dream and Techno are brothers and they didn't especially hide it at all but no one thought that they where brothers because of how different they where from each other, like how they lookt and their strength and things like that also their personality. They also fought a lot and people just took that like they where rivals and nothing else but it was actually brother love, they both also where very protective of each other and they didn't let the other one get hurt of it wasn't themself that did it.

An interesting thing about them was that even tho they where brothers by blood and they like had the same parents, they both where part brute but you only noticed that on Techno because somehow he had gotten the brute strength and all there abilities while Dream only had gotten the bad stuff from them and that was that he where easily distracted by gold. But he had learnt how to fight good even tho he had no special abilities, wait he had one he could run inhumanly fast.

They both grew up in the nether but human came and their parents got killed even tho one of their parents where a human, the people still killed the parent. So they both had to grow up with only their brother and they feared humans and every time they saw one they hid, but their fear stoped when a kind human noticed them and decided to take care of them both and from that person they learnt how to be like humans. You might wonder who that person was and the person where Philza he had been kind enough to take in two brute children, they grew up with him and they learnt a lot about people and they learnt that there where bad and good people.

Trough out there childhood they made friends and enemies but let's just say the enemies meet their fate fast when the brothers learnt to fight, they where like bodyguards to each other and they where when they got older they just didn't make it obvious because they fought so much.

But now that is enough about their childhood.

Philza POV:
I had just gotten home from being out getting stuff and as I expected Dream and Techno where home and they had started to fight already, I got inside the house and put away the things I had gotten and then I saw a envelope laying right in front of the door so I went and got it, and on the envelope their stood 'to everyone' i really wonder what it is. I called for the boys and I heard stumbling and some laughter come from behind and soon they both where there, I turned around and showed them the letter.
"If it is something about something social I am not going" Techno said as fast as he saw the envelope.

"You scared to get some friends" Dream teased him.

"Says you!" Techno answered loudly.

"Hey! I actually have friends!!" Dream said almost as loud as Techno, I cleared my throat and both of them lookt at me.

"We should read it before we say anything okay" I said mostly to break up their fight, they both nodded and I smiles and opened the envelope getting to the letter and I started to read it first for myself quiet. Wait George and Fundy are getting married isn't that both of Dreams ex's, yea I am not telling them. But it was to late the letter where ripped out of my hand by Dream and he and Techno read it, I saw Dreams eyes widen while reading it and he almost look like he where about to breakdown. I lookt sad at him and then Techno went and hugged Dream and he hugged back they where holding each other close. I sighed small, this is why I didn't want him to read it.

"I'm guessing you two don't wanna go on the wedding?" I said softly.

"N-no I w-wanna go..-" Dream said low he where crying soft, I lookt at him and nods.

"If you want to go you can I won't stop you.. I just don't think it's good for you" I said because I can already see how much this have torn on his mental health.

"I'm going with you then only to see that you are okay" Techno said and slowly let go of Dream and he got a small smile from Dream.

"You two are going then that is good to know" I said with a weak smile, I really don't think that they should go because Dream is so broken of only knowing the wedding will happen, it will be so much worse when he is there. I heard Dream inhale shaky and then he mumbled something I didn't hear but Techno seems like he heard it because he nodded and then Dream walked of towards his room.
"He said he where going to sleep-" Techno said like he knew I didn't hear him, I nod at that.
"Also I am gonna stop the wedding if dream have a breakdown there I don't care" Techno said and then he walked of to his room, these boys really are protective of each other. I sighed and then I went and put away the letter and then I went to also sleep or at least try to.

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