The start of all this? (Tommy dream brother)

904 17 2

Brain go brrrrrrrrrrrrrr
Yea okay
Au: zombie apocalypse
Ship: none
+au: tommy dream brother au
Type: fluff, angst? Not really sure-

Nobody's POV:
So let's go back a couple of weeks to get the start of this story.

It where actually a fully normal day until there came a warning on the tv, radio everything you could send out to.
The warning was:


Almost everyone started to take all their things fast and go to a safe place, but some didn't have the time to and they got infected.

That's how the big mess started.
No one really knows where it came from.
But they all knew it was serious the infected where violent and they didn't spare anyone that they saw or heard.  

Sad thing about all this was that it happened in the first place second, not all people where able to go to bunker so they died or hid. Third they all couldn't hide forever since they needed more food people hadn't thought about that at all.

At one bunker they where all deciding who should go and get food. In that bunker Dream happened to be.

Dream POV:
It's been chaos in the world and we are starting to lose food in the bunker so we needed to go and find some.
When we all where deciding on who should go I said I would go with someone else, well I know it's stupid to go out there but.. my little brother got lost when we all hid and I know he's still alive so I need to find him and help him.

Of course I got strange looks when I said I would go and get food but no one complained since they didn't wanna do it.

After a while we all decided that me and Techno should get food. He where considered one of the most strongest we had here so that's why.
It was a little terrifying to go with him since we didn't know each other a lot but everyone said we would be good on getting food.
We got weapons so we wouldn't be totally defenseless, Techno got a axe and I got a axe as well but we only had one shield and I got that. I don't understand why but I got it.

Me and him went up to the gate to the bunker and we looked outside carefully and to our surprise there weren't any zombies outside the gate. We got out and we immediately went to the bunch of cars that were close to the gate.
We hid behind them and we looked around where we should move next, everything was thrashed and so much was covered in blood. You could also see some people hanging out from buildings from their neck, yea they escaped all this by death. When we looked around we could also see some zombies but the things is they had poor sight but good hearing so we needed to be as quiet as possible.

We started to move in the direction the store was, we where trying to get to a store so we could get things. From where we are there where about 500 meter to the store so we tries to hurry there, but the closer we got the more zombies where they. But we hadn't been noticed yet so we where "safe" so long. But that was until I accidentally stepped on a plastic bag that made a sound.

All the zombies turned our way and started to go towards us. Some running some crawling some walking, depending on how they where hurt.
We quickly got on top of the closets car and from there we could get up to a low roof so we did that. All the zombies where following out steps below us since they couldn't climb good. Some of them tried to reach us and some tried to climb up how we had done.
We walked on the roof as far as we could until we where forced to get down. We jumped down from the roof and we sprinted towards the store as fast as we could. The zombies where following us and they seemed to be communicating with each other somehow, because they started to spread out and actually feel like they had a strategy to get us. We ran as fast as we could and we where about 50 meters from the store when Techno completely stoped and I saw that so I stopped as well. I grabbed his arm and tried to get him to move with me. He didn't move. Why wouldn't he move.

"Dream run.." He said and I looked up at him.
"Move idiot we need to run" I said back panicked.
"Dream run I've been bitten I'll hold them of just run" I let of his arm and I looked down and I saw a bit on his leg, I felt small tears form in my eyes. He pushed me forwards towards the store, I started to run while I felt tears run down my cheeks.
I got to the store and I got inside I closed the door fat knowing no zombies where in here since we had set up traps so they couldn't get in here.

I started to go and get things we needed while I felt tears run down my cheeks. "Don't cry Dream.. you can't waist water.. you need to survive for all of the others..." I mumbles to myself while putting stuff in the backpack I had with me.
We had water down there but it was still very valuable so I got a water that I found in the store.
I had packed the backpack as much as I could. I had takes a lot of vegetables and beans and stuff that could hold a while or things that were necessary to survive.
I put the backpack on my back fast.
Then I heard a knock...
it was a normal knock not like a dead...

What was that no one could possibly just be there knocking they would be dead then. I went up in the store since it had two stories. I got up to the second floor and I looks down to where the knocking was coming from. There someone was. They had blonde hair it was curly, they worse a read and white shirt and they.. wait that looks like Tommy. It can't be him it can't be. All the zombies are just looking at Tommy and not attacking.

Without thinking I opened a window and screamed down to him.
"Hey!" Shit I actually screamed. The person I thought was Tommy looked up and I was right it was Tommy.
"Hello there brother! Long time no see!" He said.
"Where have you been?! how are you not getting attacked!!" I screamed back at him.
"Oh I've been creating chaos! They won't attack us idiot! We're their kind we're also dead like them!"
What does he mean. We're not dead I'm alive and they have attacked me before, or wait. When I've gotten attacked I've always been with someone else but when I first got to the bunker I didn't have any zombies after me they didn't really seem to notice me at first.
"You don't understand do you? Our dad where a zombie! I created this!" Tommy screamed out to me.
"Come down here brother and we'll have a lovely time!" He screamed out again.

I wanna go to him but what if I get bitten? What if it's just a lie? There are so many risks...


But you know what I'm tired of this I'll go down and if I get bitten then I'm a villain I guess and if I don't get bitten then I'm a villain as well. I'm tired to fight for survival. If I don't get attacked then I won't have to fight for survival and if I get bitten I don't have to fight for it either.

I went down to the first floor. I took a deep breathe and I opened the door going out to him. The only thing I felt was a big hug it was Tommy who had hugged me and I hugged back close.
"See we're safe now brother" Tommy said sounding more like himself.
"Yea we're safe" I mumbled and held him close.

A few week passed

I never went back to the bunker I never came back with the food but me and Tommy had a plan for a fun idea for us. The idea was that I got there with the food but I "accidentally" leave the door open so all out friends can come in. Aka the friends are all of our zombies.

I had gotten the backpack with new food and I started to run to the bunker just to look tired and so it would be believable. I had put some blood on myself like I had been fighting some zombies.

I got to the gate and I opened it with the code we had to it and I got in fast panting. Everyone went to me and took the food and helped me up, some went to close the door but they couldn't since I changed the code fast and you need to write it to close the door.
As according to plan all of my friends got in and started to attack all of the people.
I gotta admit it was a lot funnier when your on the "evil" side of this.

I laughed as I watched all of the people get killed and turned into my people...


Here have this shit- my brain in the middle of this decided to say fuck this I'm making him a villain- gotta say it was fun writing

Words: 1669
Nice  =  🔝

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