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So yea this is just a chapter about my head cannons so yes I have some of them not a lot I think so yea and you don't have to think as I do this is just what I think.

So I will start with some Dream head cannons so yea:
1. He is a like a goat hybrid so he had horns on his head with ears, but he got in a "accident" when he was little so he lost them so that's a thing he's insecure about. That's why he always have his hair pretty long and fluffy so that you can't see the scars.

2. He is brother with Tubbo, XD, Nightmare, Foolish and Drista, Lani so they are protective of each other.

3. Dream have some phobias the ones he have is Glossophobia, Glossophobia is the fear of of talking public. He also had Somniphobia but he overcame that fear.

That's all the dream head cannons I have.
So I'm just gonna do like to more people or so because I'm bored and it's hard to remember things so yea.

1. He and Dream have known each other since they were 10 years and they have haven't always been close but when they were like 17 they became really close "friends". (techno simps for him but u know this I think it I'm just unclear)

2. He is a tsundere, if you don't know what that is it is when somebody acts all mean and cold but they have a soft spot for the person they like. (Thanks for the help fandomlover2million on this one)

3. So his family is the slb Inc. as you might understand.

4. He also has heard voices in his head which he still has but they are starting to get calmer, but the voices are very protective of Dream and the sleepy bois.

So yea sorry I don't have a lot of cannons I'm just writing what I think I like and what sounds good so sorry if you don't agree with me on them so yea. Next Wilbur:

1. Wilbur can play a lot of instruments but he likes to play the guitar more than any other instrument.

2. He and techno is twins not biological but they have the same birthday. ( if I you don't understand he techno and Tommy are adopted)

3. He also has known Dream as long as techno has but they didn't talk so much in the beginning so yea.

So yea sorry I write like small notes between these so yea but I will probably do like three or four cannons in the ones I do so yea. Next George and sapnap: (I'm tired ok)

1. So first George and sapnap think that they have known Dream the longest but they haven't.

2. They both are hybrids in Minecraft au George is a mushroom hybrid and sapnap a blaze hybrid because yes.

3. So a George in the beginning did not simp for Dream but then Dream stoped to try to get him so yea George wanted Dreams attention so yea. ( when I'm writing this it just sounds like Dream is toxic in this but he's not I promise)

4. So Sapnap has always simped for Dream but in the beginning he hid it so he just became good friend with Dream.

So we're here again my mind is blank and I don't know what characters I should make head cannons for so yea. Next Lani and Tubbo:

1. They are biological siblings it they got adopted into the wastaken family so yea all of the kids were adopted but yea who cares.

2. There real parents were not good parents so that's why they got adopted, now they are really scared for people like them so they are a little scared for people.

3. Lani and Drista are very good friends like they do a lot of things together and they are protective of each other and Tubbo and Lani are that so, pretty much all of the siblings are protective of each other.

4. Both Tubbo and Lani are goat hybrids like Dream, they both show affection sometimes with head butting the person the want to show affection to. Sometimes against each other and that can be fun to watch for there siblings.

Don't you just love it when you write dsmp head cannons in front of your parentsand they ask you what your doing. Next XD and Nightmare:

1.  So Nightmare, XD and Dream are all biological siblings Drista to do yea, Nightmare and Dream are twins but Nightmare are like 10 minutes older then Dream and he uses that. XD is the oldest of them and he is a little like a parent for them.

2. XD and Nightmare argue a lot and they know exactly how to get in each other's nerves so they argue A LOT.

3. Nightmare and XD can talk to each other in there minds Dream to and that's a way they annoy each other.

4. They both are like gods they are immortal both of them but if they want they can die so yea they have a choice and that's stronger then most gods to.

5. They both created the dsmp as a present to Dream.

This I'm writing is not making any sense so sorry for that. Next Puffy.

1. For the first she is the mother to all the wastaken, she takes care of them and so.

2. She's part sheep and she was a pirate but when she got the first children she stoped to be a pirate so she could take care of them.

3. She is the only one who has the mind to stand up to XD when he's angry and his biological siblings because all three of them are really scary when they are angry so she is the only on who can calm them down.

4. She also is together with Niki. ( sorry if you don't like it it's just my ship and I think it's cute so sorry)

5. She enjoys baking a lot to she usually does it with Niki that's like the dates the go on and that really cute.

Sorry for any spelling mistakes and so please tell me if you see any spelling mistakes.
Next Foolish:

1. He is a part totem part shark.

2. A thing with him being part totem is that he can be revived by himself but just a couple of times and it takes a lot on him to do that.

3. He is in love with building and when he was little he always build things for his siblings which he still do.

4. He loves the ocean but a lot of people thinks that he don't because he is part totem and part totems are know a for not liking water, he is also very good at swimming.
So yea that's all the head cannons right know I hope u liked it as I said you don't need to think as I do but pls respect what I think.

And I will do a q/a so pls give me some questions. Pls also drink and take something to eat if you haven't and just a Appel isn't a meal so pls.

Hope your good and people love u just know that!

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