Tired of school (angst(little fluff)

681 14 4

Ship: ??? (Surprise if there is one)
Au: Highschool
Type: angst mostly

Nobody's pov:
School. We all have memories from it some are happy some are embarrassing some are sad, but their all memories we've gathered from school. What we're gonna read is how it can feel with school. Some have it fully different and that's fine everyone and everyone's experience is different. The person we're gonna follow and read their experience is Dream or they had another name but they didn't dare to use it because of old memories connected to the name.

They where an average high schooler, nothing special about them. They weren't gifted in school or in anything particularly, wasn't a popular kid or bullied or quiet kid they was just sorta a background character in everyone else's stories. They would be call the funny friend perhaps. How they looked weren't anything particularly either, dirty blond hair and green brown eyes that no one really noticed. They did have some friends but they where always the last option for some of them.
The point of it is that he weren't special in any kinda way, they didn't get remarked or even noticed often.

So their grades where average weren't failing but weren't getting A's in everything. They often got a C or possible B+ sometimes an A but it wasn't often.
One thing that they where "special" with is they had adhd but no one believed they did because they managed to focus and even the teachers ignored them and their problems.

They where average they had depression and anxiety but for them it where normal to not have motivation but to be scared about not doing things at the same time.

Dream pov:
I heard the torturing noise that scarred my ears for my whole existing, I moved slowly and sat up and I turned my alarm of. I slowly got out of under the comfy covers and I felt the cold air brush up on my skin and I thought to myself, 'of course it would be a cold day today exactly when we have to run outside for PE'. I went and put on a pair a sweatpants and then a hoodie or more sweater but doesn't really matter it just kept me warm.
I take my phone from the nightstand and I look at the screen '06:57' read the time, I looked at my schedule quickly, I had it on my desk that were overflowing with papers and books for school. I quickly grabbed a math book I had on the desk and then some other random books because I didn't bother looking and I put it in a bag with my computer.

I opened the cupboard over the sink in the kitchen and grabbed a mug for myself, I sat down and listened to the familiar noise of coffee brewing. 'The only thing that keeps me alive' I heard the small pling noise that indicated the coffee was done so I went and got a cup of coffee, I realized I had forgotten to clean up my room yesterday so I put down the cup. I ran up to my room and quickly fixed it so it looked presentable in case my parents came home today.

I put the earphones in and I hummed small to the song as I walked along the pavement on the way to school, I had my bag tossed over my shoulder as I walked. It was a pretty chilly day when I breath out it made a small cloud, I saw the grey building start to appear in front of me and I sighed small to myself and I joined the "stream" of students walking into school.
When I got inside the warmth and smell of dirt and people hit me. I walked to my locker and I put away the stuff I wouldn't need and then I went to see if I could go to the classroom I was supposed to be in.

To my surprise I was able to go in the classroom so I found a bench in the back and sat down and laid my head in the desk and closed my eyes.

I must have fallen asleep because when I opened my eyes again it seemed to be in the middle of lesson or more to the end of one. I looked around in the room and I saw that 'they' weren't here and I sighed small and I lift my sight up to the whiteboard in front of the class.
We were apparently learning about the body and blood flow and stuff like that, it didn't concern me at all I just needed to listen a little so I could recognize some of it for when we get a grade.

Soon after what felt like an eternity class ended and we had PE. 'Great we have PE now and I have to change and then we're gonna run for like a mile, great this will be awesome' I went to the changing room and I tried to make myself as invisible as possible and I started to change. I hid my chest and arms as much as I could because if they saw I would be judged and I would get wrong kind of attention. As soon as I got on my PE clothes I went out from the changing room and I went to meeting spot.

My chest hurt so badly and it was so hard to catch my breathe, my legs also hurt so much. I got to the change room and I just threw on my hoodie and then I just put the rest of my clothes in my bag and then I quickly left and I started to walk/run home. I quickly unlocked the door, or well when you stress it always take longer time so it didn't go fast. When I got in I threw my bag onto the floor and I quickly closed the door and ran up to my room and I went inside and slammed the door closed.

'Them, their here. Their here! Their here for me' My thoughts started to raise as well as my pulse and I jumped onto my bed and I clung to them closely as they had my key and had come here to surprise me. I hugged them so closely as I started to sob into their chest. 'Their here.."

I smiled and I drifted into slumber for once happy and comfortable...


I've got no clue tf this is- I just wrote it- I hope you enjoy? Also hope you have a good day/night! Love you all <3

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 20, 2022 ⏰

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