Assasin and the Prince (dreamnoblade)

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Once again an amazing request/idea from 101InsertNameHereidk! Okay i love your request/ideas so much!


Au: Assassin au

Techno- prince
Dream- assassin
Philza- king
Wilbur- young prince
Tommy- Friends with Wilbur, ranboo and Tubbo
Tubbo- Friends with Tommy, Wilbur and ranboo
Ranboo- Friends with Tommy, Wilbur, Tubbo and Techno
Jschlatt- Dreams assassin boss


Dreams POV:
I had gotten orders to meet my boss outside of the slb kingdom, I really wonder why because I have almost never had a mission there and the kingdom is also known for being very strong or the guards being strong. So it would be very risky to have an mission there but I mean I need this job and apparently I can do it well so I'm getting what I need.

Well I'm soon where he wanted to meet me, hopefully he chose a good place where we won't be seen because imagine seeing someone outside your kingdom just standing there talking or just walking around watching it, yea it would look kinda weird. I got to the gate of the kingdom of course it was open I mean no one is attacking them, at lest not for now.
And as I suspected I see my boss just standing in front of the gate trying to flirt with people who walk in and out of the gate, i sight quietly to myself when I see someone actually stoped to talk with him.

That is definitely something new people often gets scared from him, well interesting now do I wanna interrupt this or should I let him have his chance. I chose to be nice today and I walk into the kingdom without him noticing me going in, honestly I didn't expect the kingdom to be this pretty it looks like an old village but it wasn't like damaged in anyway but it still lookt old in a beautiful way.
You know what since I have like free time- well not really but still I should try to maybe make some friends I could need some I should at least try to talk to people.

I could also just find a caffe! Yea that is a better idea. I smile to myself and I start to look for a caffe and I find one pretty fast it's a small one cute it looks cute, so I decided to go inside. Directly when I got inside I was hit with the smell of freshly baked bread it was amazing. I sat down at a table and from there I just lookt what they had, I decided not to get anything for now.

I shouldn't probably have just  walkt away from where we where gonna meet I need to go back there soon or at least contact him, my thoughts got interrupted by a pretty tall blonde person that said "hello" really loudly to me. Then I saw some other people get in the caffe and walk up to him.

"Tommy you can't just run away from
us!" One of the persons that had run into the caffe said, that person where shortest and they had brown curly hair covering their eyes.

"Yea you can't just runaway from us your lucky ranboo where able to see where you ran" another person said he where tall and had glasses he also had brown curly hair but it was mostly covered by a beanie.

"Yea yea I am sorry it's just you all are so slow!" The one named Tommy I think said that, he really where a loud blonde.
"I found a cool looking person I wanna talk to so don't blame me!" As he said that he lookt over at me, and the other persons he talket to lookt over to me to and another person that where very very tall also lookt at me.
"Uh- hi-" I said it's pretty awkward to have   four people looking at you.
"Hello!" The person named Tommy said yea I am just gonna assume his name, well the other people called him that.
"I wanna get to know you would you wanna go on a walk to talk!" Tommy said sounding very happy and excited, he looks very nice and he don't seem like a threat so I could.
"I mean sure- i need people to talk to and i don't have anything to do right now" as I said that and got up and I saw Tommy jump happily.

The tallest person in their friend group sighed, I guess they don't like new people or talking to much.
Tommy ran up to me and grabbed my hand and then he started to run out the caffe and over to a forest close to the castle, I'm guessing his friends are following after.

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