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[before I start this I just wanna say I'm so so sorry for not updating a lot have happened good and bad thing so im so sorry]
Explanation: So Dream angst =] nothing else just angst

Warnings: torture, suicide, swearings

Nobody's POV:
The smp have been calm not much has happened since Dream got in prison no one where getting hurt or so most thought. Little did they know the smp would soon start to fall apart...

Quackity POV:
I was on my way to Dream as normally to try to get the book and pressure him to get information maybe even hurt him. Of course no one besides me and sam knew about me doing this, and we didn't have any plan to tell anyone about this.

I get to the prison and I get through security easy with all my stuff.

Now I'm in Dreams cell watching him closely "The famous Dream not to famous now people are starting to forget about you and everyone is so much more happy without you, you know that?" I said looking at the villain a despited so much. I was looking at him with despite while he was crawling into a ball looking at me he didn't show any emotion and that annoyed me so much. "So not even gonna answer me" I say with venom in my voice as I put the blade of my axe against his throat, making him look up at me.

I finally get a reaction from him he whimpers small pushing the axe from his own throat a little, of course that only makes me push it more against his throat so he gets a small scar. "Fucking answer me! I can kill you and I'm gonna assure you no one would fucking care!" I say trying to make it sound intimidating.

"Wh-why would I give you the pleasure of me answering you? Your never gonna ge-" I hear dream speak he is sounding so confident so I push the axe against his throat more and makes him shut up. "Don't. You. Dare. Speak to me like that you fucking villain" I spit out with so much venom in my voice so you could almost feel it.

I see Dream whimper small and crawl backwards but he couldn't get far because the obsidian wall was behind him. "You really think you can escape me? If I don't get the book today your fucking dead" I say while walking closer to him holding the axe against his chest, pushing the axe into his chest a little.

I can see visible panic in Dreams eyes but I see him deciding not to work with me and be quiet, so I higher the axe over my head preparing to hit him with it and I swing the axe down in a steady and hard swing. I hit his arms as he had higher them to protect himself he now had a deep scar in his forearms. "You monster can't you just take the hits" I curse out at him and I swing the axe again at him again a little more unsteady this time from anger, this time I hit his chest not meaning to.

"Give me the damn book!" I scream at him, Sam could probably hear it but I know he wouldn't interrupt me.

I can see Dream touching his scars on arms and chest. "If I don't y-you will just kill me and if I do I would either way die-" I hear dream say I can barley hear him he's speaking so quiet and his voice is shaking a lot. "Okay I don't fucking cafe I need that damn book!" I curse out at him again, I see Dream taking up a book scribbling down something and I pushes the axe into his throat again. "H-here take this just got to the coordinates and you will find it" I hear Dream say he's still speaking very low and shaky, he's holding out his arm so I can take the book and I snatch it from him fast.

"You better not have been lying with this I will fucking make your life so much worse if you lied" I say threatening him trying to get him more scared. "I'm not lying trust me-" I lightly pushes the axe more into his throat hating thats he actually answered me sounding more confident then he did before. "I will never fucking trust you after everything you did!" Im trying to get him to feel more guilty, because I really hate him for everything he did.

"I'm sorry please you got what you want please leave..." Dream whispers but I can still hear him "I will leave after you fucking understand what you did!" I say I'm not actually so angry at him now I'm more insecure feeling bad that he still is so strong after everything.

Dream POV:
I'm laying on the prison floor pressed to the wall by quackity holding an axe to my throat, I'm trying not to fall because I'm holding myself up with my arms. I'm really close on collapsing but if I did I know I would get the axe in me...

I gave quackity a book where there are some coordinates in so it looks real but in fact I have burnt the book and I barley remember it, so the coordinates are to something else. But who cares if he find out I lied I will die either way... If I successfully survive this I will step in the lava anyway. And after I have died it's just a matter of time till this world collapse in it self.

I can see quackity lift up the axe swinging it against me again and it's hits me in my leg making a deep scar I try not to react knowing if I do it will just get worse. I can hear him cursing out something but I don't even bother listen to him, I think that pissed him up so he puts the axe against my chest and makes a long painful scar.

I think this continued for about three hours until he finally leaved at this time I was laying on the floor covered in new scars and a lot of blood.

I groaned small and pushed myself up feeling all the scars opening a little more every time I moved, I slowly managed to crawl to the lava hoping Sam isn't watching right now. I properly sits up watching the lava a little and then I touches it with my hand slowly, it hurts a lot but at the same time it actually feels nice it's very hot and somehow comforting... And the sound of it bubbling and burning reminded me of nether being with people that I once called friends...

I wonder what it will feels like to swim in it being able to burn in it, and with that thought I threw myself into the lava. A fast feeling of pain flooded over me but at the same time the warmth was comforting like it was accepting and then I felt nothing more...

[Dream tried to swim in lava [0 cannon life's left]

Nobody's POV:
No one knew Dream died not because of not checking or so because it was impossible you couldn't see anything like that anymore.

How everyone found out Dream was dead was from Sam finally deciding to go into his cell to check in him, and there he didn't find Dream and then he checked the lava to see if Dream was hiding and there he found Dreams body...

The most interesting thing about it was that his body seemed to not be hurt from the lava at all it actually seemed better then it was when he was alive...

So Sam decided to tell everyone about him a being dead but he didn't tell anyone about how Dreams body seemed perfectly unharmed even the scars from torture had healed some how...

Okay- well sorry for not updating again and no one might read this but yea this is shitty to sorry-
Well I hope your doing good take something to drink!

Words: 1376
[Also i didn't prof read so- somethings is probably confusing or misspelled just tell me then-!]

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