Dreamnotfound (smut/fluff)

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Idea from:gothicdics
Top: George
Bottom: Dream
Dream and George at dating dream's ex still has a thing for him George gets jelly.
[i changed it a bit if that's ok sorry]
Dream POV:
Me and George had been dating for about a year we were really happy in our relationship, but I had a problem my ex had started to text me again he was really crazy and he didn't let me do anything he just used me as a toy so that's why we broke up.

I didn't want to tell George because if I did I now I would feel like I had no control of my own life so I didn't tell him and my ex kept texting me.
(Texts between Dream and ex)
Hi sweetie missed me cause I missed you~
What do you want, I have a boyfriend.
Oh I want nothing just you~ And who would want you are just a pathetic little idiot~
Dream: Is this a new tactic to get me to hate you it really is working, and as I said idiot I have a boyfriend and he loves me very much.
Oh that's to bad because I know everything about you~ I know we're you live I'm probably gonna give you a visit soon cutie~
Dream Yea I'm just gonna block you now bye bitch.
So I'm a little scared that he was gonna come to my and Goggys house because he was always so ^overprotective^, he probably knew were I lived so that was actually a little scary.

George POV:
I had noticed that Dream had started to act different he looked like ha was scared all the time so I decided to ask him what it was, we was just cuddling " so dream had something happened you act like you are scared" I said I was really concerned for him. "Oh it's nothing I just it feels like something is about to happen" he said, "I'm gonna make you feel safer then".

Dream POV:
"I'm gonna make you feel safer then" that's what he said I don't think he know what I was scared for " I always feel safer with you babe" I said to not scare him,
" anyways I'm going on a business trip in like a week "  George said as he gave me a smile " it won't be for long like tree days or so we are just gonna meet up and talk about something's".

I got scared because if my ex finds out he is gonna come here " ok I hope you have fun when it is" I said a little half hearted. "Anyways I think that before I go on the trip we should have a date, I think that would be nice" George said happy not knowing that I was legit scared for my life. " that sounds like a really good plan" I said to not make it sound suspicious.

That night when we went to bed I cuddled with George like something should drag me away from him.

Time skip (day of date) [ reality I'm just to tired to write what they were doing the other days]
Dream POV:
So today we are going on a date before George's business trip, I was planning on wearing like a skirt I think I was still scared of my ex but I was with George so what could he do?
My outfit:

Time skip (day of date) [ reality I'm just to tired to write what they were doing the other days]Dream POV: So today we are going on a date before George's business trip, I was planning on wearing like a skirt I think I was still scared of my ex b...

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