Manhunt (dnn)

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So I'm sure everyone have read one dreamnotnap manhunt thing- no just me. Well okay- This is gonna be one of those but without smut because yea.

Ship: dreamnotnap
Bottom: Dream
Top: George, Sapnap
Type: fluff (I guess)

Dreams POV:
So I have had it boring for a while so I asked to do a manhunt. And that's what's happening right now, we had created a new world and right now I where getting chased by George and Sapnap. I didn't have that good gear but good enough to win this thing. I can definitely tell that they had better armor then me but where I gonna give up because of that? No I weren't.
I had gotten a lot of beds and I had the eye of ender I needed to enter the end so now I just needed to find the portal, so I threw one eye of ender and I followed it and I repeated that some times till it stoped at one place and I dug right now to get to it. I found it pretty fast after I found the place.

I hurriedly put the eyes in the portal, I heard Sapnap and George bicker so I knew they where close so I jumped into the portal and got to the end. I spawned on the ground so I dug up and tried not to look any enderman in their eyes.

I started to shot the crystals so that the dragon couldn't heal.
"Oh dream~!" I heard sapnap shout, I turned around and saw him and George. Crap they where here now I had to fight them and the dragon, one more thing which I also hate to admit is that my health is low and I don't have any food so I'm kinda I'm trouble here.
I randomly felt a pain and saw the purple particles, shit I had been stuck in thoughts and the dragon had purged. I quickly moved away from it but from that it had left me on three hearts.

I managed to shot all the crystals down so the dragon couldn't heal and soon after it went to the middle and I placed beds.

But without knowing I got teleported back to our normal world. I cursed to myself when I figured out that George and Sapnap must have killed me, and I where right because they entered the room I had spawn in and they both had big smiles on their faces.
"We beat you Dream!" Sapnap cheered out, while George just smiled but soon he flinched and held his shoulder.
"God damn it-" He cursed out in pain, I got up and went over to him.
"George? Are you okay?" I asked very concerned.
"Yea my shoulder just hurt-" He cursed out.
"Can I check your shoulder?" I asked and I got an nod as answer. I role up his sleeve and I see a big wound with poison in it.

"That's why it hurt- yea you and Sapnap wait here I'll get something to clean it with! And also can you drink a health potion while I get things to fix it with?"
I went out from the room and went to the cabinet we had medical stuff like bandages and sanitizer and stuff like that. I started to look for the thing that helped with getting potion out, and I also looked for a bandage that was good for sensitive skin.
I found the things and I stood up and turned around and walked right into Sapnap.

He just stood behind me like a wall kinda.
"Yea hello I where just gonna see if you got everything"
"Yea I have everything!"
We both went back to the bedroom where George was, as we walked there I felt a slap on my ass.
"Don't do that Sapnap"
We went in the room and I instantly went and sat down besides George and I started to take away the poison from the wound and cleaned it.
It took some time to clean it since it was pretty dirty but when I finally got it clean it seemed okay. So I put a bandage on.
"Thank you Dream" George said with a yawn.
"He's tired again?!" Sapnap said really confused.
"He always is but we should actually go to sleep tho" I said as I laid down beside George and Sapnap cuddled us both very close.

We all fell asleep.

I woke up at about 3 am from some serious thundering. I started to shake small getting bad memories from the thunder, I started to panic and I moved away from my boyfriends so I wouldn't wake them up. I started to cry and shake a lot getting serious flashbacks.

"You weak brat" His dad screamed while kicking him in the stomach. He cried out in pain. He wish someone could help him or hear him. But it was a big storm outside so no one could possible hear it.
Suddenly he felt a stinging pain in his side and then he felt something warm run down his waist and he screamed out in pain, and the same pain came again. "Don't fucking scream if you do I'll do it again!!" He threatened while holding scolding hot water. But Dream couldn't help but scream out in pain and cry and he felt the same running pain again but this time on his thigh.

That continued for hours and hours until the storm disappeared.}

He laid shaking on the bed crying as quiet as he could, he got very scared when he felt arms hug him from behind and he flinched but then he remembered the feeling of the hug. It was Sapnap.
"Shhh it's okay love, your fine, your safe here" He held me close and whispered sweet and assuring things in my ear he made me feel comfortable again.

After a while I was calm but I still flinched to every thunder so he got up and got ear plugs so I wouldn't hear it. It took some time but I fell asleep again this time I didn't wake up until I needed to.

Hope your doing okay! And please say your thoughts on this! I know it's messy I'm sorry- also rq please!

Get something to drink or eat!
I love you all <33

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