Dreamnoblad (fluff)

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Top: Technoblade (jealous)
Bottom: Dream

They are playing and somebody starts flirting with dream.

Technoblade POV:
Me and my boyfriend Dream we just playing some Minecraft together he was streaming so he acted like he was a top but in reality he was a bottom, he was mine.[I don't know what this we but ok]

Right now we were doing pvp George and sapnap had also joined us, they were joking around "techno what are you doing" dream laughed as I tickled him irl. The dream team was confused "what what is he doing" Sapnap asked confused "he is tickling me" dream sad between his wheezes "wait. . ." George said he sounded like he was thinking. " you guys live together, chat the rivals live together omg" me and dream just looked at each other then dream said. " yes we live together because it is much easier" they actually seemed ok with the answers we just continued to play.
Of course the chat was going crazy about it.

After a while of playing with the dream team Philza and Wilbur joined to, when that joined Dream ended his stream.

Nobody's POV:
"So how are everything going?" Philza asked since he is the parent of the group "im pretty good" Techno answered "I'm good but I would be better of if I was with dream" Wilbur said out of the blue. "Philza and Wilbur did you now that dream and Technoblade live together" Sapnap said as he know that Dream and Techno both were uncomfortable. "Oh I did not know that is there a reason for that" Philza asked as the parent he was, "I hope not because Dream is to good" Wilbur said as an attempt to flirt with dream.

"Wtf Wilbur we are dating" techno said in rage after he said that he realized what he had said, the call went quiet until George broke the silent " congrats Dream, for how long" dream and techno was relieved that at lest George accepted it "for about four months I think" dream said as an answer. "Yea congrats guys" Sapnap said "congrats Techno" Philza said.

"Why dream are you dating him I'm so much better" Wilbur said [ I don't think he would do this in the reality I'm just needing a story and I don't get requests ] "Wilbur stop this is why I'm not dating you, you legit are a crazy sometimes even when you're not acting" Dream said as defense.

"Wilbur pls don't go after Techno he is basically your brother" Philza said in an attempt to calm Wilbur down.

"Wilbur I have no energy to deal with this right now so I'm just gonna remove you from the call" Dream said really annoyed, he then removed Wilbur from the call. "We need to go before Dream destroys anything, bye" Techno said then he left the call on his computer then he ended it on dreams.

Tehnoblade POV:
I turn of the call on dreams computer and then I turn his chair so that he is facing me he was pissed "can I pls get cuddle" dream said "of course babe just calm down". I picked Dream up and felt him clinging onto me like a baby, "aww are you angry" I said when I said that I felt him hug me tighter and I felt why he was strangling me "d-dream le-let go".

I felt his grip losen, I went to the bed and laid him down he was still pissed laid down besides him and cuddled him after a while I felt him cuddle me back.

I felt that he fell asleep "goodnight baby" I whisper, he mumbled something I couldn't hear.


Words: 618


So I'm sorry if you didn't like how they acted when Imke stories I'm just making them up as I go so yea, that's why I would like some requests.

Also if you want to talk I have a discord you can add me there if you want just ask<3

Hope you have a great day/night whatever it is when you read this:)

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