Dreambur (fluff/angst maybe)

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This is an request/idea from Lovely_December hopefully it's as good as you where thinking it would be!

Ship: Dreambur
Plot: Ghostbur where just gonna help Tommy in exile but something unexpected happened.

Ghostbur POV:
"Bye ghost!" I heard phil say as I started to go towards the SMP grounds,
"Bai!!" I answered back and I picked up the pace going faster towards the SMP lands, I where going to visit Tommy in exile and maybe help him since last time I where there he said something about Dream and I think I can help. I where walking through the SMP looking at things I didn't remember everything of it or what happened here but I enjoyed looking at it. I saw someone walk and stand and look at the big hole and I decided to go over to them, they maybe need some blue. I ran over to them fast or I where floating a little bit over the ground but it lookt like I where running, when I got to them I instantly handed them a blue. The person took the blue and gave me a quick smile and then they just disappeared out of thin air, is that something people can do now I don't know well okay.

I went back to the path and started to go to the portal I needed to go through to get to the place where the exile is I get to the portal and go though when I'm in the nether the mobs seems to ignore me which I'm thankful of, but there is still a lot of lava  well lava is at least better then rain. I saw an lonely piglin child and I went up to it and gave it some blue and it took it up and lookt at it and that made me happy I saw it where feeling the blue for it's texture and it seemed to like it. I smiled and started to go to the exile again, I where going pretty fast I ran into some other mobs but none attacked my which made me happy, but aren't they suppose to hurt because Tommy told that to me.

I got through the portal and I got to the exile and I know Tommy told me to come earlier and I did because he wanted me here before Dream came so we could talk I think. I floated over to his tent and I kinda knocked or I at least lightly hit the tent three times to indicate it was me and not Dream, not that I really understand what's wrong with Dream he seems like a kind person or I don't know. Well I saw Tommy come out of the tent and I backed away a little because I know be doesn't really like to be close to me or really anyone he likes to have space.
"Hi ghost" Tommy said he sounded a little shaken up but he still sounded better then when Dream is here.
"Hi Toms!" I said and I offered him a blue and be took it and he lookt a little happier, I jumped a little or I floated up and down when I saw him getting happier and from my reaction I heard a little laugh from Tommy and that made me smile.

"Would you like some more blue?" I askt and I offered more blue to him.
"Thank you Ghost!" He said with a small smile and be took the blue, and then a thing that surprised me happened he hugged me and when I had gotten over the surprise I hugged back.
"No problem Toms" I said and I ruffled his hair and he smiled at me again and we let go of the hug.

"Dreams coming here soon.." Tommy said and I saw him get sadder, he looked so happy one second ago but now he's sad is that what impact Dream has on him.
"I know Toms- but I will help you in anyway I can okay!" I said and he gave me a small smile.
"Thank you Ghost I appreciate it" He said and be hugged me again a little and I hugged back and I started to draw on his back with my hand and I heard small giggles from him, I remembered a memory from when we where small and I where drawing on his back and he tried to draw what I was drawing.

I smiled and I continued to draw on his back, I where drawing a happy story for him and he seemed to understand it and that made me happy. We had an amazing moment but it got interrupted by Dream, he came and tapped on my shoulder.
"Let go of Tommy" He said and I shake my head only holding Tommy closer and Tommy didn't seem to want to let go either.
"Ghostbur let go of Tommy" Dream said with venom in his voice.
"No I won't" I said and then I looked at Dream, of course I where meet with the creepy smiley mask he has, it kinda looks like a child drew it.
"Yes let go of him" Dream said sounding angry now and I turned Tommy from him.
"No I won't can't you understand that" I said also being a little angry now, it was an unusual emotion for me.

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