Assasin and the prince pt.2

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Okay so some people wanted a part two so I am gonna try to write one it might not be as good as the first so bare with me okay-

Ship: dreamnoblade (as in the last one but won't be a lot of it)

Dream- Assasin
Techno- prince
Philza- king 
Wilbur- young prince
Tommy- friends with Tubbo, ranboo and Wilbur
Tubbo- friends with ranboo, Tommy and Wilbur
Ranboo- friends with techno, Wilbur, Tommy and Tubbo
Jschlatt- Dreams boss

Philza's POV:
I will let them be together because he needs to find someone because he soon will be king so he needs someone to love, i'm just very surprised he liked the person who tried to kill him and kidnapp him. Well you can't chose who you love so I guess I will aloud it even tho I don't like it a lot, it just feels dangerous and I want him safe.

"Get up so we can go home now and yes as I said he can come with" I said while looking at Techno that had Dream in his lap cuddling him close, Techno nodded and he got up he was carrying Dream. I sighted small at that I guess that will be his bag to carry around now. I got out of the house, the surroundings where mostly trees and there where a lake pretty close you couldn't see it but you could hear it.
I took a deep breathe in, the air was a little chill and the sky was in an orange and pinkish color since the sun where coming up. I started to walk back to the castle and hopefully when we get back Wilbur isn't awake or his friends since they where sleeping over.

I got to the castle and I lookt behind me and Techno where still walking behind me with Dream in his grip, I walkt inside the castle and I went through the big ballroom, the room is very big and have gold and black decorations on the celling and walls. The reason to walk here was to get to Wilbur's room, yea I am gonna check if he is asleep or if he is awake talking to his friends.
I saw techno go of to go to his own room and I accept that I'm just happy he is home now.

I went to Wilbur's room and when I got outside the door I heard mumbling and I sighted, of course he is awake what did I even expect almost no one sleeps here and if they sleep it's like once a week. I knockt on his door and I heard a "come in" from him so I opened the door and went in.
"Hi Will so you know Techno got like kidnapped- yes I am gonna ignore that your friends are here to-" I said, I kinda just need to tell him that Techno is home and he got someone with him.
"Yea I know is there something new have you found him?" Wilbur askt me.
"Yup and he is home now, and he have someone with him-" I said I little unsure on what I was gonna say.
"Oh well good he is home! But it's not like him to have someone with him-"
"Yea I know that but I think he started to like the person that kidnapped him-" I said with a sigh.
"Well I mean- it's Techno who we are talking about- so I mean he would find it hot if someone tried to kill him-" Wilbur said.
"If it was like that I actually wouldn't be surprised- not anymore at least-" I said with a sigh again, I nodded to say that it was all I wanted to tell.

I walked out of his room and closed the door then I went back to the big ballroom, and when I got there I broke down getting memory floods of my beloved.
I miss her so much why did it have to be like this why did it have to happen why couldn't it be me instead, she would be able to handle everything so much better then me.
I was on my knees on the floor just sobbing from the memories, I then saw a very bright light and then I saw a something that lookt like a big black shadow or more like I saw someone..
"Hello there dear" I heard a voice say it was like it echoed, it sounded like her but it couldn't be her. I saw the big shadow slowly shrink and get smaller and soon I saw that it was a person, the person had a long black dress and a big black hat, from the hat there where like mesh fabric so I couldn't see their face. I could see their hair and it was long and black the hair where also in a thick braid, everything about them lookt like her but it is impossible it can't be I saw her die right in front of my eyes.

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