Dreamnotfound (fluff)

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Top: George
Bottom: Dream

George had had really much work so dream planed a date night for him to relax.

Dream POV:
George has had really much work and he looks really tired so I decided that I would take him on a date night, we were first gonna go to get dinner after that we were gonna watch a movie. But before that George needed to get home his work ended earlier today, so I was gonna pick him up.

But I needed to get dressed first because right now I was wearing on of George's hoodies and a pair shorts. The outfit I had on looked like this:

I really liked it the hoodie was George's and was really comfy, but I also needed to eat some lunch or I would die of hunger

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I really liked it the hoodie was George's and was really comfy, but I also needed to eat some lunch or I would die of hunger.
So I made some pasta it was really good then I did the dishes, after that the time was around 1 pm so he knew George would finish soon.

Yes love what is it?

Could I come and get you from work?

I guess you could but why?

That's a surprise! I'm there in like ten minutes bye<3


George POV:
I was a little scared about what was gonna happen but I knew that it probably was gonna be good because it was dream.

So I packed my things then I went outside and waited for like 5 minutes then he came with our car, "hi babe" I said when got in the car " hey Goggy" I gave him a little kiss on the cheek "so what are we doing?" I asked "oh right we are going on a date" he said. He started to drive, the car ride was really good we chatted about Minecraft.

Time skip (when they are there)

Dream POV:
"I think he liked it he looked like he had more energy and was happier" I thought.

We went in and a waitress came
" have you booked" she asked " Yes a table for two under Dream Davison" I said " I see just follow me"
She led us to our table and gave us menus, then she left. "So what are you wanting to eat" I asked "hmm I don't know maybe a steak, how about you love?" he answered "I'm gonna take the noodles I think" I said.

We ordered our food it looked like:

We ordered our food it looked like:George:

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George POV: "It looks really good" I said "yea it really does"

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George POV:
"It looks really good" I said "yea it really does". We started eating, we also tried each other's the food was really good we needed our eat here again sometime.

We ate up almost all of the food, we were gonna pay "I'm gonna go pay" Dream said "No let me pay babe" I said "No you have had so much with work and deserve to not pay" I know that there is no chance of me winning the argument so I just let dream pay.

When dream had pay they went in the car.

Dream POV:
We went to the car and I got in we're the driver is sitting, "I have one more surprise for you" I said "ohh what is it" George said " we are gonna go watch a movie" I said "that's really nice"

Time skip (when they are outside the cinema) [ sorry for the time skip I'm just really tired]

Nobody's POV:
They went inside the cinema and went to were you can buy popcorn, "so what movie are we watching" George asked "oh we are watching (insert movie)" dream answered "oh I haven't seen that one it sounds really good"

"I'm gonna buy some popcorn to us" George said "Oki"

After they got there popcorn they went to the salon were the movie was gonna be.

Time skip [because I'm tired] (after the movie)

"The movie was really good" George said as they were walking to the car, " yea it was really good I hope you enjoyed this day" dream said "at first the day sucked but when you took me on the date night it got a hundred times beter" George said. That made Dream blush light, "awww you are so kind" after that they drove home.

When they were home they just cuddled the whole night and slept.

Words: 718

Hi I'm so sorry if the end is lazy I got really tired. Just remember you are loved and appreciated

Pls give me some requests <3

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