Sleep? (Eretwastaken)

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I'm writing this just from how I'm feeling right now okay and what I would want so sorry if it's bad

Au: ?? Irl/Minecraft
Ship: eretwastaken eret & dream

[also please don't comment about techno I know what happened and I hate it but please I don't wanna make people upset possibly]

Dream pov:
Sleep? What's sleep? A question I had started to ask myself a lot recently. Why do we need sleep? Why do we get tried? I know this question have a answer with science but I don't have the energy to check it.
So sleep something I've always had trouble with. I mean everyone have trouble with it everyone have trouble to fall asleep at least one time. Well I've had since childhood I don't remember why but suddenly I was scared to sleep for some reason i don't know why I just was. Well my fear of sleeping, or I wouldn't call it fear. Well I did actually sleep okay until a few weeks ago.

I just couldn't get myself to fall asleep no matter what I did. Something in me just kinda locked at the thought of sleep and at the thought of trusting my own body to just keep working while asleep, or if I won't wake up to like a fire alarm or a flash flood alarm. I just felt there where so many risks to sleep so I kinda forgot to sleep or the sensation of sleep. I mean I know it's bad but I don't find a way to relax enough to sleep.

So it was about 4:46 am and I decided to do my morning routine or better described get energy drink or coffee and start to work. I had actually laid in bed today at least so my body was a little relived.
I got on comfy clothes because I couldn't really bother putting on anything fancy or jeans. So it was just grey sweatpants and a black hoodie. I went to my kitchen and grabbed an energy drink, I had been drinking coffee the last days so I decided to switch it out so it wouldn't be so bland. Then I went to grab my computer and I sat down in the couch and opened the computer. I realized I had left my energy drink in the kitchen so I forced myself to get up and go and get it. My legs felt like cement I felt sick I had a banging headache but I couldn't do anything, so I just went and sat down in the couch and I started to work.

I managed to force myself to work for some hours that felt like eternity.

I put away my computer and decided to get up and get headache meds. I went to the bathroom and opened the cabinet and I took the meds and took two once and swallowed them with some water. I looked at the shower. 'Should I shower? I need one.. but I don't wanna pass out' my thoughts went all over the place and I forced myself into the shower. I almost forgot to take of my clothes. I actually had forgotten to take of my socks one time when I showed but not this time.

It was comforting to feel the warm water trickle down my skin and feeling a wave of sensation of satisfaction through my body. It felt amazing. I could stand here for hours hugs under the water stream. But I knew I couldn't.
In bitter belief I started to wash my hair. I think I zoned out while doing it because I realized I had stoped doing anything and my hands had fallen to the sides and I could feel the shampoo go down my body. I wasn't sure if it made me clean or more dirty but did I care right now? No not really so I went out of the shower and dried myself of with a warm fluffy towel.

I put on underwear and then I decided to take a new towel and cuddle into it, this towel was a little rougher at the touch but it kinda felt like someone where giving you a warm hug.

I got a notification on my phone and it was from twitch. Eret was live.

I went to my bed and cuddles up in the towel and some blankets and then I started Erets stream on my phone and I put in earphones so it felt like he where here with me.
It felt so good being all snuggled up in warm soft towels and blankets and hearing a calming voice and it sounded like he was only speaking to him. Only to me.

I started to get sleepy but I forced myself to stay awake...

I groaned as I shifted position and I rubbed my eyes and looked at my phone. 'Huh how did I end up like this' I had my phone laying besides me and I where on discord in a all with someone. I also where laying snuggled up in blankets and towels.

Fuck i must have fallen asleep. But why am I in a call..
I looked at who it was and it was eret. I heard a soft "morning" coming from my headphones.

I realized I must have been asleep for a while and eret streaming and all was a Dream. That's why it felt like he was only talking to me. Because he was only talking to me.

That's scary and comforting at the same time. Think that my Dream included him and that he actually were talking to me.
I stretched out small and I realized I didn't have any body pain whatsoever which was a relief.

That's how I finally managed to get sleep, at first I didn't realize that it was a dream because it just felt like reality. That would also explain the fact that it felt like cement when I walked. I never can move properly in my dreams. I should have realized that.

Well what a twist...


Don't ask questions what this is I don't know okay-
I'm so tired yes gonna try and sleep again- this chapter is juts how I feel lol-

Well love you guys! Cya! Xxxx

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