Dream (ansgt,fluff) pt.2

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Type: angst fluff

Au: Brother au Tubbo Dream
A/n: so yea somebody wanted a part two so yea, sorry if it's bad.
Last time:
Maybe the voice was right nobody would care and if they cared they would just be happy, I took the muffin from the floor as I had dropped it and I took a big bite where the poison was...

Dream was poisoned to death
0 canon life left

-start of chapter-

Nobody's POV:
Tubbo had just got out of the prison he thought that it had been good dream seemed like he got happier, he was just on the the way to his and Ranboos house when he saw the message in the chat:

Dream was poisoned to death
0 cannon life left

When he saw it he broke down and just cried he didn't care of he was seen like this his thoughts went all over the place about how?why?who? He tried calming himself a little it worked not good but worked.

Tubbo was still sad and confused but he decided to go and just walk to clear his mind, he walked for like a hour and he came to a river where he and dream had played there when they where smaller.

He sat down and just looked at the river and thought about the memories they had there.

"Why did you push me in" I laughed as my big brother got in the water and started to throw water over me "because it's nice tubbs and you need to get used to the water it's nice" he said...

That was one of Tubbos best memories at the river, he just sat there looking at the water silently crying until he saw something floating over the surface.

Tubbo POV:
I am just looking at the river and silently crying over my brother until I see something with shimmery floating over the surfaces the river, I wipe my tears and I stand up and goes closer to the and sees it kinda looks like ghostbur but still not kinda like... DREAM I scream as I realized it's probably dream he's dead and dead people can turn into ghost. What I also realized was that the ghost that probably was Dream had started to float closer to me and the shore.

When the ghost had gotten closer it weaved to me and I just weaved back and I got as close as I could to the ghost,
"H-hi" the ghost said he sounded shy and a little scared I wonder why. (Btw Tubbo don't know about the torture)
I didn't answer the ghost instead I just hugged the ghost, when I let go the ghost said something that broke me more "Do I know you? If I know you I can't remember I'm so so sorry" the ghost said it really broke me.

"Wait your Dream ri-right? I'm Tubbo your little brother I made you so mad but you still loved me" I said in a broken voice I didn't mean to sound so sad, I saw that the ghost felt guilty about me being sad but answered anyways to me.
"I d-don't know I-i can't rem-remember who I a-am" he said he sounded really scared like he was gonna start to cry any second.

"Okay so your name should be Dream and then what do you remember?" I said knowing I needed to stay collected for Dream. "I remember a lot of wars, torture, lava that's the biggest memories I remember I also remember parts of different things that I don't know what it is" Dream said he still sounded sad but he also sounded like he was more comfortable with me now.

"Wait torture?!" If I had heard that right the person who did it is so dead, "ye-yes I -remember a dark room there it only h-had one light resource, lav-lava and a figure with a ax-a-axe and j-just blood".
I listened as Dream said this "that's fuck up but u died of poisoning do u remember what that was? As for me it sounds like you only remember sad memories so you maybe can remember this" I said also remembering I probably needed to go home soon.

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