Chapter two.

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Sean's POV

"Well Owen", I murmured smiling at my oldest friend "I don't know about you, but I for one am looking forward to finally finding out if Sang's cooking is as good as the boys have been raving about for months now."

Owen just smiled and replied "Do you really have any doubts regarding Sang's abilities, Sean?"

I smirked to myself. He thinks he can fight the power of my Pookie. Idiot! He's as gone as I am, he just hasn't realised it yet. I am going to pay him out forever when he does figure it out.

I was about to reply when Owen's emergency line sounded. Grabbing it quickly Owen quickly lost his usual stoic demeanour to see Sang had redlined him. Not receiving any answer when he tried to speak to her I quickly activated the cameras at Nathan's house searching desperately for her praying it was an accident she had redlined Owen, only to find her sprawled on the floor of the kitchen attempting to sit while holding her phone. By this time we had reached the car and were racing to get to her knowing all the boys were on the other side of the city and we were actually the closest available family to help.

Owen tossed me his phone as he drove knowing I needed to keep trying to get a response. Watching the camera feed as I talked I was briefly relieved to see Sang raise the phone to her ear. Until she started talking. I could not understand a single word she said. It wasn't exactly gibberish. It just seemed to be the same words over and over mi ricordo, Sean. "Mi ricordo" what the hell does that mean?

"Owen, does Sang speak any language other than English and what she has learnt in Japanese class with me".

"She may have picked up a word or two of Greek from Silas, but other than that I don't believe so."

"This isn't Greek Owen, but it almost sounds like another language she talking".

"Miss Sang, we're about three minutes away from you now. I need you to stay awake for me, can you do that? Just keep talking for me". Taking a chance I ask "In English if you could. Ok?". Then I feel my heart drop when there is silence.

Quickly checking the camera feed on the other phone I can see Sang staring at the foot she isn't sitting on, only to hear her tell me she has ten toes. Well at least she's still conscious, maybe not lucid but we can fix this I tell Owen. I hope.

Mr Blackbourne's POV

Pulling into Mr Griffin's driveway it was a toss up who was feeling more anxious, Sean or myself. It had not helped listening to Sean trying to talk to an apparently incoherent Miss Sorenson. I had managed to cut our drive time by 10 minutes and I think it was pure luck that we hadn't been stopped but there isn't anything we won't do to reach a member of our family when they need help, especially Miss Sorenson.

Sean reached Sang just before me and immediately started checking for injuries. It was apparent she had hit her head, just how hard I wasn't sure but I knew Sean wouldn't hesitate to take her for an xray if he thought it warranted. Which, judging by how I can hear her explain that she appears to have grown extra toes on her foot, will be happening soon.

What really worried me was the degree of shock she appeared to display. I needed to know what had happened. Was she attacked or did she fall? I look around and see no signs of someone else having been here. So all I can do right now is turn off the cook top, swallow my frustration and wait for Sean.

Sang's POV

I think I'm finally losing my mind. After everything that has happened these last several months I've finally lost my mind. I mean, come on, how did I suddenly remember all these bizarre events? Yeah, I didn't think so either. So that means I really am insane. No, no, no.

Suddenly I realize I'm sitting on the floor looking at two Dr Seans and, oh goodie, two Mr Blackbournes. Bit blurry, but yep definitely two of them. Each. How is that fair?. They're deadly when there's only one, but twins! Lethal. And it's not reasonable that they didn't tell me they were twins. All they can do is frown when I mention it was a little mean of them not to tell me, but that it was okay because I had cooked enough to feed an army. Well the boys anyway. So there would be plenty for the four of them.

I'm not sure why they appear so upset, but I think perhaps I shouldn't mention the weird things that are running through my head. Except I can't get them out of my mind and I think they may have really happened. I am freaking out in my head right now and I do not want to tell one Mr Blackbourne let alone two!

I'm starting to feel scared because it's not only happy things I remember but stuff I would actually be pleased to forget again. Except, someone in my head is telling me to be brave. Yeah, not really feeling that at the moment. I just feel sick, and dizzy and scared. Really scared and definitely confused. I just want to close my eyes and see what my eyelids look like on the inside. Just for a minute.

But, when I suggest it both Mr Blackbournes get a little stressed and go all demanding on me. Which I think is most unfair since he's not the doctor here. When I very politely mention that small fact the two Seans start to ask me questions again, and insist on shining a light in my eyes.

It really is quite funny how both Seans talk in synchronization and I started to giggle but it came out sounding weird, almost like a groan. I suddenly notice I have still ten toes on the one foot and I start to really shake. Obviously I need to turn the cooling down because my shaking is getting worse, so it must be cold in here. Right?

Maybe I'm not making a whole lot of sense but they finally seem to understand me when I tell both Seans I can remember, because they both ask me what I remember and before I close my eyes for little bit of peace I reply with a sad smile "Everything".

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