Chapter Forty-four. The Sunstone Chest.

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Sang slept for hours and all nine guys worked their pure anger and aggression out in Victor's gym. The fact that some things, like boxing bags, were now very much the worse for wear was irrelevant to all of them. They were all exhausted and sprawled out over the floor slowly drinking water, but at least they were calm and united in their resolve to be there for Sang and keep her with them always, no matter what.

"God, this is going to hurt tomorrow." Luke groaned.

"Don't I fucking know it." Gabe blinked wearily.

"Felt good though." Nathan groaned back.

"Well I'm not quite as homicidal as I was however many hours ago." North stated quietly looking at the large screen on the wall checking on his baby.

Silas lay next to him thinking about it, then grunted his agreement.

"She's still asleep. She hasn't stirred at all." Kota murmured, looking over at Dr Green. "Should we go check her."

"Not necessary Mr Lee, look!" Mr Blackbourne said pointing at the screen as he used his phone to zoom in on Sang, to clearly show her breathing and deeply asleep before resting his head back on the floor.

"It'll do her the world of good guys." Dr Green spoke up staring thoughtfully at the ceiling as he spoke.

"I'm booking all of us into the Spa for massages first thing in the morning, Princess included." Victor said and Mr Blackbourne nodded and tossed him his phone so he could make the call.

"Oy, you make sure that fucker Adam knows what will happen to him if he touches Trouble's hair." Gabe called from across the room.

"I'm not keen on letting her out of our sight. We'll all stay here tonight, Mr Morgan. It's what we do when one of us needs it, and we all need each other at the moment. Miss Sorenson especially."

"Organise somewhere for lunch after the massages Owen. We need serious down time now we know what we're dealing with." Sean said slowly standing.

"Talk about emotional overload." Kota said, finally sitting up.

"Yeah, and not just Aggele mou either." Silas remarked.

"Well, now we know why Peanut always presses her finger to her mouth and doesn't like crowds and strangers. Nathan said sadly, looking at the screen.

"We will take care of her Mr Griffin. We know what to do. We've been here before, we've been doing what we can and we won't stop. She's our family now. No one will get through us to hurt her again. Ever." Mr Blackbourne said. His voice as hard as the look in his eyes.


Sang had been quiet all morning. The boys were concerned but had been expecting it. She had slept all night and, clutching his hand tightly, had gone with Victor to the Spa early with Gabe in tow declaring 'he didn't trust that fucker Adam not to try and mess with his Trouble's hair.'

The boys had all shown up at various times during the morning for massages while Sang had a Pedicure and manicure under the watchful eyes of the guys as they came and went. All of them looking much happier afterwards.

Plonking herself down on the couch and kicking her shoes off after lunch at a bistro with everyone Sang groaned. "I think I ate too much. It's all your fault Silas. You kept shoving more food my way to try. Ooo. I should have said no." She giggled as Silas chuckled and poked her in the ribs.

"Silas, don't hurt her." North yelled walking in.

"Inside voice, please North." Sang yelled right back. "You'll scare Mr X." She giggled as the cat dashed in and pounced on Sang's toes. "No, no, no. That tickles." She almost squealed her laugh getting louder.

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