Chapter Twenty-one. Year Three, part one.

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Year 3. Part 1.

"Seriously Sean! 'What's the worst that can happen.' You had nothing else?"

"Well, we don't really know do we? We haven't finished the film yet."

Sean had relaxed after the boys left. Sang had woken in time to have dinner and had begrudgingly handed Xavier over to Mr Blackbourne, showing no signs of a headache and had been her usual sweet self.

Much to North's, and everyone else's, relief she had immediately gone and perched herself on his knees, smiled, kissed his cheek and told him she understood him being uncomfortable around such a delicate animal. The boys didn't so much as chuckle. I was so proud of them.

Lucky escape for him she hadn't yet remembered her desire to see him befriend Mr Xavier. She still remembered his new name though. Sean thought to himself grinning.

"Well, here comes Charleston's newest Paramedic." He quipped, looking up and seeing Sang dance happily into the room with Xavier following her closely.

Sang pointed at him "Not funny Sean. I was really scared you know."

"You did a brilliant job Pookie." Sean grinned.

"It's impressive you keep a cool head during a crisis, Miss Sorenson. You saved a man's life that night." Mr Blackbourne smiled his millimetre smile and his eyes were warm as he picked up his cat. Only to shake his head when X deserted him immediately to return to Sang, much to Sean's amusement.

"Don't deny it, Sang. We saw the proof remember." Sean told her firmly.
"Helped to make up for the infamous wine incident. I would have thought." He grinned.

"Not going to live that down either, am I?" Sang sighed. "Come on you two, are you bored yet or do you want to see more?"

"Wild horses couldn't drag me away from this, Pookie."

"Don't look at me Miss Sorenson. I agree with Dr Green completely. I wouldn't miss this for the world." Mr Blackbourne said and grinned an honest to god grin.

Confessions and Air Guitars

"Good morning my darling wife. You're awake very early. What's so interesting outside?"

"Morning George. Look." She said pointing out the window at their little girl busy weeding and talking to Spotty at same time.

Grampa smiled. "Is Rosie still in her pyjamas?"

"Mmm hmmm. She probably forgot to get dressed before she remembered her plan." Grammy chuckled.

"So long as she isn't making friends with any more spiders it's fine, right darling." He teased.

Gramma eyes widened. "Bring up the camera George. If that spider's progeny is lurking anywhere near our little Rose I won't be happy."

"No need, I'll go see her before she starts breaking pots again throwing balls for Spotty." He chuckled.

"I'll start breakfast. First day of Rose being home is chocolate chip pancake day."

"You're about to make a little girl very happy, my love."

"I'm the best Grammy in the world. Didn't you know!" She winked.

Grampa just laughed and poured a mug of coffee, before going to greet his granddaughter for the day.

Over breakfast the conversation fell to the past year.

"How was school and your house Rose? You weren't lonely were you?" Grammy questioned.

"Nah. I'm good Grammy. I told you I had it all under control."

"Besides, I've got Mr. T. When I'm lonely I get one of your hugs off him remember? That works just fine."

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