Chapter fifteen. Year One, part four.

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Year 1. Part 4.

Sean leaned over and hugged Sang as she wiped her eyes. "They adored you Sweetheart. That's something else to remember."

"It was mutual Sean. There was nothing I wouldn't have done for them."

Sean grinned. "So, about your bucket list Pookie. How scary is it?"

"Well I'd tell you, but then I'd have to kill you Sean. It's in the Code, and I have to honour the Code." Sang giggled.

"Really, Dr Green! That's what you took away from this."

"Oh come on Owen. You have to admit a mini Sang writing code for a Code for a bucket list at five years of age is pretty freaking funny." He quickly retorted.

"Hey. Mini Sang! Are you serious! I'm offended."

"Oh come on, you were tiny. Still are." Sean smirked.

Pinching the bridge of his nose again Mr Blackbourne asked "Did you keep the plans you drew for the Sunstone Chest, Miss Sorenson? They would be fascinating to look at if they were available. You didn't destroy them for security purposes did you." Starting to grin himself.

"Hah. I knew you'd start to see the funny side to this if you relaxed a bit." Sean crowed.

"Well if you can't beat them, you may as well join them." "Did you keep them Miss Sorenson? I am genuinely interested."

"We put them in the chest. Along with other important things. Like my crystals and Mr T. Well, I hope Grampa put him there for me after my last summer."

"Ah yes. Mr T. I have to say Pookie your style of teddy bear is most ..."

"Unique is the word you're looking for Sean." Sang cut in.

This time even Mr Blackbourne laughed as they let the tape roll again.

Cookies and Riding to the top of the world.

Sang burst through the kitchen door. She was wheeling a young boy about 5 years older than her in a wheelchair.

"Grampa! Where are you? I need you?" Sang yelled at the top of her lungs.

"What's wrong little Rose." Gramps called rushing in. He stopped when he saw she was okay. "Well, hello, who's this?" He asked smiling and shaking the little boy's hand.

"Gramps, this is Sam the Man. Remember I told you we met yesterday. He's visiting with the neighbours for three weeks. Do you know he's NEVER been up a tree. Like ever. We gotta do something about this." Sang exclaimed.

Gramps looked at Sam, who couldn't stop looking at little Rose with fascination.

"Rosie, in case you didn't notice I'm in a wheelchair. Always have been, always will be. I can't get out of it and just climb a tree." He exclaimed with annoyance.

"Didn't say you had to Sam. We'll just take the chair up too. Oh, and just so you know I don't like the word can't. Sort of makes me determined to do something." She grinned.

"Not planning on wimping out on a little girl are you Sam?" Gramps asked. Totally fascinated where his little girl was going with this and knowing full well she had already thought up a plan.

All Sam could do was stare dumbstruck at her.

"Oh come on Sam. You went to those camps and piked out of the fun things they did there. You know you didn't go on the flying fox or anything and they were specially built to carry kids in wheel chairs. Your mum told me yesterday when I asked her."

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