Chapter Twenty. Intermission.

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Sean looked closely at Sang and exchanged looks with his best friend over her head.

"We're having a break, sweetheart. Don't argue with me, I need food. Popcorn to be exact." He grinned. "I'll even find something for you."

"I wasn't planning on arguing. I need a break myself. That is a lot to take in, and it was me doing it."

"If you're a little overwhelmed it's more than understandable, Miss Sorenson. We will watch this at your convenience. Whenever you're ready to continue, or not, let us know." Mr Blackbourne said gently.

"Thanks Mr Blackbourne. I'm going to stand on that balcony outside the office and practice those relaxation techniques Grammy taught me." Sang said looking sad and weary.

"I need to check you're okay first Sang."

"I'm fine Sean. Later okay. I just need five minutes." Sang begged.

"Five minutes and then I'm coming to find you."

"Yeah, yeah. Nag much." Sang muttered walking off and not seeing the worried looks of concern the two men shared as she did so.

Walking outside Sang looked around at the houses nearby. It seemed surprisingly quiet for such a built up area. Sighing softly and without thinking about it she removed her shoes, grabbed the railing and pulled herself on top of it. Quickly finding her balance she closed her eyes, breathed deeply, relaxed her tense muscles slowly and started to try and clear the confusing thoughts and emotions racing through her mind.

Inside Sean and Owen looked at each other.

"I don't even know where to start with all of that Owen."

"Astounding is a good place. Or alarming, depending on your point of view. Her grasp on different languages is incredible. I'm in awe of just how quickly she learns them. She's obviously deliberately working at a different pace in your classes. I think it must be automatic to her and how she's been coping with high school all this time. We always knew Sang was special, but her abilities really are remarkable and I have a feeling we have only seen the tip of the iceberg."

Sean leant forward pushing the palms of his hands into his eyes and sighed. "This is an awful lot for her to process though, Owen. Putting aside the effects of a head trauma, Sang has remembered, and is now seeing the proof of, a part of her life she had no knowledge of. This is information overload and we're only seeing the good part."

"I know Sean, I know. To help her through this we need to know the whole story. Without pushing, we have to get her to talk so we know what we can do to help."

Sean and Owen stopped their conversation when the landline suddenly rang.

Sean answered and Owen stood, fully alert for trouble, when he saw Sean stiffen, look at him and then the door Sang had disappeared through.

He was moving in a second racing through the office with Sean on his heels, only screeching to a halt when he saw what security had alerted Sean to.

His heart dropped to his toes like a stone. There standing on the railing of the balcony was Miss Sorenson, perfectly still and well balanced, a breeze gently waving her hair around her head.

Normally he would feel pride in her grace and balance, but knowing the symptoms of concussion he was feeling less proud and more stress and panic.

"God. Security noticed her. I told them we were on it. Do you want to go get her or will I?" Sean signed to Owen.

Pointing to himself, he carefully toed his shoes off and silently moved up behind her, putting his hands quickly around her waist and pulling her back to safety. Only breathing a sigh of relief when her feet touched the ground.

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