Chapter Thirty. Year Four, part four.

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Year 4. Part 4.

"Oh no! Grammy taught me to, what's that called?"

"'Flipping the bird'. The boys will be so proud of you Pumpkin." Sean said cracking up.

"Sean! That's enough! Miss Sorenson, please don't do that again."

"Do what Mr Blackbourne? Kick butt in a fast car or, um, flip the bird."

"Both Miss Sorenson, both."

"I'll make a deal with you. No to the driving, yes to the other. Is that fair? Because I like Grammy's car, it's pretty and it's in storage. Mr D mentioned it to me."

"Plus, I've had an idea. I think we should get it down here. Actually another car would be handy, and let's face it those people that keep following us could never catch us in that."

"Especially if you're driving. Right Pookie."

"DR GREEN! Enough already."

"Um, do you need to take some deep breaths Mr Blackbourne."

Hearing Sean still snickering Sang turned to him. "Sean, I know what's next on this tape. Maybe we should stop now. Mr Blackbourne doesn't look too good." She said quietly.

"I'm fine, Miss Sorenson." Mr Blackbourne said, hearing her quite clearly.

"Are you positive. Because I'm pretty sure I nearly caused a few heart attacks with what's next. I knew exactly what I was doing, but no one else did, so it was a bit of a surprise, and I don't really like it when you guys get upset with me." She whispered.

"I know Pookie, he can be a real killjoy sometimes."

"Don't be mean, Sean. He's your best friend, remember!"

"Sometimes he makes it hard, sweetie, so very hard." Sean winked.

"It will be fine Miss Sorenson. I give you my word. No one is upset with you. I don't think anything can surprise me now." Mr Blackbourne said his eyes softening.

"Okay." I said doubtfully and pushed the start button to my memories again.

Mission Impossible

"Grampa!" Sang exclaimed looking around at the buildings they had used for crossbow practice. "Why are we back here?"

Jumping out of the car Grampa couldn't contain himself any longer. "Paint ball, Rose. Individual Capture the Flag to be exact." He announced with glee.

"Let's go find out what we need to do, Rosie." Grammy grinned. "We get to practice first on the other side of this building until we're used to the guns."

"Are you excited Rose?" Grampa asked.

"Are you kidding, Grampa!" Rose exclaimed with a huge smile and wide sparkling eyes. "I'm way past that. This is so cool." Making both grandparents chuckle with delight.

The instructor kitting Sang out gave her her safety glasses and weapons. Looking at her he handed her pink paint balls, much to her delight, giving a grin and a wink when she thanked him sweetly.

When the group was all kitted out he gave the rules to all the players.

"Alright folks. Listen up. This is how it works. The flags are inside the top floor of the first two buildings. There are sixteen different people protecting the flags. You will know who they are through their red vests and bandanas. Watch out for them, they could be anywhere. They are all adults, who have had weapons training. This is practice for them. You're all the targets." He grinned evilly causing everyone to laugh.

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