Chapter Twenty-seven. Year Four, part one.

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Year 4. Part 1.

Sean's head nearly fell off his shoulders he spun it so fast to look at her.

"You know how to make apple pie! HOME.MADE. APPLE. PIE! No tinned garbage allowed, but real apples cooked with sugar and spices and baked in homemade pastry!"

"That's it! You. and. me. Eloping. Tomorrow. NO. Better yet. Tonight. Right now in fact. How about it Pookie? I can see it now ...

"God Sean. Enough already. Miss Sorenson was not put on this earth to cook for us and is that all you can focus on here!"

"Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Blah. Blah. Blah, Owen. This is the Nectar of the Gods we're talking about here. This is serious." He claimed winking cheekily at Sang who was giggling at his antics.

Owen just sighed and decided to ignore Sean's stupidity. "That looked like a computer program you were working on Miss Sorenson". He said thinking of the pictures of her working on a laptop. "What were you doing, if you don't mind my asking?"

"I was writing two programs actually. One was looking for a copy of my birth certificate, and a program to send a virus to any computer used to try and copy the thumb drive or used just to see what was on it."

"To get that kind of information you would have been hacking into government departments." Mr Blackbourne said actually looking shocked.

"Why do you look shocked Mr Blackbourne? I'm betting the Academy does far worse than one little girl trying to find personal information." Sang teased.

"You were 7 years old Miss Sorenson, and you thought up a program like that! Actually two programs, considering the virus you created." He stated, pinching the bridge of his nose whilst trying to get his head around everything he was hearing.

"News flash Owen. You and I are not the only geniuses in this room. As a matter of fact Sang here makes us look like morons. Isn't that right Pookie!" He grinned and winked trying to lighten his friend's mood.

"Remind me not get in an argument with you either, Doll face, seeing as you know how to kick ass rather well." He continued.

"Now, about this talent of yours to jack a car when the mood strikes. Don't try it on my car will you. I need it to get to work quickly at times. Okay pumpkin? Owen's car is fine. He won't mind if you practice on his, I'm sure." Sean smirked, blatantly ignoring the glare being sent his way.

"Dr Green. I don't think Miss Sorenson needs encouraging, do you?" He almost hissed.

"I don't need the practice either. I remember what to do perfectly well now." Sang finally piped up.

"Besides, I have keys to the cars. Remember!" She grinned happily, ignoring Sean's laughter and Mr Blackbourne's groan and starting the movie again.

Learning to be a Peterman and Collecting on a Deal.

"Mary, my love, what's the combination to the safe. I've forgotten it again."

"Um, 18, 32, I think 7, um. Actually I don't remember either." Grammy replied thoughtfully, much to Sang's entertainment.

"Grammy, Grampa! Why didn't you write it down and hide it somewhere safe?" She giggled.

"We did, darling. We just can't remember exactly where the somewhere safe place is." Grampa said ruefully.

"Probably in the safe." Sang quipped reaching for a laptop sitting on the kitchen table.

"What are you up to Shortstop?" Grampa asked curiously, eyeing the thoughtful expression his Rosie was now wearing.

"Research Grampa. To see if I can help with your predicament." She mumbled hitting the search engine. "That's the word for the day too. Like it Grammy?"

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