Chapter Thirty-two, Interlude.

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"Mr Blackbourne, are you sure it's okay for me dodge out of this morning with the boys?" Sang asked as they walked outside to wait for Sean. "I don't mean to be weak, but I'm just not ready to sit through all that again."

"You're not being weak Miss Sorenson. I would not have allowed it anyway. The boys are each likely to become excitable at some stage. You don't need the stress of dealing with that at the moment. Trust me. I'll take care of them."

"I know you will. Thank you." Sang hugged him briefly.

"I do hope they like my grandparents." She said thoughtfully. "Oh, I almost forgot. I made each one of them promise not to yell at each other, hit their brothers or freak out on you."

"Stop worrying Miss Sorenson. They will be fine and so will I. Go and enjoy a relaxing morning with Dr Green and we'll see you both at lunchtime. May I say your dress is lovely by the way." He smiled, obviously preferring a change of subject. "As for liking your grandparents; I predict they will love them."

"Hey Pookie. My car's kind of boring. Let's take one of the boy's cars. I'd suggest Owen's car but as he's standing next to you that idea is probably not going to fly, huh." Sean grinned as he walked up and joined Owen and Sang before they left for the morning.

"Oh. I left my keys, actually, I don't know where I left them." Sang began until she saw the mischievous glint in Sean's eyes. "Oooooooh." She said gaining an identical glint in her own. "Let's 'borrow' North's jeep." She immediately said, starting to giggle happily.

"Dr Green. Are you insane. North's jeep! Really!"

"Hey, the jeep was Sang's idea. I merely suggested taking a different car to mine."

"Oh, come on Mr Blackbourne. I'm dying to see if I remember how to hot wire a car properly. Aren't you curious too?"

"No, Miss Sorenson, honestly, I am not. There is no doubt in my mind you remember the correct procedure, and I prefer to keep the pair of you alive and well. Thank you very much."

But Sang didn't miss the smile in his eyes as he was talking. "I wasn't actually suggesting I drive. Well, not on public roads anyway. Maybe just to the gate?" Sang asked meekly.

"Give it up Owen. I'll take full responsibility if we get caught. And you know I won't let Sang do anything illegal. Come on Sang, let's do this." Sean said pulling her over to North's jeep and opening the door for Sang to sit in the driver's seat.

"And jacking your brother's car isn't illegal, Sean? Not to mention suicidal considering who the owner is." Owen said, while privately thinking Miss Sorenson's eyes were lethal.

"Secret weapon Owen." Sean said quietly, pointing at Sang who was quickly going to work. "Or have you forgotten?"

Owen was about to reply when the engine turned over and the motor started purring much to Sang's delight. She jumped excitedly out of the car laughing happily. "I did remember Mr Blackbourne. Isn't it wonderful! I wonder if I can remember other things Grampa taught me."

Seeing how much it meant to her to be able to remember unequivocally something her grandfather had taught her, Mr Blackbourne gave in. Well, alright totally caved. But he refused to think about that.

"Promise me you won't do anything else like this today, and I'll cover for you if North notices." Mr Blackbourne said sighing and deliberately ignoring the knowing smirk on his friend's face.

He rather thought there was going to be a lot of bargaining and deals in his future.

"I promise, Mr Blackbourne. Thank you." Sang smiled happily.

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