Chapter Thirty-six. Victor.

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I am so grateful Princess stayed here last night. It was worrying, to say the least, when we all returned only to find Sang was asleep. We all knew what that meant, another headache. God, I absolutely hate it when something bad happens to her.

I can't wait for her to wake up. Dr Green woke up at least an hour ago and went back to his house to shower and change. Said he had a new shirt he wanted. Right. Personally I think he's ducked into the hospital for a quick check of twin babies he delivered last week. He's a sucker for the babies and we all know it.

Telling myself not to get side tracked I sneak into the closet in my room, grab some clothes and head for the shower. Princess doesn't stir, although Dr Green didn't give her sleeping tablets. We all know she doesn't like them. Something to do with that sick, twisted woman who pretended to be her mother I think.

I'll run a bath for her and I'll make a noise after I have a shower, see if I can wake her up. Because this is killing me. The guys will be here in less than an hour, and I need to talk to her. Reassure myself she's okay.

Because something happened yesterday when the three of them were here. Logically it has to do with Princess's home movie. But I can't see how. God I hate not being able to figure out a puzzle. Especially when it comes to Sang. Mr Blackbourne refused to tell us anything at all. Even with Kota, Gabe and North protesting.

So, here I am about to break a rule and wake her up. Because I'm going insane and I need to know she's okay and the unthinkable hasn't happened. That Princess has finally figured out she's too good for us and has decided she wants to leave.

I can't bear that thought, so I shut it down as I walk into the bedroom to see her sitting up and smiling at me. And just like that I feel calm. She has that ability. To make you feel you are the only person she sees. I know we have to share her, but I can't help the feeling that I get when I see her look at me.

"Morning Princess. You slept well." I said walking over. Reaching for her I can't help but wrap myself around her, kissing those perfect lips. I just can't help it. None of us can.

I finally stop. Okay I regret that decision straight away, but I know Princess and she'll feel self conscious because she's not dressed and hasn't bathed. I don't care, but she does, and her comfort and happiness is the most important thing in the world to me.

"I ran you a bath Sweetie. There's something in there for you to put on afterwards. Because Gabe will have a fit if he can't help you choose what to wear." I say, grinning to myself when she merely sighs and thanks me.

"You're learning Princess. While you're in there I'll organise breakfast for you. Chocolate chip pancakes, and we won't tell North." Hugging her again.

Listening to her beautiful laugh, I completely relax. I can see and hear she feels so much better today. Thank God.

Peeling Mr Blackbourne's beast off Sang, apparently he refused to leave, I stop when Sang asks if she can talk to me.

Seeing the serious glint in her eyes I start to feel a twinge of anxiety.

"Victor, today Mr Blackbourne said he would show you all my film right? Seeing me nod Sang continued "Well the thing is, um. I don't want you to think badly of me and get angry, but will you promise not to be cross or hate me after you watch it?"

"Sang! God. Why would you ask me that? I would never hate you and I can't believe you ever did anything that would make me think badly of you. You're a miracle to me. Princess I would do anything for you."

"Please Victor. Promise me."

"I promise Princess. I promise." Like I wouldn't promise her the world when I'm holding her and looking into her hypnotic eyes. I think I'm programmed to do just that.

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