Chapter Thirty-seven. North.

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This is bullshit. I'm stuck here, and Sang is at Victor's house. There is something wrong with that. And I intend to fix it. I'll come and pick Luke up later like I promised, but I'll drop the bean bag chairs sitting in the jeep off now and Silas can help.

Because I really need to see Sang. Fuck waiting until later today. Now. Before her and the doc go wherever the fuck it is they're going. There isn't anyone more important to me and my brothers than her.

I didn't see her for myself last night and Mr Blackbourne did his silence act on us. He is such a closed mouth bastard. Which is great when someone is trying to hurt our family, but not so much when it's directed at us.

He knows how I feel about Sang. I'm not looking for special treatment because of that, but fuck he could have thrown the dog a bone here.

Because this is killing me. It's like living with no air without knowing for a fact Sang Baby is 100% okay. For all I know she could have had nightmares last night or a headache bad enough to make her cry. But I don't know because Mr Blackbourne told us jack shit. Just she was sleeping. Like that was enough. Then he put a ban on checking the camera feed.

So Silas and I are arriving early. I'll see for myself Sang Baby is still breathing and okay and I'll swing back to the diner, collect Luke and some healthy food and all will be right in the world.

Driving over with Silas I can tell he's bothered by everything too. He's quiet even for him, but I let it go because I know he feels like I do. And I won't be able to breathe until I know Sang Baby is as okay as she can be for someone with concussion.

And I'll make goddam sure I don't yell, argue or do anything stupid like I did yesterday to upset her, I promise to myself as we arrive and start hauling the seats up the stairs.

Walking into Vic's bedroom, Vic tells me she's almost finished having a bath. He looks and sounds better than he did when we left last night, and I feel the tension in the back of my head lessen a little. Victor has known longer than most how I feel about Sang. When the bathroom door opens he just pats my shoulder and leaves.

But, when I see my Baby smile like I'm the only one in the world that tension in the back of my head just disappeared. I don't think she'll ever realise the power she has over me.

So I did what any sane person would. I grabbed my girl and kissed her like there was no tomorrow.

"Hi Baby. You doing okay?" I finally manage with a grin.

Giggling herself Sang nodded happily. "And you North. How are you?"

"All will be right in my world Baby, when you're completely well again. Until then I'm okay." I sigh hugging her again. "Mr Blackbourne tells us you're going out with Doc Green this morning while we watch your film."

"I am. North will you promise me something please, about today?"

Seeing me nod Sang continued "I want you to promise me not to yell or hit anyone or anything because of what you see. Will you promise, please North?"

I can feel myself starting to get a little tense, but one look at the anxiety swimming in Sang Baby's eyes is enough to cool me right down in a heartbeat.

I remember the promise I made to myself and suck it right up. "Sure Baby. Will it make you happy?" Seeing her hopeful nod it becomes the easiest thing in the world to promise. "I promise, Baby" and immediately I'm rewarded by Sang throwing her arms around me. "Thank you my Northstar."

It occurs to me how I can suddenly breathe again. I know that it just may be the power of Sang.

As Silas comes in I idly wonder to myself why Sang Baby wanted me to promise that. After all she was a kid for fucks sake. Like Doc said, what was the worst that could happen!

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