Chapter seven.

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Kota's POV

Sitting here watching Sang sleep gave me plenty of time to think. Under the circumstances I'm not altogether sure that's the best thing. I can't help wondering whether my family would ever catch a break.

It's the start of the spring school holidays and we had planned to keep Academy missions to a minimum so we could all recharge and relax. Just for a few days. That was all we had wanted. We had all known we would have work to do for the Academy during the holiday break, but after the job we had all been on Friday night the plan had been to relax for the next 3-4 days before getting back into the swing of things.

I jolted myself out of my thoughts when I saw Sang stirring.

"Hey sweetie how are you feeling?" I asked, watching her carefully. It's amazing how Sang could still look gorgeous after all this. Although Gabe would probably have a fit if he saw her hair.

"Hi Kota. I'm fine I think." Sang whispered softly.

"Yeah. I don't think so. You belted your head pretty hard you know." I kept my voice gentle remembering Dr Green's instructions to keep things relaxed and quiet.

"I know. It does sort of hurt. A little bit I guess."

"Sang. You need to stop playing down how you're feeling. Is the light hurting your eyes?"

"No Kota. Honestly. My head's a bit sore and I feel a little stiff from lying down for so long but at the moment I'm doing okay."

I slowly raised the head of the bed so Sang could sit comfortably and sat up next to her giving in to my need to touch her just to make sure she really was going to be okay. It didn't seem to matter that Dr Green had reassured all of us that she would to be fine, I needed to see it for myself.

"Hey, don't cry sweetie, it'll be alright you know." I said quickly, noticing her eyes start to well up.

"Do you want to know the plan we've come up with?" I murmured quickly to distract her as I kissed her forehead. When she nodded and I had her head nestled against my chest I told her the plan.

"Well first, Gabe has gone to Nathan's to pack a bag for you. He'll bring it back here so you can clean up and change and then Dr Green, Gabe and I are going with you to Victor's house. Be warned Gabe will want to do your hair! His parents are away for about a month so Victor will enjoy the company and you'll be closer to Dr Green there, just in case. Everyone looked in on you earlier but you were sleeping so we sent everyone home for a few hours sleep before they took a shift at the diner. I know you'll be hearing from them all, okay?"

Sang just hummed and then nodded.

"Then Gabe, Victor and I have to go out quickly so Dr Green and Mr Blackbourne are staying with you until we get back. Something about you wanting to make a call?"

Again, all Sang did was nod slowly looking sad.

My heart twinged. It's harder than I realised seeing Sang so unfocused and unsure. Her self confidence had grown so much since we first met that seeing her like this was killing me. I hated seeing her hurt and confused.

"Well anyway, when we get back, if you feel like it, after dinner we can watch a movie on Victor's monster screen. If you're good and keep out of trouble we'll even let you pick the movie." I grinned.

"Of course, Kota. Um, I'm sorry I've worried everyone so much." Sang whispered tearily. "I really hate being the cause of interrupting everyone's plans."

"Oh no Sweetie, please don't feel that way. You're as important as anyone else in this family. This is what we do. Family always come first. Besides, remember when Gabe was in hospital last year? Well you were there for him then, you've got to let him return the favour." Kota grinned. "But we'll save the shopping and swimming for another time. What do you think?"

"Okay. Just one thing, Kota?"

"What's that, Sweetie?"

"When am I ever not good?"

Sang grinned, gave a small laugh and then yawned. Hugging her close, like I could keep all the evil in the world from hurting her, we dozed until Gabe and Dr Green arrived.

Gabe had just finished gently doing Sang's hair when Dr Green bowled in again. By the grin on his face we were obviously going with a light and easy attitude. After the near upset when Sang objected to taking strong pain killers it was probably the best move he could make. It's not like any of us couldn't understand her views on the subject.

"Okay, Pookie you ready to break out of here. Your chariots awaits." Sean smirked.

"I don't need a wheelchair, Sean. I hit my head, I didn't break my back." Sang objected when she saw him wheel a chair in for her to use.

"Seriously, Pookie! You're going to argue with me over hospital regulations as well? Are you trying to earn the reputation of being my worst patient ever?"

"No, Dr Green of course not. I just think I can walk to the car that's all."

"Ohhhh. I see we're back to calling me Dr Green are we?" He grinned. "Well in that case as your doctor I'm telling you to get in the chair. It's regulation you know. You wouldn't want me to break the rules would you?" He smirked.

Sang grinned suddenly looking a lot happier. "Oh right. Because you've never done that before have you, Sean, and I wouldn't want to get you into trouble!"

Both Dr Green and Gabe breathed a silent sigh of relief when they saw Sang smile and I couldn't help laughing.

"Come on Sang let's go before these two clowns commandeer another chair and insist on a race to the car".

Over their objections, insults and complaints and that addictive giggle I grabbed Sang's chair and headed for the elevator thinking things might just be okay after all.

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