Chapter twelve. Year One, part one.

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Year 1. Part 1.

The boys had left to do jobs and wouldn't be back until dinner time. I was sitting on the couch between Sean and Mr Blackbourne running my finger over the disc case.

"You know, the Grands had cameras everywhere, and I mean everywhere. Had them in their hands all the time. Drove me crazy. I hated it and complained all the time. I'm glad they did now. I actually forgot they were in the house eventually. They weren't obvious. It could be why I didn't freak out when you put them at my house." I smiled sadly.

"Sweetheart, you don't have to do this today if you're not ready. If your headache returns or you feel tired just tell us please." Sean said quietly.

"I know Sean. I will. But I would like to see some of this footage. There's a lot on here that I didn't know existed. Places we went to away from home. They must have had cameras there and Grampa got hold of it somehow." Sang said softly. "He's put music with it."

"A soundtrack." Sean grinned.

"Yeah, scary thought that all things considered."

Sounding entertained, Mr Blackbourne asked "Why scary?"

"Because Grampa liked Rock. The louder the better." Sang grinned "We might need earplugs, and he did this after Grammy left." Sang grimaced this time. "I have to stop saying that. I mean after Grammy died. Sorry, that's going to take some getting used to. In my mind I only saw them a little while ago."

"It's understandable to feel that way Miss Sorenson. There is no need to apologise." Mr Blackbourne spoke quietly.

"Thanks. Anyway, he did this after Grammy died so she had no influence over the songs he used. Grammy liked classical music." I explained.

"By the look of it he's gone in chronological order too." Sang said showing the cover to Sean.

"Um, sweetheart I can't read that. It's not in English. What language is it?" Sean asked.

Sang's cheeks went pink. "Oh. It's Arabic. Sorry. Um, I'm going to get tissues. Won't be a minute." She said and dashed out of the room.

Sean turned to Owen with his eyebrows raised. "I know Sean, you don't have to say anything. She just read that disc cover without realising it was a foreign language. It was automatic. She really is remarkable."

"I was going to say mind boggling actually, but I can deal with remarkable." He smirked at Owen and seeing Sang walking back in called out "So do we need popcorn for this movie, Miss Sang or will we think about it during intermission?" Smiling as he was rewarded with a giggle and ignored Owen's quiet groan.

"So, are you both ready to meet my Grandparents?"

"Can't wait. I'll bet you were a little cutie."

"Sean I guarantee I will wipe that illusion from your mind in the first minute of action." I giggled suddenly looking forward to seeing what Grampa had cooked up and hitting the play button eagerly.


The theme music to MacGyver started, making me laugh. I'd be explaining my old obsession later I knew. Then Grampa's beloved face appeared on the screen. He was grinning wildly and telling me, in Italian, to advise the good folks I was trusting to watch this with me to sit back and enjoy the ride. Well, that's what I told Mr Blackbourne when he asked. It was close enough.

Then a still photo of me sitting amongst the flowers smiling like a lunatic that first year flashed up. It moved to the top corner of the screen, only to be replaced by a photo of me smiling somewhere each year I went home to the Grands. Finally in the centre, surrounded by the still shots, there was a picture of the three of us all laughing and smiling.

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