Chapter Twenty-five. Year Three, part five.

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Year 3. Part 5.

There was stunned silence. Both Sean and Mr Blackbourne could not believe what they had just seen.

Sean sat there thinking to himself 'holy crap, holy crap, HOLY CRAP. I did NOT just see that. I won't be pissing Pookie off any time soon. She could make any one of us into a human kabob without getting out of her seat or opening her eyes. HOLY CRAP.'

Thinking hard, after the shock had eased a little, Mr Blackbourne blinked and then swallowed 'Oh my god, Oh my god, OH MY GOD. If I hadn't just seen that I would never have believed it. 36 perfect shots in 3 minutes. That is not realistically possible and then Sang jumped from a height, took aim and fired while still falling and hit her target which was also moving. OH.MY.GOD.'

Finally Sean coughed and slowly spoke up "Um, I need to see that again, Pookie, and looking at Owen so does he. You good with that?"

"I suppose. Do you really have to? I hate snakes. I don't like that part."

"Close your eyes then, Pumpkin. I'm begging you. I really, really want to see that again. Please."

"Fine, but it's not that impressive you know. If you look closely, you'll see I almost missed a couple of shots."

Coughing slightly, Owen managed to choke out "Well, you didn't! Miss Sorenson, I'm afraid I'm with Dr Green on this. I want a rerun please."

"Okay okay. Whatever you two want. But I'm telling you, this isn't as good as crossbows. You should wait until then if you want to see accuracy."

Both Sean and Owen's jaws dropped at the comment, but Sang was too busy smooching with Xavier to notice their shock.

So instead of questioning her, Mr Blackbourne simply grabbed the remote and rewound the disc to the start of the William Tell Overture, just to make sure he did actually see what he thought he saw. All the time thinking one rerun wouldn't be enough.

Chaos and Mayhem Rock On.

Sang put on the clothes Grammy had given her to wear and walked into the lounge room of the hotel suite they were staying at.

"Hey, Grandpa, look at this top Grammy found. Isn't it the bestest ever!"

There on the front of a jet black t shirt was the brightest, whitest skull you ever saw with two giant cutlasses underneath it. Grammy had also bought Sang a pair of tight black jeans and a tiny black pork pie hat with a hot pink band.

Going all out Grammy had then sprayed the last half inch of Sang's hair with hot pink and black spray.

Proudly thinking he had the best and prettiest and smartest little granddaughter ever, the things that still stood out the most for him were her sparkling green eyes and her huge smile.

"Well, don't you look like you could cause mayhem tonight Shortstop." Grampa said grinning madly.

"Look who's talking Grampa! You're wearing a leather jacket and Grammy is too!!" Sang exclaimed happily. "And I know Grammy had black leather bands on her wrist. With studs in them." She whispered in awe of her Grammy's coolness. "She said they were a relic from your misspent youth Grampa. So I want to know exactly what you all got up to."

Grampa winked and showed his little girl the black bands on his own wrist. "Lots of chaos sweetie. Lots of chaos. You know Mr and Mrs D wore this kind of thing too back in the day."

"Ooooh. Really Grampa! Do you think they'll wear them tonight." Sang asked excitedly.

"Well let's go find out sweetie." Grammy said walking in ready to rock.

Grampa looked at the love of his life in delight. "Sangrida, my love, you look as stunning as always." He grinned, taking in the faded jeans, black ankle boots, leather jacket and wicked smile on her face.

Entering the arena the buzz was electric, and only increased as they made their way upstairs just as the concert began in earnest.

Grampa had been blasting the music for weeks now. Educating little Rose he claimed. One thing for sure was she knew the lyrics and she knew the beat to every song.

Grampa had managed to get them and the Drummonds seats in the front row upstairs which had extra space before the railing. It was perfect for dancing.

Half way through the concert, before anyone knew what was happening, Rose was standing on yet another railing, happily dancing up and down it in perfect time to the beat.

Grampa, used to Rose's antics on railings by now, was confidently reaching for her when Security came charging in.

Getting kicked out of an Alice Hooper concert was not on anyone's bucket list that he was aware of, but looking at his granddaughter's face he had a feeling something about this situation was about to get a little out of hand.

Suddenly a voice came through the speakers "Hey kid, get off there and get down here. We need to meet." Alice Hooper yelled from the stage much to the security guard's disbelief, Grampa's shocked relief and Rose's obvious delight.

"Well, maybe we're not going to be kicked out after all." Grampa yelled over the continuing music.

"Of course not Grampa! Mr Hooper would never do such a thing. He's way too cool for that." Rosie announced looking shocked.

"So how do we get there."

"We could go over the balcony and crowd surf over to the stage if you want." Rosie suggested smiling innocently and placing her hand on the railing as she spoke.

"NO. GOD NO." Both the guard and Grampa yelled at the same time.

"I'll escort you both down backstage." The guard quickly intervened, seeing Rosie was quickly coming up with another plan.

"Ooooh, really? That's very kind of you. Thank you. Isn't that nice Grampa?" Sang asked happily. She had no idea of having dodged a bullet and being evicted from the concert.

Sang turned and waved bye to her Grammy, yelling that they'd be back soon and she went to meet a legend.

She had the time of her life. She danced around behind Alice Hooper mimicking his moves perfectly, even managing to roll her own hat down her arm and catching it.

She giggled the whole time while her Grampa stood backstage and just shook his head at her antics with a rock legend.

Two songs later it was time to go and after exchanging banter and a kiss on his cheek, little Rosie was waved off by a laughing singer shaking his head.

"That was some conversation you two were having kiddo." Grampa said curiosity nearly killing him.

"Uh huh. I thanked Mr Hooper for letting me up there. I told him what I could cross off my bucket list. I'm allowed to tell because he helped. That's in the Code." She said seriously.

"Oh yeah, and he said I'd better stay off the railing. He said he's too old for the shock. He's funny."

"He wanted to know if I had a plan for world domination on my list. He said I could probably do it by the time I was 21." She giggled.

Highly entertained Grampa asked what her answer was.

"I told him I couldn't say if I did or not because it was against the Code to tell, and if I did we were both dead meat."

Grampa roared laughing and simply said "let's go find Grammy before anything else happens."

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