Chapter Forty. Fallout.

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There was the final shot. Sang, with a truly beautiful smile suddenly winking at the camera while she gave that famous giggle.

It was only after watching the film a second time that I truly realised just how much Miss Sorenson had opened up to us and began to trust. For an ordinary person it may have seemed as though Miss Sorenson told us nothing about herself before this.

But we all knew just how unique and extraordinary she really was, and I was kicking myself for not understanding earlier just how open she had actually been given her life before meeting us. She simply didn't talk about what she considered unimportant. We just needed her to understand that she was important. To all of us.

Amongst my family there was complete silence. I had never, in all the years we had been together, seen all the boys so stunned they were speechless.

I could see the pain on each face, and I knew how they felt. Sean and I had discussed this the night before. I knew this wasn't from seeing Miss Sorenson in a way they were not expecting or finding out just what she was capable of.

This was shock and disbelief at the unknown evil that had wrapped itself around Miss Sorenson's heart and mind and taken something vital from her. What that evil was exactly no one but the perpetrators and Miss Sorenson knew.

Sean and I had both felt last night that today was not the time to be pushing for more from Sang. It was noticeable she was still affected by her head trauma and became drowsy frequently, was still easily irritated and her headaches would probably recur for a few days yet.

Besides, Sang was someone who dealt with personal distress better by examining those issues piece by piece, when the hurt and emotions had settled down and her head was clearer. We had both noticed this in the past.

Watching Kota walk out in total silence and everyone struggling to keep it together, I quickly sent Sean a text checking his and Miss Sorenson's arrival time. I needed to help the boys reign their anger and pain in enough so they could see Miss Sorenson without totally overwhelming her with their emotions.

Because that would not be fair to anyone, and I acknowledged that the guys had a right to their anger. But we all needed to be as calm about this as we could be.

So when I saw both Victor and Luke rise to follow Kota I nod my head in approval. Surprisingly, those two had appeared to take viewing Miss Sorenson's life events better than all their brothers. But I was grateful for their support. I would deal with my brothers here and seek Kota out soon. I knew both Victor and Luke would care for him until I could.


Kota walked out to the balcony from the office. He sat and took off his glasses pushing his shaking palms hard into his eyes, trying to gain control of his anger and pain. He couldn't remember feeling this way in years. But right now the anger pulsing through him seemed almost overwhelming.

He sighed when he heard footsteps and without looking up said "Guys. I really need to be alone at the moment."

"Too bad. Because Kota we are not leaving you to wallow in your misery. You're not the family lead at the moment. You're a guy who's in pain and angry, because his girl is suffering, and probably planning revenge. We understand that." Victor stated bluntly.

"Really. That's good to know" Kota growled "because I'm thinking dropping her family down a really deep mineshaft right about now is my kind of justice. I bet all my other brothers would back me up too. Sang I'm not so sure about, but she never wants to hurt anyone, good or bad. As for me. Well that's not an issue really. Not in this instance. Not any more."

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