Chapter four.

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The Boys POVs

Well fuck. I cannot believe this. We leave Trouble with Dr Green and Mr Blackbourne for one fucking night to do a simple but time consuming job. At fucking home, no less and what happens! Trouble finds trouble. Every single motherfucking time. Jesus Christ. You'd think out of all of us those two could stop Trouble creating chaos. But apparently not. When I get my hands on her she's grounded. For life. And so are those two fuckers if they can't explain what the hell happened.

Aggele mou is in hospital. Fuck. This is all my fault. I should have insisted I stay behind or she came with us. Apparently that would have been safer. Why does everything seem to happen to my little angel. I hope to God she's okay and this is just something like they're visiting someone. But I know in my heart that isn't the case, and I start praying.

What the hell happened to Peanut. We left her happy and safe at home. Well, obviously we underestimated Peanut's ability to stay safe. But seriously, how much trouble could she have gotten into! Fuck. I think I need blood pressure tablets because my girl can cause stress like no one else I know. Can't this vehicle go any faster.

What has happened to Princess! She was having dinner with Dr Green and Mr Blackbourne, and she was looking forward to going through those books of hers. How can that agenda go wrong? God. What will it take to keep her safe. We need to sort this out. She can't keep getting hurt. I won't survive if she leaves because she's never safe, and I know North and I aren't the only ones to feel like that. I sigh and check my seat belt is on.

When we got the call from Mr Blackbourne saying Sang was at the hospital I felt sick. What happened to Cupcake this time? All the message said was Sang was currently at the hospital and for us to meet there. Could he have been any more obscure. Considering North is the one driving I think a little more information would have been helpful. Not to mention potentially life saving. Because I'm thinking Sang is going to be seriously upset if we end up in a hospital ward too. I breathe a small sigh of relief when Kota gets off the phone and tells us she is okay and had just woken up. Apparently this doesn't calm North down any because now he's bellowing about her needing to wake up at all. All any of us can do is sigh and make sure we are all wearing seat belts.

What the motherfucking hell happened to my Sang Baby!!!! And why didn't those assholes find a way to contact us as soon as something happened. Fuck the radio silence rule when on a stealth mission. We should have been told. I don't fucking care how unreasonable I'm being. This is Sang we're talking about here. If she has so much as a broken finger nail I'm out for blood and heads are fucking rolling, and I press my foot down harder.

1,2,3,4,5,6. Oh who am I kidding. Counting isn't going to work to calm me down until I can count Sang's fingers and toes and I make certain they're still attached to the rest of her. I need to see her and make sure she's okay. I do trust Mr Blackbourne but I can't seem to relax until I see her for myself and he didn't seem to know exactly what happened before they found her either. 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9, 10 .........
This is a nightmare. What does it take to keep her safe?

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