Welcome! (Please Read!!)

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Hi! Welcome to my revamped Ship Opinions book!

Some of you may know that I had a different one before this installment. I deleted it because it was made in 2017 (so 5 years ago— o.O), and let me tell you... some of the opinions were very shallow, unexplained, and just flat out biased 😅

So I've decided to start anew! I will try to put my biases aside as I try to explain why I like or dislike certain ships ^^ None of that "oh I ship so and so therefore I don't like this ship" bs.

I will also analyze as much as I can, so some chapters will be lengthy if I have a lot to say 😅 I hope you don't mind and see my opinions and thoughts through!

Now, here's some extra info and rules ^^

(My fandoms will be listed towards the end!! :D)

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- I will no longer use numbers to rate ships. I will only express my opinions on them. Words are better than numbers :) (Also the number system is kind of inconsistent 😅)

- I will organize this book with each new chapter BY FANDOM. It will be easier for you to find the chapters you're interested in that way ^^
Whether I add a Table of Contents or add "Start of Section ____" to the first chapter of the section, we will see :>
I also feel like I might make a Miscellaneous category since I may not have enough chapters for each franchise 😂 I'll say what the franchise is in the title of the Miscellaneous chapters 👀

- In each chapter, I'll try to go into what I like/dislike about the ships! I don't want it to be all one sided, you know? I can also try to see the ship from a shipper's/non-shipper's perspective 👀

- I will sometimes just talk about ships that weren't even requested if I ever feel like going on a tangent 😂

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**Ground Rules!**

- Please be respectful!! If you don't share a certain opinion or have other things to say, please express yourself respectfully— don't be aggressive! ^^ I'll try my best to be calm as well :)
Going off of this, do not start fights with me or other commenters. I think that's self explanatory.

- I will only rate ships from fandoms I'm familiar with! ^^ Don't pressure me to talk about unfamiliar ships anyway! (I don't know how valid my opinion would be if I don't know much about it XD)

- Please be patient with me! If you request a ship for me to rate, I'll try to write about it as soon as I can (unless it's one I'm unfamiliar with— I will tell you if that's the case). Don't rush me! ^^

- I will NOT rate canon x OC or OC x OC!!
I've had people ask me to rate ships with my own OCs with canon characters— and although I'm flattered you want to know the relationships with my OCs and other characters... it just feels weird to rate a ship with my own character in it 😅

- I will NOT rate real life ships/couples! (i.e. Septiplier, Jameden, Shartney (or any of the Smosh ships XD), etc)

- I will NOT rate cross-fandom ships!! They're too confusing for me 😂 (Sorry Mordetwi and Sondash shippers XD)

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Unless I can think of anything else, that's all the info!

Ah, it just feels so nice to start fresh ^^ all those old opinions were weighing me down and I got anxious every time I got a new reader/commenter in that book 😂

Do you guys like my new cover? 😂 I'm sorry I just can't get over it, I love the aesthetic and the reference XD

(For those of you who don't know, Fire Emblem, one of the fandoms I'm in, has a "Support" system that allows you to pair characters :D I had to throw that reference into the cover 😂)


I guess that's a good transition into the fandoms I'm a part of/know of enough to rate ships! ^^

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- Omori

- Sonic the Hedgehog (Not Archie!!)

- The Owl House

- Fire Emblem Three Houses
I also know a little about Fates, but not enough about the shipping :/

- Danganronpa
Only 1-3, I don't know Despair Girls 😂😅
~As of 2023, I have also seen the anime :)

- Fullmetal Alchemist
I've only seen Brotherhood as of adding this to the list! ^^

- Chainsaw Man
I've only seen the anime (S1), I am not following the manga, so.. that's all I can really rate for now XD

- Avatar the Last Airbender (I guess LoK too)

- The Dragon Prince

- Undertale (please no AUs!! I used to know a lot of them, but there are too many for me to keep track of >.<)
Deltarune is also eligible, I know enough about it XD

- Gravity Falls

- Kid Icarus (Uprising specifically)

- Doki Doki Literature Club

- Super Mario

- Star VS The Forces of Evil

- Amphibia

I am no longer in this fandom, but I know a TON about it since I've been in it for several years. Yes I watched all 9 seasons plus EG :)

~ extra fandom info ~

Although I am into the MCU and Stranger Things, I will NOT be rating those ships!! I feel like they'd be very out of place in this book 😅

Just a heads up— I don't watch Anime!! So it's very likely that if you ask me to rate a ship from, idk, let's say MHA, I will most likely NOT know it!!

Update from May 2023

So uh... that sentence aged well XD

I actually have started watching anime, I let the grudge go 😂 But even then, I haven't seen much! Only four as of now :)

Those being:
- Danganronpa
- Mob Psycho 100
- Chainsaw Man
- Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood

(I love FMAB so much btw)

So.... Yeah! That's that :)

Update end

**If you have a ship from a fandom that's not listed, PLEASE ask me if I know the franchise first!!**

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And that's all I have to say for now!!

Feel free to start commenting different ships I should talk about!

Cheers to a new (and hopefully much healthier 😅) Ship Opinions book!! ^^💗💗

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