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Ah, here it is. Katara x Aang.

I'm kind of neutral about this ship, mostly because it's canon and I kind of expected it to happen as soon as Aang started crushing on Katara. I'm not a hardcore shipper of Kataang, but I do support it and it's really cute :)

There's a lot of things to like about them, really. Katara's face is the first face Aang saw when he was released from the iceberg back in the first episode, so we already know that it's fate and all that 😂 I can't remember when Aang started crushing on Katara, but it definitely began towards the beginning or halfway through season 1.

Aang's twelve (or 112 if we're thinking logically, but we're not gonna do that—) so his crush on Katara is kind of cute and childish 😂❤️ It's very realistic— he's so awkward when it comes to him being with her, and he can get a little jealous of others making moves on her. Sometimes he overdoes it, but keep in mind, he's still a kid at heart. He'll mature as he grows :)

Katara's side is also pretty realistic. She's surprisingly oblivious, but when Aang does confess, she doesn't know what to say. When he kissed her before the battle on the Day of Black Sun, she of course was flustered. When Aang actually confessed to her during the play, she told him she was confused with everything going on at the moment. Maybe she knew she liked him since she got with him at the end of the finale, but just didn't want to commit to anything before the war ended, which is completely understandable! (Aang did make the small mistake of not respecting her boundaries/wishes in that moment, but he did hate himself for a minute for screwing up, which is completely normal and believable)

I feel like the major complaints this ship might get is Aang's behavior and it being one sided for a good while. Again, the thing is, Aang's a kid. You're telling me that you didn't try to be with your childhood crush as much as possible? Pff, I had a crush on someone when I was twelve and even though I was scared to approach him, I still tried to do things to get to talk to him. It's completely normal at that age!

Katara is older, as she is fourteen— basically the age that most freshmen (first year high schoolers) are. Of course her approach to love is more subtle, even though she's been attracted to quite a few different guys throughout the show (except Sokka and Zuko since Sokka is her brother ofc, and she hated Zuko with a burning passion for more than half of the show XD).

Something that does bother me is when the show glorifies Katara or gives her a bunch of sparkle filters and shit when she does something, like putting on a fucking necklace Aang made her -_- Like they really had to push it in our faces that Katara is supposed to be hella attractive to Aang, did they.. We get it, Katara's pretty (with her hair down at least), just stop throwing sparkles at us 😭

Or maybe I'm a weird person and everybody likes the filters and I don't know it??? Idk XD

I also don't like how the toxic Zutara shippers treat Aang with Kataang. I'm not gonna talk about Zutara in this chapter since that's supposed to be the next ATLA one I talk about on my list, but my god, one thing I will say regarding to Kataang about the Zutara shippers is they just shit on Aang, which is really stupid. It's just for petty reasons and stuff. I remember clearly there was this one Zutara tiktok I found in an ALTA compilation on YouTube in which a girl was ranting about Katara ending up with Aang and not Zuko. Here is what she said:

"So you're telling me that Katara, princess of the Southern Water Tribe, master waterbender, (she said something else but I forgot what it was) ended up with scrawny kid Aang when daddy Zuko was RIGHT THERE??"

...Do you all see my issue here? XD

Katara is not a princess. She's the daughter of the chief, but she was never established with the princess title. As for Aang, he's not some scrawny kid! He is literally the Avatar, and you'd be wise to shut your damn mouth, toxic Zutara shipper 😂

Ahem.. please excuse me, it pisses me off when people act like this. Of course, we're still talking about Kataang here; I just brought that up because, again, a lot of haters of Kataang like to mistreat Aang, which is sad to see. He's just a kid! Of course he's gonna mature and not act so childish eventually. To me, Aang's crush on Katara makes you cringe, but in a way that makes you relate to it since it's very likely you've done similar things before, and it's nice to see that the two do end up together, even after all those little setbacks and embarrassing moments XD

All in all, I do find Kataang to be a sweet ship :)) It showcases a realistic kind of childhood crush/love, and I do also think it's nice that they do marry in the future :> kinda shows how far their friendship went, y'know?

Alright! That's all I have to say about this one, I can't think of anything else XD Thanks for reading! ^^

(Posted 9/19/21)

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