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Alright, this is the last ship request I have for now— again, feel free to ask for more in the comments of any of these parts! ^^

But anyway, here we have the infamous Sonadow, aka Sonic x Shadow.

I do see why people like and dislike this ship. Some people really just like the "enemies to lovers" trope (though Shadow's not necessarily a bad guy) and the "goofball x tsundere" or something (Shadow would probably be a male tsundere to an extent if he had a crush on Sonic :/). But people also just don't like this kind of relationship... and then there are the homophobes 😅

Some people are like "oooo ooo Sonic and Shadow aren't gay!! >.<"

And I agree— I don't think they are. However, that is only because that if Sonic was to be into males, he'd be bi at most since he's canonically dated a female and has been paired with them several times before. Of course, he can change his sexuality, but I don't think it's very likely that he's be fully into males. That's only a personal headcanon ofc— I usually go for the most logical sounding things 😂

Shadow on the other hand doesn't really seem to express too much on the love side of things 😅 I think he'd be pan? Maybe? Maybe even graysexual. I dunno. I just don't get gay vibes from him.

(Listen, my friend group of 20+ people is full of people in the LGBT community, I kind of know what vibes gays, lesbians, and bi/pan people give off 😂)

Anyway, when it comes to Sonadow as a ship itself...

I have a soft spot for it 😅 If handled correctly with both of their characterizations, I think it can be really cute :)

My ideal version of Sonadow is them opening up to one another about their pasts and knowing when to take things seriously— so basically them in SA2-06. Yes, Sonic is a goofball, but I feel that Shadow was genuinely upset with something, Sonic would take it easy on him and try to help like any good goof like him would. And I don't think Shadow's supposed to be a jerk like he is now in recent media. He's just reserved and doesn't express too much of himself. That's the kind of relationship I like between them.

...wait do you guys see the parallels between this and Sonaze— 🤣🤣👏🏻

Point is, I just miss the past characterizations of these characters, because they had some reality to them and weren't just cartoonish personalities 😅

OH I also really love the Sonadow comics and scenarios some people draw/write 😂 they're just so dorky and funny— they'd definitely have a slice-of-life kind of relationship XD

But for the negatives...

I guess my biggest issue, like with Sonamy, is how the fans interpret the characters in this relationship. Shadow is not necessarily a tsundere and he doesn't hate everyone, and Sonic doesn't go out of his way to annoy everyone— he would only do this to his enemies 😂

I just feel like this relationship wouldn't even happen unless a serious situation comes up that allows them to open up and take each other seriously.

Also... omfg the amount of NSFW this ship has 😭 there's so much—

Like, does everyone really find their ship trope that "sexy"?? I literally shudder at the thought 🤣

But anyway—

This ship heavily relies on headcanons, tbh. Heck, even I just made one up there while trying to describe my interpretation of a healthy/realistic Sonadow relationship!

There's just not enough canon material that's, hm, consistent. That's the word. Like Sonadow in the Dreamcast/Dark Era would've been pretty okay actually! But modern Sonadow..? Ehh... no... Sonic and Shadow both suffer nowadays in writing :/

I think you guys can tell I have a type 😂

Something I do wanna add to the whole mischaracterization thing is something I actually came across on Twitter today. This person tweeted something along the lines of this:

"You know a ship is bad if people have to mischaracterize the characters for the ship to work."

And I agree with that for the most part!!

The majority of Sonadow (and Sonamy) shippers tend to mischaracterize one or both of them, and it's just.. :P

Yes, headcanons are good and fun to have! But to make that the base of the entire ship, you know? I have some headcanons for my ships, but I ship them for different reasons, not because of my own interpretations.

So, all in all, I do appreciate some Sonadow. It depends on how it's handled for me. I do think it can be cute! But I don't ship it with all my heart.

That's all I have for this one!

Feel free to comment down more ships for me to talk about!! (As many as you want 😂) I have no requests as of now, and I don't really have a ship in mind I wanna rant about XD

So yeah, feel free to comment down whatever as long as I know of it! :D

Until next time ^^

(Posted 8/22/21)

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