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Alright, here's the second ship that was requested!

Sonamy, aka Sonic x Amy

As many of you who have followed me for a while know, I'm not exactly the biggest fan of this ship.

It's okay if you are, I'm just not 😅

Before I get into detail, let me say some positives!

Their friendship in the IDW comics is definitely much better, but there's no explanation for how Amy's development happened from the Dark Era to the Meta Era and IDW.

The same goes to Boom. In Boom, I feel like a relationship between them makes more sense 😂 it's funny seeing the two of them jealous— but I think that should stay in Boom.

And I also have to say— there are a lot of talented artists out there who make really adorable art of the two!

I have several artist friends who ship it and draw amazing art of them, like moonlit_oasis, chinchilla010, sonic_comicsart, danielasdoodles, and arsworlds, just to name a few! You guys should check all of them out on Insta and Twitter ;) if you ship Sonamy, they will not disappoint XD

But... even so, I do have several issues with the ship. It could be because of my stubbornness, but I'll tell you now, I used to be far more hostile towards this ship years ago (which I am ashamed of 😔)

So please respect everything I say here! 😅 You can still like the ship, I'm not gonna tell you what to do :)

...Now onto the actual stuff I'm gonna say :'))

One of the main issues I have with the ship as a  whole does include the fanbase— while there are many sane and good shippers (like the friends/mutuals I listed before), there's also... erm... that part of the fanbase 😅

I've come across many aggressive Sonamy fans— even Sonamy haters!— and it just made me dislike being around the ship even more. I never really liked it to begin with, so the kinds of people who are screaming "OOO SONAMY IS CANON IT'S THE ONE TRUE SHIP YOUR SHIP IS INVALID" or even "OH YOU SHIP SONAMY?? YOU'RE A PEDO" drive me insane -_-

I also would like to say that even though I dislike the ship, being a Sonamy fan is not being a pedo. People throw that word so loosely nowadays 😒

This is the one thing I'll defend this ship for— just because Sonic and Amy have a three year gap difference does not at all mean they're illegal. My stance (for any ship with these kinds of age gaps) is that it's illegal if they're actively doing, y'know, that stuff while there's a minor involved.

But let's move past the fanbase and onto the ship itself.

I hate to break it to the fans, but I don't think Amy was ever meant to be Sonic's girlfriend. Sonic was initially supposed to be with a human woman named Madonna in the first game (the idea was scrapped though), then Sally came into the picture, and even in the games, there was supposed to be a character named Tiara Boobowski (why did they do that to her last name -_- co to za kurwa nazwisko—)

Oh, and we can't forget dear ol' Elise—who wasn't scrapped— right? XD

Yeah.. so for those crazy people who say that they were "meant to be" from the start... uhhh?? Might wanna fact check 😅

Like okay yeah they can always break up and stuff, but I hate it when someone calls the ship— or any ship for that matter— "canon" :')

Other stuff—

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